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万兴视频播放器(Wondershare Player)v1.6.0 汉化版
万兴视频播放器(Wondershare Player)v1.6.0 汉化版
< 版权所有&&有没有人会用VLC media player播放器啊_百度知道
有没有人会用VLC media player播放器啊
这到底是怎么回事呀,拜托了!急待高人指点一二.8,可我下载的VLC media playerV0,连完全的电影都无法播放我在使用bt下载电影时经常遇到下到98~99%时无法下载了的情况,网上有人说VLC media player播放器可以播放下载不完全的电影.2播放器只能播放歌
高清播放器个软件如今用户对视频质量的要求越来越高,1080p的Full HD(全高清)标准也越来越普及,一款普通的视频播放器可能已经满足不了大家对享受顶级高清画质的追求了,今天pc6为大家带来高清播放器下载排行榜,想必很多发烧友用户也想知道高清播放器哪个好用吧?下面就一起来关注一下吧~!
等级: 官网版71.7M简体推荐理由:完美解码是一款能实现各种流行视频音频完美回放及编码的全能型影音解码包,是视频播放/编码爱好者的理想选择 等级:官方中文版31.3M多国语言[中文]推荐理由:Kmplayer-来自韩国的影音全能播放器,支持中文,KMPlayer支持几乎全部音视频格式,主流视频包括:AVI、RealMedia、MPEG 1/2/4、ASF、MKV、FLV、DVD、MP4、Xvid、DivX、H.264等。主流音频格式包括:APE、MP3、WAV、MPC、Flac、MIDI等 等级:5.46.官方版35.5M简体推荐理由:暴风影音2014官方最新版,万能播放服务升级,提供720P真高清视频,安装速度更快 等级:V5.20.234官方版31.2M简体推荐理由:快播5.0官方版集成了全新播放引擎,不但支持自主研发的准视频点播技术,而且还是免费的在线点播软件,用户只需通过几分钟的缓冲即可直接观看丰富的在线影视节目 等级:官方正式版46.9M简体推荐理由:百度影音播放器是百度公司最新推出的电影播放器,支持主流媒体格式的视频、音频文件,支持本地播放和在线点播视频 等级:V14.0.4704.58140M简体推荐理由:PowerDVD不仅支持蓝光电影、3D蓝光电影、DVD视频、大多数视频格式文件、音乐文件,而且还可以将2D电影转换为3D电影来观看,PowerDVD 绝对是您播放蓝光, 3D及其他媒体内容的最佳选择 等级:3.8.897官方正式版26.3M简体推荐理由:QQ影音首创轻量级多播放内核技术,深入挖掘和发挥新一代显卡的硬件加速能力,软件追求更小、更快、更流畅,让您在没有任何插件和广告的专属空间里 等级:官方免费版45M简体推荐理由:迅雷看看播放器2015,更好地整合了迅雷网页看看的特性,支持本地播放与在线视频点播,为用户提供海量电视剧、电影等视频内容 等级:v11.中文注册版101M多国语言[中文]推荐理由:WinDVD是全球首屈一指的 DVD 和 Blu-ray 播放器软件 等级:v1.6.52782绿色中文版20.4M简体推荐理由:PotPlayer播放器点播,视屏收视,媒体分享,在线聊天为一体,具有DXVA 硬件解码以及多线程解码功能,使您能更流畅的观看高清影片 等级:官方版38.8M多国语言[中文]推荐理由:MPlayer是唯一支持P2P软件在线点播的万能、防毒播放器。可在Vagaa、BT、电驴等软件中实现边下载边看 等级:v1.6中文版11.2M简体推荐理由:X3D播放器(x3D-Video Player)可以帮助你打开并播放3d视频文件。您将能够观看视频和电影,在3D应用程序显示文件信息 等级:v6.6.1.190 中文版99M简体推荐理由:TMT5全能高清播放器。无论是播放本地计算机上的蓝光光盘DVD、AVCHD和高清视频,还是播放UPnP服务器上的网络视频或Internet上的在线视频,它都能得心应手 等级:V2.4.3.0免费中文版9.6M简体推荐理由:DVDFab Media Player是一种极佳的Blu-ray&DVD蓝光dvd播放器,用于Windows操作系统。可独立播放任何商业蓝光&DVD光碟 等级:v1.1.5.1106绿色中文版45.1M简体推荐理由:iDeer Blu-ray Player是一款非常好的蓝光电影播放器,不仅可以作为普通的视频播放器,还可以作为专业的蓝光光盘播放器,播放的高清蓝光影片质量非常好 等级:v2.14.1.1533中文免费版36.9M简体推荐理由:Aurora Blu-ray Media Player是一款专业的品质卓越的蓝光高清播放器,Aurora Blu-ray Media Player界面漂亮,使用简单,完美兼容windows 8 等级:v6.2.50免费版35.8M英文推荐理由:Aiseesoft Blu-ray Player 是一款强大易用的蓝光视频播放器。Aiseesoft Blu-ray Player可以让用户在家里享受任何优秀,完美的视频质量的蓝光电影 等级:v4.0.1.1399中文免费版37.4M简体推荐理由:易播播放器(Easy DVD Player)是一款在Windows平台上运行的功能强大并且简单易用的多媒体播放软件。它不仅能够播放DVD,并且可以兼容播放蓝光影碟以及蓝光镜像文件 等级:V1.0 绿色版9.2M简体推荐理由:Butterfly3D是全能的2D和3D视频播放软件,它支持几乎所有媒体格式,支持全部【偏光式3D(不闪式3D)显示器/3D电视】,支持【DLP 3D Ready投影机】,以及AMD HD3D、NVIDIA 3D Vision等模式 等级:官方中文版6.5M简体推荐理由:GOM Player是一种本身装有视频播放所需的解码,及占用系统资源少, 并且能以最优秀的画质来观看多种格式影片的播放程序 等级:V2.1.5 官方安装版23.5M多国语言[中文]推荐理由:一个操作非常简单的媒体播放器,支持多种音频视频格式(mpeg-1, mpeg-2, mpeg-4, divx, mp3, ogg...)和流媒体协议 等级:V1.4.3.5780中文版28.7M简体推荐理由:最强的播放器MPC-HC没落了,MPC-BE来了。mpc-be 是从mpc-hc分离出来的,重新编译优化的版本,解码器不同,界面也多有美化 等级:v19.38官方版19.4M简体推荐理由:完美高清(影片直逼720P)一款国际首创在线播放时,对音轨,字幕进行切换,并可对字幕样式进行调节!具有灵活点播的功能,边下边看,无需等待下载。 操作简单,界面简洁,播放流畅,越多人看越流畅。 等级:v10.2.1.132免费中文版54.3M多国语言[中文]推荐理由:DivX Plus作为全球最流行的数字视频软件,DivX又推出全新一代DivX+ 软件第9版,更快、更好、更多免费功能――新增 iPhone/iPad视频文件转换、硬件加速、DLNA串流播放 等级:v2.3.3免费中文版6.7M多国语言[中文]推荐理由:Stereoscopic Player是一款3D电影播放软件,能够播放立体视频和DVD 等级:14.9.0免费中文版47M多国语言[中文]推荐理由:SMPlayer除了播放能力强大外,还支持记忆播放、播放列表、字幕、音轨切换、均衡器等功能 等级:v2.11.15最新版(兼容win7)5.8M简体推荐理由:scenicplayer播放器可以对录制器录制过的文件进行同步或异步播放, 并通过播放器或多媒体在线点播系统进行播放或在线点播。主要可用于教学过程的录制和播放、多媒体演示、教学软件的制作等方面 等级:V9.0官方版11.4M简体推荐理由:mkv播放器是一款免费的多媒体视频播放器,自带视频和音频解码器,不需要再安装第三方的解码器 等级:v1.0官方版34.3M简体推荐理由:kuanPlayer是一款全能的播放器,它采用扁平化设计风格,操作简单(简化少用的菜单和按钮),
还能播放流媒体协议的文件 等级:v0.2.6官方版7.7M简体推荐理由:milkplayer针对高清视频文件进行优化,对于想要获得更高品质视频播放享受的人士来说,是必备的媒体播放器 等级:V1.0.4官方版7.2M简体推荐理由:泡泡影音是一款可在线欣赏视频的客户端软件的客户端软件,让您可以在线享受丰富多彩的直播和点播节目、播放流畅、完全免费,是网民喜爱的播放软件之一 等级:v1.6.0中文版25.5M简体推荐理由:Wondershare Player 是一款集本地视频播放和在线视频播放下载功能于一体的全功能播放器,Wondershare播放器,可以流畅播放几乎所有的视频格式,在电影院般的设置和书签喜爱的在线视频,享受随时随地 等级:v0.85免费版26.6M多国语言[中文]推荐理由:JuceVLC是一款功能强大的全屏视频播放器。该软件是采用VLC开发的,有着类似MediaCenter的用户界面体验,有了他,你就可以在沙发上或者床上来用无线鼠标浏览和欣赏电影了 等级:19-19中文版17.8M简体推荐理由:完美高清播放器(i264Player) 国际首创在线播放时,对音轨,字幕进行切换,并可对字幕样式进行调节!具有灵活点播的功能,边下边看,无需等待下载 等级: 中文版9.3M简体推荐理由:Metal Player 支持大多数媒体文件,MPEG,VOB(DVD),AVI,WAV,MIDI,MOV,ASF,DIVX,FLV,M3K,3GP 。Metal Player 有一个内置的均衡器,频谱=,混响,播放列表,在播放列表搜索,日程歌曲,键盘快捷键,以及许多其他功能 等级:v4.1.8.93免费版9.2M简体推荐理由:AVS DVD Player是一个免费的全能DVD视频播放器。可以播放多种格式的媒体文件 等级:v1.4.0.1官方免费版10.1M英文推荐理由:DVD游侠播放器(DVD-Ranger Player)是一个小巧轻便且功能卓越的DVD播放器 等级:V9.9.7.0518 中文版8.4M多国语言[中文]推荐理由:梦幻影吧(FantasyDVD Player)是一款界面精致、功能点强大的DVD播放软件 等级:简体中文正式版391KB多国语言[中文]推荐理由:realplayer播放器可以分类管理视频、音乐、图片等媒体文件,对视频可进行修剪,画面截屏等操作,支持将下载视频上传到YouTube等视频网站Mac App Store - Wondershare Player
Mac App StoreMac App Store is the simplest way to find and download apps for your Mac.To download Wondershare Player from the Mac App Store, you need a Mac with OS X 10.6.6 or later.
Wondershare Player
By Wondershare Software Co., Ltd
Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps.
*****Play virtually any video out there. *****Ultrafasto Intelligento Neato Express HD *****Key Features1. Everything Plays Right, All the Time
Sick of hopelessly dragging media files into every player on your desktop- just on the off-chance one of them works? Imagine the end of annoying codec errors, unplayable video, unreadable media files- for good. With Wondershare Player, you can play virtually any video and simplify your media enjoymento Enjoy media seamlessly, including Standard & HD video/audioo Play MKV, WMV, MPEG, AVI and many more formats in high qualityo Supports virtually any audio format: WMA, MP3, M4A, AAC, FLAC, etc. 2. Fast Enough to Keep up with the Latest Media Tired of movies that take forever to load or play with jerky cuts while you're just trying to enjoy the action? Well, with Wondershare player, movies start playing instantly and keep playing seamlessly. 3. Big Screen Excitement like Never BeforeRediscover HD video the way it was intended: Crisp detail, liquid motion and colors you have to see to believe. o It's a stunning media experience like never before- every image, every action, alive before your eyes.
4. Intuitive Design Makes it Easy to EnjoyoCustomize subtitle size, color, font and position as you like o Resume media files from right where you left offo Add media files to automatically create a playlisto Privacy mode clears your playback history ------------------------------------------------------------------*****Time-Limitted Offer: Wondershare Video Converter UltimateAll-in-one Mac video converter to convert video and home DVD to video/audio, burn video to DVD, and download video. *Convert video & audio to and from AVI, WMV, MP4, MOV, FLV, MKV etc.*Convert & copy home DVDs and burn any video to DVDs*Download web videos easily and quickly*Enjoy media files on iPad, iPhone, iPod, PSP etc.*Create 3D movies from any 2D video on Mac now! *****Need help with this product or want to tell us what you think of our products? Please contact us and you will receive a reply within 24 hours. Please put "Mac App Store" in your subject to get your request prioritized.
/wondershare*****We'd appreciate it if you could please write a quick review of this app.
What's New in Version 1.5.0
1.Support 5.1 channel.2.Optimizing for hardware speed-up.3. Super subtitle effect.4.Fix some bugs.
Customer Reviews
Hijacks your video preferences
I downloaded this because VLC was having trouble with some .wmv files. Wondershare played them fine and I thought I'd just found myself another great option for playing video.HOWEVER, I wanted to keep playing certain other movie types with VLC or Quicktime Player. I saw that all my movie types were now set to Wondershare Player -- no problem, I just used Get Info and changed my preferred player for those other types. But then a little while later I double-clicked a filetype I had set to open with VLC and guess what? Wondershare Player had hijacked my preferences and set itself as the default for all movie types again. I tried this a few times and Wondershare kept doing the same thing.I find this behavior inexcusable and was about to delete the program. Only after looking through the application's preferences, under &Associations,& was I able to control what Wondershare would (and wouldn't) open and have it stick. I'm giving it two stars because it did play the .wmv files I couldn't otherwise have played smoothly, and I was able to stop it from hijacking my preferences, though not using the normal and accepted Mac method.
Audio Echo Effect Anyone?
Within the first 10 minutes of playing a file (.MKV in particular), the sound between the left and right speaker gets off and an echo effect happens. This is when it is set to “Stereo” under the “Audio” tab in the settings. Unfortunately the only way to stop this is to switch the audio to either the L or R speaker entirely. There is no setting that I can mess with to change this, so it leads me to believe that it is the player or the file not my computer.It technically should be a 2 star app for this, however, I will grant it another star simply because of the shere amount of files it can open and how aesthetically pleasing it is.
Hardware Accelaeration finally…...
thanks for the update dev, happy to see that you guy finally add hardware accelleration but its kinda anoying to play the file first then press X to activate the hardware accell. Can you implement it on to the preferences so we can just choose to use it or not by default. Update on the review, i just found a problem with this app, problem with the audio downmix from muti channel movie files, it sound very echoing where it doesn't happen with the previous app or other app that i tested with.
FreeCategory: Version: 1.5.0Size: 14.4 MBLanguages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, SpanishSeller: Wondershare Software Co., LtdCompatibility: OS X 10.6 or later
Customer Ratings
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