6.3.9600 暂缺 windows8.1build9600 9600是什么意思

阅读权限14威望0 级论坛币1 个学术水平0 点热心指数0 点信用等级0 点经验70 点帖子3精华0在线时间9 小时注册时间最后登录
积分 10, 距离下一级还需 14 积分
权限: 设置帖子权限
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板, 金钱卡
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
谢谢楼主分享!已经下载了64位的,能给我传一份安装方法吗, 非常感谢!
阅读权限28威望0 级论坛币1953 个学术水平17 点热心指数23 点信用等级12 点经验26494 点帖子311精华0在线时间611 小时注册时间最后登录
积分 959, 距离下一级还需 416 积分
权限: 自定义头衔, 签名中使用图片, 隐身
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板, 金钱卡, 显身卡, 匿名卡, 抢沙发下一级可获得
权限: 设置帖子权限道具: 提升卡
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
上火签到天数: 10 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
阅读权限30威望1 级论坛币9455 个学术水平29 点热心指数51 点信用等级25 点经验12855 点帖子362精华0在线时间400 小时注册时间最后登录
积分 1454, 距离下一级还需 771 积分
权限: 自定义头衔, 签名中使用图片, 设置帖子权限, 隐身
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板, 金钱卡, 显身卡, 匿名卡, 抢沙发, 提升卡下一级可获得
权限: 设置回复可见道具: 沉默卡
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
悲催签到天数: 62 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.6]常住居民II
本帖最后由 tylerma3223 于
22:54 编辑
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权限: 自定义头衔, 签名中使用图片, 设置帖子权限, 隐身
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板, 金钱卡, 显身卡, 匿名卡, 抢沙发, 提升卡下一级可获得
权限: 设置回复可见道具: 沉默卡
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
悲催签到天数: 62 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.6]常住居民II
为什么我下载了64位的和32位的都安装不上呢? 我的系统是Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows [版本 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
主机名:& && && &&&EDCBA-ABCDE
OS 名称:& && && & Microsoft Windows 8.1 中文版
OS 版本:& && && & 6.3.9600 暂缺 Build 9600
OS 制造商:& && &&&Microsoft Corporation
OS 配置:& && && & 独立工作站
OS 构件类型:& && &Multiprocessor Free
注册的所有人:& &&&ABCDE
产品 ID:& && && & -65416-AAOEM
初始安装日期:& &&&, 22:48:30
系统启动时间:& &&&, 13:33:45
系统制造商:& && & LENOVO
系统型号:& && && &20156
系统类型:& && && &x64-based PC
处理器:& && && &&&安装了 1 个处理器。
& && && && && && &[01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~1200
BIOS 版本:& && &&&LENOVO 62CN91WW,
Windows 目录:& &&&C:\WINDOWS
系统目录:& && && &C:\WINDOWS\system32
启动设备:& && && &\Device\HarddiskVolume2
系统区域设置:& &&&zh-中文(中国)
输入法区域设置:& &zh-中文(中国)
时区:& && && && & (UTC+08:00)北京,重庆,香港特别行政区,乌鲁木齐
物理内存总量:& &&&3,943 MB
可用的物理内存:& &1,117 MB
虚拟内存: 最大值: 7,911 MB
虚拟内存: 可用:& &3,395 MB
虚拟内存: 使用中: 4,516 MB
页面文件位置:& &&&D:\pagefile.sys
域:& && && && && &WORKGROUP
登录服务器:& && & \\EDCBA-ABCDE
22:41:14 上传
22:41:07 上传
阅读权限26威望0 级论坛币1986 个学术水平11 点热心指数15 点信用等级11 点经验2725 点帖子105精华0在线时间313 小时注册时间最后登录
积分 482, 距离下一级还需 318 积分
权限: 自定义头衔, 签名中使用图片
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板, 金钱卡, 显身卡, 匿名卡, 抢沙发下一级可获得
权限: 隐身
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
开心签到天数: 10 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
tylerma3223 发表于
为什么我下载了64位的和32位的都安装不上呢? 我的系统是Microsoft Windows 8.1
电脑的系统信息详情如下: ...你用的是windows 8.1 update,卸载系统更新里的两个升级文件:KB2919355和KB2919442,安装完成后再升级到8.1update
阅读权限30威望1 级论坛币9455 个学术水平29 点热心指数51 点信用等级25 点经验12855 点帖子362精华0在线时间400 小时注册时间最后登录
积分 1454, 距离下一级还需 771 积分
权限: 自定义头衔, 签名中使用图片, 设置帖子权限, 隐身
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板, 金钱卡, 显身卡, 匿名卡, 抢沙发, 提升卡下一级可获得
权限: 设置回复可见道具: 沉默卡
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
悲催签到天数: 62 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.6]常住居民II
释比偈闲 发表于
你用的是windows 8.1 update,卸载系统更新里的两个升级文件:KB2919355和KB2919442,安装完成后再升级到 ...朋友,你说的那俩文件选中之后,右击没有“卸载”的选项,上方也没有,
但是一些其他的文件选中之后,可以卸载。 如图。
12:11:59 上传
12:11:55 上传
阅读权限26威望0 级论坛币1986 个学术水平11 点热心指数15 点信用等级11 点经验2725 点帖子105精华0在线时间313 小时注册时间最后登录
积分 482, 距离下一级还需 318 积分
权限: 自定义头衔, 签名中使用图片
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板, 金钱卡, 显身卡, 匿名卡, 抢沙发下一级可获得
权限: 隐身
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
开心签到天数: 10 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
tylerma3223 发表于
但是一些其他的文件选中之后,可 ...到下载“SAS9.3_win8.1_Fix&压缩包解决。
阅读权限18威望0 级论坛币1820 个学术水平0 点热心指数0 点信用等级0 点经验413 点帖子31精华0在线时间38 小时注册时间最后登录
积分 69, 距离下一级还需 16 积分
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板, 金钱卡, 显身卡下一级可获得
权限: 自定义头衔
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
楼主,安装的时候总是提示“请插入带有以下标签的磁盘:Software Disk 1”&&是怎么回事啊? WIN 7 32bit&&的
阅读权限10威望0 级论坛币2 个学术水平0 点热心指数0 点信用等级0 点经验22 点帖子4精华0在线时间3 小时注册时间最后登录
积分 7, 距离下一级还需 3 积分
权限: 设置帖子权限
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板下一级可获得
道具: 金钱卡
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
阅读权限22威望0 级论坛币388 个学术水平0 点热心指数0 点信用等级0 点经验140 点帖子40精华0在线时间131 小时注册时间最后登录
积分 170, 距离下一级还需 90 积分
权限: 自定义头衔
道具: 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 雷鸣之声, 涂鸦板, 金钱卡, 显身卡, 匿名卡下一级可获得
权限: 签名中使用图片
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 雷鸣之声, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 涂鸦板, 热点灯
苦逼签到天数: 8 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
重定义Modern UI,打造完美Windows全新体验
查看: 8939|回复: 13
积分52最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID567563帖子PB币71 威望0 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 52, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
UID567563帖子PB币71 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
win8.1 企业版 64位 开机蓝屏 IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
升级安装时 没有这种错误出现,前两天刻盘格盘安装,安装后出现这个问题。
具体情况是: 开机后,windows徽标出现,徽标底下的 旋转小菊花 旋转几下就蓝屏,出现IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL错误。
个人做过以下工作:1. 安全模式可以进入,正常进入。所以判定是硬件问题。
但是 我还是想问一下各位大神。有过我这种问题吗? 还有其他可能吗?
我是台式机,自己组装的。win8 企业版 64位正常使用。 升级8.1也正常使用。就是全新格盘安装,出了问题。求助!!!!
积分194最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID3215781帖子PB币877 威望5 贡献0 技术62 活跃168
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 194, 距离下一级还需 6 积分
UID3215781帖子PB币877 贡献0 技术62 活跃168
积分194最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID3215781帖子PB币877 威望5 贡献0 技术62 活跃168
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 194, 距离下一级还需 6 积分
UID3215781帖子PB币877 贡献0 技术62 活跃168
积分52最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID567563帖子PB币71 威望0 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 52, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
UID567563帖子PB币71 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
hackjackyer 发表于
蓝屏 回家去拍一个好了~~ 我是3块硬盘 ,每一块都是2T~~安装的时候还不能三块盘都挂上,会不让安装,把其中两块取下来才能安装。 安装完毕后再挂上去~~~
积分114最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID3932895帖子PB币512 威望0 贡献0 技术10 活跃291
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 114, 距离下一级还需 86 积分
UID3932895帖子PB币512 贡献0 技术10 活跃291
<p id="rate_0549" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="优秀文章/资源/回复&PB币 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
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PCBETA Milestone, 积分 52, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
UID567563帖子PB币71 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
KeBugCheckEx 发表于
(18.96 KB, 下载次数: 21)
20:15 上传
下载次数: 21
下载积分: PB币 -1
20:16 上传
刚才带网络连接的安全模式 蓝屏了&&但是 不带网络连接的正常登陆
于是在该安全模式下 禁用了有线网卡~~ 现在正常了 还未出错~~~
积分114最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID3932895帖子PB币512 威望0 贡献0 技术10 活跃291
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 114, 距离下一级还需 86 积分
UID3932895帖子PB币512 贡献0 技术10 活跃291
邱行雷泽 发表于
刚才带网络连接的安全模式 蓝屏了&&但是 不带网络连接的正常登陆
于是在该 ...
经检查,应为Atheros网卡驱动程序Wireless Intermediate Miniport Driver(\SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\wsimdx.sys
<p id="rate_6714" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="热心会员&PB币 + 20
" class="mtn mbn">
积分52最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID567563帖子PB币71 威望0 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 52, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
UID567563帖子PB币71 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
KeBugCheckEx 发表于
经检查,应为Atheros网卡驱动程序Wireless Intermediate Miniport Driver(\SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS ...
积分73最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID3410648帖子PB币156 威望0 贡献0 技术0 活跃251
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 73, 距离下一级还需 127 积分
UID3410648帖子PB币156 贡献0 技术0 活跃251
8.1的问题真多 我的连系统都安装不了
积分133最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID31857帖子PB币1819 威望5 贡献0 技术0 活跃150
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 133, 距离下一级还需 67 积分
UID31857帖子PB币1819 贡献0 技术0 活跃150
积分194最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID3215781帖子PB币877 威望5 贡献0 技术62 活跃168
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 194, 距离下一级还需 6 积分
UID3215781帖子PB币877 贡献0 技术62 活跃168
邱行雷泽 发表于
蓝屏 回家去拍一个好了~~ 我是3块硬盘 ,每一块都是2T~~安装的时候还不能三块盘都挂上,会不让安装,把其 ...
积分52最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID567563帖子PB币71 威望0 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 52, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
UID567563帖子PB币71 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
hackjackyer 发表于
解决了! 是网卡驱动问题。 楼上高人指点。
我把Atheros网卡在安全模式禁用了以后 可以正常开机。开机后,把Atheros驱动卸载。尤其是手动删除了system32\DRIVERS\wsimdx.sys这个文件。然后,使用系统自带的驱动安装了网卡。一切正常。
估计就是system32\DRIVERS\wsimdx.sys这个文件的问题。 再深的就不懂了。
积分52最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID567563帖子PB币71 威望0 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 52, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
UID567563帖子PB币71 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
iproffice 发表于
Item& & & & Value& & & &
OS Name& & & & Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise& & & &
Version& & & & 6.3.9600 Build 9600& & & &
Other OS Description & & & & Not Available& & & &
OS Manufacturer& & & & Microsoft Corporation& & & &
System Manufacturer& & & & MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD& & & &
System Model& & & & P35 Platinum(MS-7345)& & & &
System Type& & & & x64-based PC& & & &
System SKU& & & & To Be Filled By O.E.M.& & & &
Processor& & & & Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU& &&&E6750&&@ 2.66GHz, 2670 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)& & & &
BIOS Version/Date& & & & American Megatrends Inc. V1.12, & & & &
SMBIOS Version& & & & 2.5& & & &
Embedded Controller Version& & & & 255.255& & & &
BIOS Mode& & & & Legacy& & & &
BaseBoard Manufacturer& & & & MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD& & & &
BaseBoard Model& & & & Not Available& & & &
BaseBoard Name& & & & Base Board& & & &
Platform Role& & & & Desktop& & & &
Secure Boot State& & & & Unsupported& & & &
PCR7 Configuration& & & & Binding Not Possible& & & &
Windows Directory& & & & C:\WINDOWS& & & &
System Directory& & & & C:\WINDOWS\system32& & & &
Boot Device& & & & \Device\HarddiskVolume4& & & &
Locale& & & & 中华人民共和国& & & &
Hardware Abstraction Layer& & & & Version = &6.3.&& & & &
Time Zone& & & & China Standard Time& & & &
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)& & & & 4.00 GB& & & &
Total Physical Memory& & & & 4.00 GB& & & &
Available Physical Memory& & & & 2.11 GB& & & &
Total Virtual Memory& & & & 8.00 GB& & & &
Available Virtual Memory& & & & 5.31 GB& & & &
Page File Space& & & & 4.00 GB& & & &
Page File& & & & C:\pagefile.sys& & & &
Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions& & & & Yes& & & &
Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions& & & & No& & & &
Hyper-V - Virtualization Enabled in Firmware& & & & Yes& & & &
Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection& & & & Yes& & & &
积分52最后登录精华0阅读权限20主题UID567563帖子PB币71 威望0 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
PCBETA Milestone, 积分 52, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
UID567563帖子PB币71 贡献0 技术0 活跃23
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Well, I had to go there eventually. So far I&#39;ve only read the Slashdot
systemd flame wars. :) I think the rc.local thing would work fine, but
using systemd is apparently the way to do it going forward.
Specifically, this is for SLES12. So far, the init scripts seem to be
working on RHEL7 (maybe).
There actually are some instructions in the latest install guide for
Fedora, so I modified those a bit and came up with this:
For SLES12:
1. Create file /etc/systemd/system/startstaf.service (this file location
seem to vary by distro) with the following contents:
Description=Start the STAF service
WantedBy=multi-user.target graphical.target
2. Create new file /usr/local/staf/STAFEnv.systemd:
# STAF environment variables for systemd startup
( I had to add some system specific PATH entries there. Before it just
inherited root&#39;s PATH, but apparently not so with systemd).
3. Run these commands:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start startstaf.service
systemctl enable startstaf.service
(I think this makes it start on boot?)
So far, so good. :)
J. Scott Farrow
On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Sharon Lucas &lucass@...& wrote:
& What Linux distribution and version are you using?
Perhaps another
& possibility is using &#34;upstart&#34; as documented for RHEL 6 in section &#34;11.
& Starting STAFProc during system reboot&#34;, subsection &#34;11.1 Linux&#34;,
& sub-subsection &#34;RHEL 6&#34; in the STAF Installation Guide at
& I haven&#39;t created a systemd startup script for STAF myself but if someone
& has one, please provide it and I can also include it in the STAF
& documentation.
& --------------------------------------------------------------
& Sharon Lucas
& IBM Austin,
& (512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
&#34;J. Scott Farrow&#34; &jscott.farrow@...&
& Subject:
[staf-users] systemd startup script for STAF on Linux?
& ------------------------------
& Before I reinvent the wheel, has anyone created a systemd startup &#39;script&#39;
& (or whatever) for STAF on Linux? My old init scripts don&#39;t seem to be
& working anymore.
& J. Scott Farrow
& ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& Dive into the World of Parallel Programming. The Go Parallel Website,
& sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is
& hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought
& leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a
& look and join the conversation now.
& _______________________________________________
& staf-users mailing list
& staf-users@...
What Linux distribution and version are you using?
Perhaps another
possibility is using &#34;upstart&#34; as documented for RHEL 6 in section &#34;11.
Starting STAFProc during system reboot&#34;, subsection &#34;11.1 Linux&#34;,
sub-subsection &#34;RHEL 6&#34; in the STAF Installation Guide at
I haven&#39;t created a systemd startup script for STAF myself but if someone
has one, please provide it and I can also include it in the STAF
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
&#34;J. Scott Farrow&#34; &jscott.farrow@...&
[staf-users] systemd startup script for STAF on Linux?
Before I reinvent the wheel, has anyone created a systemd startup &#39;script&#39;
(or whatever) for STAF on Linux? My old init scripts don&#39;t seem to be
working anymore.
J. Scott Farrow
Dive into the World of Parallel Programming. The Go Parallel Website,
sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is
hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought
leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a
look and join the conversation now.
staf-users mailing list
Before I reinvent the wheel, has anyone created a systemd startup &#39;script&#39;
(or whatever) for STAF on Linux? My old init scripts don&#39;t seem to be
working anymore.
J. Scott Farrow
When you run STAFProc as an Administrator, you also need to submit local
STAF service requests from a command prompt that is being &#39;Run as
See section &#34;Running STAFProc on Windows with User Account Controls (UAC)
Enabled&#34; in the STAF User&#39;s Guide at
5.1.2 Running STAFProc on Windows with User Account Controls (UAC) Enabled
On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and later (including Windows 7,
Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012, etc) with User Account Controls (UAC)
enabled, STAFProc is run using the least amount of privileges (e.g. that
of a standard user) even if you are logged in as an administrator. If you
want to run a process via the STAF PROCESS START request that requires
administrative privileges, such as an install program, and not get UAC
prompts, you may need to run STAFProc as an administrator. There are
several ways to do this:
Find STAFProc.exe (e.g. C:\STAF\bin\STAFProc.exe) via Windows Explorer and
right mouse click on it. To change just this one instance of starting
STAFProc, select &#34;Run as administrator&#34;.
Or, find STAFProc.exe (e.g. C:\STAF\bin\STAFProc.exe) via Windows Explorer
and right mouse click on it. Select &#34;Properties&#34; and then select the
&#34;Compatibility&#34; tab, and check the box under &#34;Privilege Level&#34; labeled
&#34;Run the program as an administrator&#34; and select OK. Now, any time you
start STAFProc it will be run as an administrator.
Or find &#34;Command Prompt&#34; and right mouse on it and select &#34;Run as
administrator&#34;. Any program such as STAFProc that is run from an
&#34;Administrator: Command Prompt&#34;, will be run as an administrator.
Note: When STAFProc.exe is run as an Administrator, you must also run
STAF.exe as an Administrator if you want to submit STAF requests from a
command prompt on the local Windows sytems. Otherwise, you&#39;ll get &#34;Error
registering with STAF, RC: 21&#34;. The same is true if you run a program on
this Windows system that submits STAF service requests using the STAF APIs
for Java, C/C++, Perl, Python, Tcl, etc, such as the STAX Monitor Java
application. The program must also be run as an Administrator (e.g. by
running it from an &#34;Administrator: Command Prompt&#34;).
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
&#34;J. Scott Farrow&#34; &jscott.farrow@...&
[staf-users] STAF on Windows - Administrator privileges?
So I&#39;m having a problem with Windows (2012 R2) where commands run via the
STAF Process service are returning different results than the same command
run locally on the host. The software maker (JDSU &#39;Medusa&#39;) says this is
because the command is not being run with full Administrator privileges.
I normally run STAFProc as a service and it is configured to run as
Administrator, but it doesn&#39;t seem to make any difference even if I do a
&#39;Run as Administrator&#39; when I start STAFProc.
Is there some config file setting or other method to ensure that process
started via STAF have full Administrator privileges in Windows?
Command output run through STAF:
C:\Users\Administrator&staf local process start command catapult parms
Return Code: 0
Return Code: 0
Medusa Labs Test Tools
Copyright (c), JDS Uniphase, Corp. All rights reserved.
Catapult 2.0 (x64) Target discovery and test management tool
Support: TechSupport-Medusa@...
Built on: Oct 20 :48
Finished querying for devices.
Available physical drives:
Indx Drive Name
Inquiry Data
Same command run from a CMD shell window:
C:\Users\Administrator&catapult -f
Medusa Labs Test Tools
Copyright (c), JDS Uniphase, Corp. All rights reserved.
Catapult 2.0 (x64) Target discovery and test management tool
Support: TechSupport-Medusa@...
Built on: Oct 20 :48
Finished querying for devices.
Available file systems:
Indx Drive
Size(MB) Label/Mount/Inquiry
194725 fs1
199609 fs2
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staf-users mailing list
So I&#39;m having a problem with Windows (2012 R2) where commands run via the
STAF Process service are returning different results than the same command
run locally on the host. The software maker (JDSU &#39;Medusa&#39;) says this is
because the command is not being run with full Administrator privileges.
I normally run STAFProc as a service and it is configured to run as
Administrator, but it doesn&#39;t seem to make any difference even if I do a
&#39;Run as Administrator&#39; when I start STAFProc.
Is there some config file setting or other method to ensure that process
started via STAF have full Administrator privileges in Windows?
Command output run through STAF:
C:\Users\Administrator&staf local process start command catapult parms &#34;-p&#34;
Return Code: 0
Return Code: 0
Medusa Labs Test Tools
Copyright (c), JDS Uniphase, Corp. All rights reserved.
Catapult 2.0 (x64) Target discovery and test management tool
Support: TechSupport-Medusa@...
Built on: Oct 20 :48
Finished querying for devices.
Available physical drives:
Indx Drive Name
Inquiry Data
Same command run from a CMD shell window:
C:\Users\Administrator&catapult -f
Medusa Labs Test Tools
Copyright (c), JDS Uniphase, Corp. All rights reserved.
Catapult 2.0 (x64) Target discovery and test management tool
Support: TechSupport-Medusa@...
Built on: Oct 20 :48
Finished querying for devices.
Available file systems:
Indx Drive
Size(MB) Label/Mount/Inquiry
194725 fs1
199609 fs2
What are you using to submit 200 concurrent STAF commands from a linux to
linux machine verse a linux to windows machine?
STAX (the STAf eXecution engine) provides an easy way to submit 200
concurrent STAF commands using the &paralleliterate& element to submit a
&stafcmd& element (if you havent&#39; written your own program that forks
multiple threads to submit 200 conncurrent STAF commands)..
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
bab mis &babmis@...&
[staf-users] how to run multiple staf commands
concurrently on a windows machine from linux machine
can i trigger
multiple concurrent staf commands(approx 200) from linux
machine to windows machine . It works fine from linux machine to linux
machine, whereas observed getting timeout for linux-winodws communication.
Is there any configurational change require for this scenario?
Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more
Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE
staf-users mailing list
Hi ,can i trigger
multiple concurrent staf commands(approx 200) from linux machine to windows machine . It works fine from linux machine to linux machine, whereas observed getting timeout for linux-winodws communication. Is there any configurational change require for this scenario?
When a timer expires, it stops any &process& elements contained
within the timer element that are still running. It can do this because
the STAF PROCESS service provides a STOP request to terminate processes.
The timer element allows you to control the flow of your STAX job so that
it can continue on when the timer expires but it cannot
stop/terminate/cancel any &stafcmd& elements contained within the timer
element that are still running (such as a &stafcmd& that submits a FS COPY
request) because there isn&#39;t a generic stop/terminate/cancel request for
STAF service requests and the FS service does not provide a STOP, CANCEL,
I can update the STAX User&#39;s Guide to
be clearer about this.
There are open feature requests to provide the ability to
stop/terminate/cancel a FS COPY request:
- Feature Request #596 &#34;Cancel-able FS operations&#34; at
- Feature Request #214 &#34;Need ability to tell a service to cancel one of
its requests&#34; at
- Feature Request #210 &#34;Provide a timeout option on FS COPY&#34; at
Unfortunately, I don&#39;t have a time frame for when any of these features
will be implemented.
You can add a comment to any feature request to note
that you also require this function to help increase its priority.
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
Ernie Chang &ernie@...&
[staf-users] Timer block not terminating FS call?
I&#39;m seeing an issue with one of our STAX scripts where we&#39;ve got a TIMER
block wrapping a FS COPY DIRECTORY and the copy not exiting when the TIMER
block times out.
The TIMER block terminates with an rc of 1, but if I do a SERVICE LIST
REQUESTS, I still see the FS COPY DIRECTORY in the requests (and I believe
I&#39;ve even seen the FS COPY outlast the job itself).
The FS request is being issued to a Windows client, that&#39;s copying a file
from it&#39;s local drive to a UNC path (e.g. TODIRECTORY \\unc\path\here
I tried wrapping the contents of the TIMER block (which is just the FS
COPY) in an explicit named BLOCK, and then issuing a TERMINATE later, but
the named block did not exist after the TIMER block had timed out.
Is there any workaround for this?
Ideally, I&#39;d like to ensure that the FS
COPY DIRECTORY is truly terminated so that I can go back and delete the
TODIRECTORY and retry the copy.
Ernie Chang, Senior QA Automation Engineer
PC-Doctor, Inc.
The information contained in this message is confidential. It is intended
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staf-users mailing list
I&#39;m seeing an issue with one of our STAX scripts where we&#39;ve got a TIMER
block wrapping a FS COPY DIRECTORY and the copy not exiting when the TIMER
block times out.
The TIMER block terminates with an rc of 1, but if I do a SERVICE LIST
REQUESTS, I still see the FS COPY DIRECTORY in the requests (and I believe
I&#39;ve even seen the FS COPY outlast the job itself).
The FS request is being issued to a Windows client, that&#39;s copying a file
from it&#39;s local drive to a UNC path (e.g. TODIRECTORY \\unc\path\here
I tried wrapping the contents of the TIMER block (which is just the FS
COPY) in an explicit named BLOCK, and then issuing a TERMINATE later, but
the named block did not exist after the TIMER block had timed out.
Is there any workaround for this?
Ideally, I&#39;d like to ensure that the FS
COPY DIRECTORY is truly terminated so that I can go back and delete the
TODIRECTORY and retry the copy.
Ernie Chang, Senior QA Automation Engineer
PC-Doctor, Inc.
The information contained in this message is confidential. It is intended
to be read only by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed or by
an authorized designee. If the reader of this message is not the intended
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strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please
immediately notify the sender and destroy any copy of this message.
STAF V3.4.20 was released today and it contains a new default certificate
for the ssl interface to replace the expired certificate.
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
----- Forwarded by Sharon Lucas/Austin/IBM on 11/07/ PM -----
Sharon Lucas/Austin/IBM@...
Re: [staf-users] How to create a ssl certificate for STAF
Thank you for reporting this issue.
Bug #1532 &#34;Default server cert
expired&#34; at
has been opened. See
this bug for how to possibly workaround this issue.
I&#39;ll post again to
this bug when a fix is available.
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
Erwin Ambrosch|XHOSTPLUS &erwin.ambrosch@...&
[staf-users] How to create a ssl certificate for STAF
the SSL certificate of our STAF installation expired.
Can one tell me how to install a new one?
I created a new self signed certificate (without passphrase) and put in
into the folder STAF/bin of our STAF installation.
I can start staf but I can not connect the STAF client. We have
configured port 7050.
STAFConnectionProviderConnect: Error in client SSL handshake.
possible cause is an invalid interface/port combination in the endpoint
(e.g. a secure tcp interface, but a port for a non-secure interface):
22, Endpoint:
Ping via endpoint local works:
STAF local ping ping
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
DI(FH) Erwin Ambrosch
A- 9544 Feld am See
Sonnenstrasse 19
Email: erwin.ambrosch@...
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staf-users mailing list
Comprehensive Server Monitoring with Site24x7.
Monitor 10 servers for $9/Month.
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staf-users mailing list
Thank you for reporting this issue.
Bug #1532 &#34;Default server cert
expired&#34; at
has been opened. See
this bug for how to possibly workaround this issue.
I&#39;ll post again to
this bug when a fix is available.
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
Erwin Ambrosch|XHOSTPLUS &erwin.ambrosch@...&
[staf-users] How to create a ssl certificate for STAF
the SSL certificate of our STAF installation expired.
Can one tell me how to install a new one?
I created a new self signed certificate (without passphrase) and put in
into the folder STAF/bin of our STAF installation.
I can start staf but I can not connect the STAF client. We have
configured port 7050.
STAFConnectionProviderConnect: Error in client SSL handshake.
possible cause is an invalid interface/port combination in the endpoint
(e.g. a secure tcp interface, but a port for a non-secure interface):
22, Endpoint:
Ping via endpoint local works:
STAF local ping ping
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
DI(FH) Erwin Ambrosch
A- 9544 Feld am See
Sonnenstrasse 19
Email: erwin.ambrosch@...
Comprehensive Server Monitoring with Site24x7.
Monitor 10 servers for $9/Month.
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staf-users mailing list
What version of Python are you trying to use on your Windows 8 system?
Did you install and configure STAF Python support on your Windows 8 system
as described in section &#34;3.0 Installation&#34; in the STAF Python User&#39;s Guide
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
Harshal &harshal_marne@...&
[staf-users] PySTAF.py is not able to import PYSTAF
Installed &#34;STAFProc version 3.4.19&#34; on Windows 8 with below specification.
And in .py file, executing &#34;from PySTAF import *&#34; is giving below error -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File &#34;C:\Users\harshal.marne\work\sstudy\STAF\staf_process.py&#34;, line 3,
in &module&
from PySTAF import *
File &#34;C:\STAF\bin\PySTAF.py&#34;, line 9, in &module&
import PYSTAF
ImportError: No module named PYSTAF
Work-around tried:
1) Installation using both win32 and win64 versions of STAF.
Same win32 installation of STAF is working fine on my laptop running
&#34;Windows 7&#34;.
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro
OS Version:
6.3.9600 N/A Build 9600
OS Manufacturer:
Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration:
Member Workstation
OS Build Type:
Multiprocessor Free
Registered Owner:
Registered Organization:
Product ID:
Original Install Date:
7/14/:58 PM
System Boot Time:
10/20/:00 PM
System Manufacturer:
System Model:
System Type:
x64-based PC
1 Processor(s) Installed.
[01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
GenuineIntel ~3300 Mhz
BIOS Version:
LENOVO F1KT52AUS, 5/24/2013
Windows Directory:
System Directory:
Comprehensive Server Monitoring with Site24x7.
Monitor 10 servers for $9/Month.
Get alerted through email, SMS, voice calls or mobile push notifications.
Take corrective actions from your mobile device.
staf-users mailing list
the SSL certificate of our STAF installation expired.
Can one tell me how to install a new one?
I created a new self signed certificate (without passphrase) and put in
into the folder STAF/bin of our STAF installation.
I can start staf but I can not connect the STAF client. We have
configured port 7050.
STAFConnectionProviderConnect: Error in client SSL handshake.
possible cause is an invalid interface/port combination in the endpoint
(e.g. a secure tcp interface, but a port for a non-secure interface):
22, Endpoint:
Ping via endpoint local works:
STAF local ping ping
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
DI(FH) Erwin Ambrosch
A- 9544 Feld am See
Sonnenstrasse 19
Email: erwin.ambrosch@...
Installed &#34;STAFProc version 3.4.19&#34; on Windows 8 with below specification.
And in .py file, executing &#34;from PySTAF import *&#34; is giving below error -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File &#34;C:\Users\harshal.marne\work\sstudy\STAF\staf_process.py&#34;, line 3, in &module&
from PySTAF import *
File &#34;C:\STAF\bin\PySTAF.py&#34;, line 9, in &module&
import PYSTAFImportError: No module named PYSTAF
Work-around tried:1) Installation using both win32 and win64 versions of STAF.
Same win32 installation of STAF is working fine on my laptop running &#34;Windows 7&#34;.
Regards,~ Harshal
Microsoft Windows 8.1 ProOS Version:
6.3.9600 N/A Build 9600OS Manufacturer:
Microsoft CorporationOS Configuration:
Member WorkstationOS Build Type:
Multiprocessor FreeRegistered Owner:
AdminRegistered Organization:Product ID:
-47668-AA266Original Install Date:
7/14/:58 PMSystem Boot Time:
10/20/:00 PMSystem Manufacturer:
LENOVOSystem Model:
34971A1System Type:
x64-based PCProcessor(s):
1 Processor(s) Installed.
[01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~3300 MhzBIOS Version:
LENOVO F1KT52AUS, 5/24/2013Windows Directory:
C:\WINDOWSSystem Directory:
I am newbie to STAF and am learning to develop custom STAF service in C++.
I have downloaded the source code and am trying to build the sample STAF service in Cygwin by following the instructions in the STAF Developer&#39;s Guide. The Visual Studio version I have on my machine is 12.0 (Visual Studio Express 2013)
I got following error messages after I started make process.
*** Compiling ucm2bin.obj ***
/bin/sh: cl: command not found
make: *** [/home/adheer/FSAF/STAF/obj/win32/staf/retail/codepage/ucm2bin.obj]
After some Googling, I found some info in an old post ()
from a person who had the same problem as mine. Then I got to know that the makefiles which come with the source code only support VC++6 and VC++7. These compilers are not supported anymore by Microsoft, so I could not even find a place to download them.
Has anybody built STAF with more recent VC++ versions? What changes do I need to make to the makefiles so I could build the project successfully?
Thanks in advance.
I would like to be a new member of this list, my mail is: Hector.Gonzalez@...
You probably need to add the server certificate to your trusted Java key
store for the JVM that you&#39;re using for the STAF HTTP Java service.
can google for more information on the &#34;unable to
find valid certification path to requested target&#34; error that you&#39;re
seeing (e.g.
Also, is any additional error information logged in the JVMLog file for
the HTTP service?
e.g. /usr/local/staf/data/STAF/lang/java/jvm/&JVMName&/JVMLog.1
where &JVMName& is the JVMName used when registering the HTTP service
(e.g. in the /usr/local/staf/bin/STAF.cfg file) or STAFJVM1 by default.
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
Cyril SANTUNE &cyril.santune@...&
[staf-users] service http: https request failed
My https request fails with the http service.
It seems to have certificate path problem.
See the following error:
C:\tmp\cli&staf local HTTP REQUEST METHOD get URL
Error submitting request, RC: 4004
Additional info
Error getting target url
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to
find valid certification path to requested target
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to
find valid certification path to requested target
at sun.security.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.fatal(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.serverCertificate(Unknown
at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.processMessage(Unknown
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.processLoop(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.process_record(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.performInitialHandshake(Unknown
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.writeRecord(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.AppOutputStream.write(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(Unknown Source)
at com.ibm.staf.service.http.HTTP.handleMethod(HTTP.java:1375)
at com.ibm.staf.service.http.HTTP.acceptRequest(HTTP.java:222)
Caused by: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path
building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to
find valid certification path to requested target
at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.doBuild(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.engineValidate(Unknown
at sun.security.validator.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.validate(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkTrusted(Unknown
... 23 more
Caused by: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException:
unable to find valid certification path to requested target
at java.security.cert.CertPathBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
... 29 more
I have no problem with http resquest.
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staf-users mailing list
My https request fails with the http service.
It seems to have certificate path problem.
See the following error:
C:\tmp\cli&staf local HTTP REQUEST METHOD get URL
Error submitting request, RC: 4004
Additional info
Error getting target url
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to
find valid certification path to requested target
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to
find valid certification path to requested target
at sun.security.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.fatal(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.serverCertificate(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.processMessage(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.processLoop(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.process_record(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.performInitialHandshake(Unknown
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.writeRecord(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.AppOutputStream.write(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(Unknown Source)
at mons.httpclient.HttpConnection.flushRequestOutputStream(HttpConnection.java:828)
at mons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.writeRequest(HttpMethodBase.java:2116)
at mons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.execute(HttpMethodBase.java:1096)
at mons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector.executeWithRetry(HttpMethodDirector.java:398)
at mons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector.executeMethod(HttpMethodDirector.java:171)
at mons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.java:397)
at mons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.java:323)
at com.ibm.staf.service.http.WebSession.requestMethod(WebSession.java:1673)
at com.ibm.staf.service.http.HTTP.handleSessionMethod(HTTP.java:1693)
at com.ibm.staf.service.http.HTTP.handleNonSessionMethod(HTTP.java:1407)
at com.ibm.staf.service.http.HTTP.handleMethod(HTTP.java:1375)
at com.ibm.staf.service.http.HTTP.acceptRequest(HTTP.java:222)
at com.ibm.staf.service.STAFServiceHelper.callService(STAFServiceHelper.java:349)
Caused by: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path
building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to
find valid certification path to requested target
at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.doBuild(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.engineValidate(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.validator.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.validate(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkTrusted(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkServerTrusted(Unknown
... 23 more
Caused by: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException:
unable to find valid certification path to requested target
at sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild(Unknown
at java.security.cert.CertPathBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
... 29 more
I have no problem with http resquest.
Since you&#39;re using Jython functions to log to a file, then it would appear
that Jython is providing concurrency support.
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
Luca Robusto &lucarobusto@...&
Sharon Lucas/Austin/IBM@...
Re: [staf-users] concurrent access to write a file in a
I am not using STAF LOG Service, but this piece of code:
&function name=&#34;logToMessageAndFile&#34; scope=&#34;local&#34;&
This fuction Logs message to Stax Monitor and to a File
&function-required-arg name=&#34;log&#34;&
&function-optional-arg name=&#34;indentLevel&#34;&
&function-optional-arg name=&#34;fileToLog&#34;&
if fileToLog is None:
file = fileToLog
from datetime import datetime
if type(log) == str:
# Ignore errors even if the string is not proper UTF-8 or has
# broken marker bytes.
# Python built-in function unicode() can do this.
log = unicode(log, &#34;utf-8&#34;, errors=&#34;ignore&#34;)
# Assume the log object has proper __unicode__() method
log = unicode(log)
log=log.encode(&#39;ascii&#39;, &#39;ignore&#39;)
stringToLog=timestamp+&#39;: &#39;+ log
if indentLevel is None:
for count in range(0,spaces):
stringIndent=stringIndent+&#39; &#39;
15:16 GMT+02:00 Sharon Lucas &lucass@...&:
Assuming you&#39;re referring to using the STAF Log service to log information
to a STAF log file (e.g. such as the STAX User Log file), the STAF Log
service manages concurrent writing to STAF log files.
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
Luca Robusto &lucarobusto@...&
&#34;staf-users@...&#34; &
[staf-users] concurrent access to write a file in a
I have a STAX Paralleliterate with 10 thread with functions in python to
write log on a file.
I don&#39;t manage the concurrent writes, but logs are written in a &#34;safe&#34; way
Who manages this concurrency in the right way in the STAX Engine?
Slashdot TV.
Video for Nerds.
Stuff that matters.
staf-users mailing list
Slashdot TV.
Video for Nerds.
Stuff that matters.
staf-users mailing list
I am not using STAF LOG Service, but this piece of code:
&function name=&#34;logToMessageAndFile&#34; scope=&#34;local&#34;&
This fuction Logs message to Stax Monitor and to a File
&function-required-arg name=&#34;log&#34;&
&function-optional-arg name=&#34;indentLevel&#34;&
&function-optional-arg name=&#34;fileToLog&#34;&
if fileToLog is None:
file = fileToLog
from datetime import datetime
if type(log) == str:
# Ignore errors even if the string is not proper UTF-8 or has
# broken marker bytes.
# Python built-in function unicode() can do this.
log = unicode(log, &#34;utf-8&#34;, errors=&#34;ignore&#34;)
# Assume the log object has proper __unicode__() method
log = unicode(log)
log=log.encode(&#39;ascii&#39;, &#39;ignore&#39;)
stringToLog=timestamp+&#39;: &#39;+ log
if indentLevel is None:
for count in range(0,spaces):
stringIndent=stringIndent+&#39; &#39;
15:16 GMT+02:00 Sharon Lucas &lucass@...&:
& Assuming you&#39;re referring to using the STAF Log service to log information
& to a STAF log file (e.g. such as the STAX User Log file), the STAF Log
& service manages concurrent writing to STAF log files.
& --------------------------------------------------------------
& Sharon Lucas
& IBM Austin,
& (512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
Luca Robusto &lucarobusto@...&
&#34;staf-users@...&#34; &
& staf-users@...&
& Subject:
[staf-users] concurrent access to write a file in a
& ------------------------------
& I have a STAX Paralleliterate with 10 thread with functions in python to
& write log on a file.
& I don&#39;t manage the concurrent writes, but logs are written in a &#34;safe&#34; way
& Who manages this concurrency in the right way in the STAX Engine?
& ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& Slashdot TV.
& Video for Nerds.
Stuff that matters.
& staf-users mailing list
& staf-users@...
Assuming you&#39;re referring to using the STAF Log service to log information
to a STAF log file (e.g. such as the STAX User Log file), the STAF Log
service manages concurrent writing to STAF log files.
Sharon Lucas
IBM Austin,
(512) 286-7313 or Tieline 363-7313
Luca Robusto &lucarobusto@...&
[staf-users] concurrent access to write a file in a
I have a STAX Paralleliterate with 10 thread with functions in python to
write log on a file.
I don&#39;t manage the concurrent writes, but logs are written in a &#34;safe&#34; way
Who manages this concurrency in the right way in the STAX Engine?
Slashdot TV.
Video for Nerds.
Stuff that matters.
staf-users mailing list
I have a STAX Paralleliterate with 10 thread with functions in python to
write log on a file.
I don&#39;t manage the concurrent writes, but logs are written in a &#34;safe&#34; way
Who manages this concurrency in the right way in the STAX Engine?
I plan to use STAF on windows CE platform.
I went through the STAT FAQ list posted at the following link . Windows CE is not listed under the list of operating systems supported by STAF3.4.15+.
Could anyone please confirm whether latest revision of STAF supports Windows CE platform and share necessary information or if someone has tried building and running STAF on windows CE platform?
Ravi Chawla
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Ah, I think I see. When I&#39;m running STAFProc as a service, I&#39;m not actually
restarting STAFproc from the Services gui, I&#39;m probably restarting the
srvany process or something. Not quite the same thing.
Thanks, Sharon.
J. Scott Farrow
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