
一份现实,高温天老空调易出现小毛病,&&& 石治平说,新形势下的计划生育工作要结合工作实际,要充分认识当前计划生育工作面临的严峻形势,始终将计划生育工作摆在重要位置,紧盯计划生育工作目标任务,主动适应新常态,标本兼治,多措并举,坚持不懈地抓好人口计生各项工作,确保人口计生工作持续健康发展,不断推动全县人口计生工作迈上新台阶。。&&&&&&&&&&&&& &中国社会企业与社会投资论坛(联盟)年会现场,红网石门站6月28日讯(分站记者 龙力荣)6月27日下午,湖南省石门县庆祝中国共产党成立95周年大会在石门县兰园会议中心隆重召开。    党的十八大以来,全县各级党组织、广大共产党员全面贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届三中、四中、五中全会精神,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,扎实推进党的基层组织建设,不断提高基层党组织的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,充分发挥共产党员的先锋模范作用,为石门县的改革发展稳定作出了积极贡献,涌现出一大批基层党组织、优秀共产党员和优秀党务工作者。大会授予楚江街道老西门社区总支部委员会等50个单位“全县先进基层党组织”,文非等100名同志“全县优秀共产党员”,郑安友等50名同志“全县优秀党务工作者”荣誉称号,予以通报表彰。    县委书记谭本仲出席会议并发表讲话,他代表县委向全县优秀共产党员、优秀党务工作者和先进基层党组织表示热烈祝贺,向全县各级党组织和共产党员致以节日的问候。他说,回顾历史,中国共产党带领全国人民不畏艰难,奋勇前进,取得了举世瞩目的辉煌成就。历史证明,只有中国共产党才能担负起拯救国家和民族的历史重任,带领全国人民实现国家的繁荣富强和中华民族的伟大复兴,成功应对各种挑战,使中国在复杂的国内国际环境中,始终立于不败之地。    谭本仲指出,伴随着95年的光辉历程,石门也走过一条不平凡的道路,谱写了一曲又一曲时代赞歌。特别是近年来,全县各级党组织深入推进党的群众路线教育实践活动,“三严三实”专题教育,“两学一做”学习教育,围绕“一个目标、五大战略、十件大事”的总体部署,勇于担当,开拓奋进,办成了一件件大事,取得了一个个突破,在石门的发展史上续写了新的精彩篇章:一是综合实力显著提升,二是城乡面貌明显改观,三是民生福祉持续改善,四是社会大局和谐稳定,五是党的建设不断加强。    谭本仲强调,当前石门已站在一个新的更高起点,正处于爬坡过坎、跨越发展的关键时期,必须坚定不移地实施“生态立县、产业强县、城镇兴县、旅游活县、交通先行”五大战略,强力推进“十件大事”,朝着加快建成“武陵山片区经济强县”这一目标不断迈进。全县各级党组织和广大党员一定要以党的光辉历程为鼓舞,以强烈的责任感、紧迫感为动力,常怀忧党之心,恪尽兴党之责,更好地肩负起推动石门改革发展的历史使命,坚持不懈地为党旗增辉,为时代添彩。在新的征程上,一要把党的建设作为第一责任,二要把加快发展作为第一要务,三要把群众满意作为第一标准,四要把遵守党纪作为第一要求。    县委副书记、县长郭碧勋主持会议。县领导高德知、陈本富、李金生、胡元琴、张树国、丁克刚、李厚元、赵正兵、李范新、江毅等出席大会。全体党员县级领导,乡镇区(街道)党(工)委书记,秀坪园艺场、白云山林场、洛浦林场、大同山林场党组织书记,县直副科级以上相关单位(含线管单位)负责人,受表彰的先进基层党组织书记、优秀共产党员和党务工作者参加会议。。据悉,葛荟婕此前曾自爆自己已有男友,并且会订婚。&&& “当今世界最大的问题是什么?是贫富差距,以及由此引发的各种社会问题。”中国扶贫基金会秘书长刘文奎在主旨发言中表示,现代公益慈善虽然虽然能一定程度上缓解贫富差距,但其持续性差的局限注定无法更好地解决社会问题。而以逐利为核心的现代企业更是难以应对贫富差距的日益扩大。“社会企业的出现,则提供了另一种可能。”(作者季宇轩单位:中央纪委宣传部)32red国际&&& “现在中国已经有许多私人投资于教育、医疗、养老、残疾人、儿童、环境保护、有机农业以及扶贫小额贷款的营利或非营利组织,数量在20万家以上。”徐永光表示,中国的社会企业发展潜力很大,在很多社会问题的解决上,政府、市场和非营利部门都不灵。所以要有社会企业来解决。“这是一种趋势。”成都商报记者临走时,老人想送一些尿疗资料。厚厚一沓材料中,恰好夹着他的一份《出院病情证明书》,由成都华川医院日出具。在出院诊断栏中,第一条就是“慢性支气管炎急性发作、肺气肿、肺心病”。医疗检查:肺气肿没根治为了证明所言非虚,聊到中途时,他找来一个结满尿垢的塑料杯子,在卧室里接完尿后,当面一饮而尽。“我一天大概会喝五六次尿,加起来有500~1000毫升左右。”他咂了咂嘴,面露苦色地说,“早上水喝少了,(尿)有点苦。”“执政党永远会面对与腐败的斗争。”我们党在长期执政过程中,面临的“四大考验”是长期的、复杂的,“四种危险”更加尖锐地摆在全党面前。党的观念淡漠、组织涣散、纪律松弛等问题,严重削弱了党的执政能力;改革过程中出现的各种复杂人际关系和利益关系,给党内政治生活带来不可低估的影响;党员领导干部在市场经济中要面对各种诱惑和“围猎”;西方国家也在加紧利用腐败问题,不断对我国进行诋毁和渗透。党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争形势依然严峻复杂,党中央坚定不移反对腐败的决心没有变,坚决遏制腐败现象蔓延势头的目标没有变。。判断空调是否缺雪种,最简单的方法就是在空调工作时,观察一下空调内外机连接处的两根铜管,如果一根铜管上有很多水滴,便表明空调雪种充足;如铜管上没有水滴,只有凝结的白霜,则意味着雪种已经不多了;若是铜管上既无水滴也无白霜,而且两根铜管的温度差不多,甚至几乎冰凉的感觉,就说明空调内已经没有雪种需尽快补加。&&& “当今世界最大的问题是什么?是贫富差距,以及由此引发的各种社会问题。”中国扶贫基金会秘书长刘文奎在主旨发言中表示,现代公益慈善虽然虽然能一定程度上缓解贫富差距,但其持续性差的局限注定无法更好地解决社会问题。而以逐利为核心的现代企业更是难以应对贫富差距的日益扩大。“社会企业的出现,则提供了另一种可能。”。“中国尿疗协会”有自己的官方博客,其介绍,协会于日由保亚夫等人在香港正式成立。成都商报记者调查发现,除博客之外,该协会迄今已建立至少5个以上的QQ群。包括成都本地在内的全国各地尿疗爱好者,喜欢通过QQ群在网上聚集、交流,形成一个隐秘的圈子,其中一个主群在2014年还升级为2000人的大群。从年龄分布看,迷恋尿疗的人群主要集中在30~40岁和60岁以上两个区间内。&&& 时间回溯到2007年,作为在全球推广社会企业的组织,英国文化教育协会首次在中国引入“社会企业”的概念。怎么会想到喝尿?刘兆祥说,日,他参加了一场尿疗的宣传大会,花7.8元钱买回来一本书,看了三遍后,开始喝尿了。他声称,以前打麻将得戴老花镜,喝了三个月后,不用戴也可以把牌看得清清楚楚,“我现在视力1.5。”开机运行20分钟左右,会明显感觉制冷迅速而有力,且气味清新不少。对于此次被民政部列入黑名单,保亚夫说自己也看到了名单,本想写信去“质问”民政部,后来想想算了,“我以前曾专门去民政部了解过注册的事情,但最后没有通过。”他说,他不会解散协会。高温天老空调易出现小毛病32red国际入会被拒 推荐买书订报时尚电器:老空调在使用中,应注意勤快清洗空调室内机过滤网、铝翅片和室外机的散热片等,因为空调内部污垢不仅严重危害人体健康,而且可能降低空调制冷效率、增加用电量,甚或其缩短使用寿命。记者同时了解到,不少市民对空调缺少应有的清洗保养,往往仅对过滤网一“洗”了之。这样空调不得不“带脏带病”坚持“工作”,表面上看似乎省事又省钱,但实际上则有些“得不偿失”。以一台功率为2千瓦的家用空调为例,正常使用两年左右其机身积存的污垢将达约0.2毫米,如适当清洗后再使用可节省电费近三成,如以使用5个月、每天8小时计算,同一空调大致可节省电费400多元。“我从58岁喝尿,喝了23年,什么腰椎间盘突出、肺气肿、老花眼,都给治好了。”24日,成都商报记者找到该组织领导层中唯一一位成都人、首席常务理事刘兆祥(化名),81岁的他对喝尿非常痴迷。他也坦言,因喝尿与女儿剑拔弩张,一度闹到过父女决裂。“我从58岁喝尿,喝了23年,什么腰椎间盘突出、肺气肿、老花眼,都给治好了。”24日,成都商报记者找到该组织领导层中唯一一位成都人、首席常务理事刘兆祥(化名),81岁的他对喝尿非常痴迷。他也坦言,因喝尿与女儿剑拔弩张,一度闹到过父女决裂。在刘兆祥的卧室里,堆放着各种宣传资料,还有自制的各种健身器械。除了喝尿外,他说自己基本不吃肉,而且一天要走两三个小时。但他并不认为是健康饮食和足量的锻炼,对身体起着“关键”的影响,而是坚持认为“我是喝尿,才把身体搞好了”。专家访谈近日,根据举报线索和核查情况,民政部公布了第八批84家“离岸社团”“山寨社团”名单。成都商报记者发现,一个主要倡导会员喝尿、名为“中国尿疗协会”的组织,此次也榜上有名。该组织曾因自己特立独行的行事风格而在两年前被媒体广泛报道,从而引起过极大的争议。。最近骄阳似火、热浪袭人,人见人爱的“空调君”24小时待岗,因被频繁派上用场,空调的身子骨自然也容易“患”上小毛病,其中一些使用年限偏长的老旧空调相继“中招”。(作者季宇轩单位:中央纪委宣传部)。近日,根据举报线索和核查情况,民政部公布了第八批84家“离岸社团”“山寨社团”名单。成都商报记者发现,一个主要倡导会员喝尿、名为“中国尿疗协会”的组织,此次也榜上有名。该组织曾因自己特立独行的行事风格而在两年前被媒体广泛报道,从而引起过极大的争议。对于此次被民政部列入黑名单,保亚夫说自己也看到了名单,本想写信去“质问”民政部,后来想想算了,“我以前曾专门去民政部了解过注册的事情,但最后没有通过。”他说,他不会解散协会。。 32red国际:监管层重拳整治互联网保险“无证”乱象
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Devshed Newbie (0 - 499 posts)
Gcc.exe: fatal error: no input files
Hello! I am trying to set up my computer to work on C programming required for my class in school.
I have used this guide from youtube: I can't post url
Basic summary:
Download latest mingw from mingw.org, then install mingw with gcc/c/c++ packages.CMD then &cd ..& twice to go to only c drive. Then do &cd /mingw& and &cd bin& to get to that directory. Then type &g++ --version& and &gcc --version& and both of them were installed.Then I type &mingw-get install mingw32-make& and everything installed ok.Then I went into system, advanced system settings, environment variables and set up PATH and Path for both User and System (C:\MinGW\bin). Then I shut down my PC and turn it on again and went into cmd and typed &gcc& and &g++& and it said &fatal error no input files& for both and the guy in video says this is good and that it should say that.Then I download TEXTPAD from Textpad.org (saved to program files x86, just like the guy in the video).Then I configure -& preferences to set up tools. I set up Compile C (add program, go to bin directory and pick gcc.exe, named it Compile C, then I put parameter &-o $BaseName$File& and regular expression &^\(\(\(.[^:]\)\|\([A-Za-z]:\)\)[^:]+\):\*([0-9]+\):&. I also changed line from 2 to 4 then i set up Run C (add DOS command, typed in &cmd.exe& then renamed it Run C, then named parameter $BaseName and unchecked &capture output&)
Everything worked as described above, no problems or errors.
Now I try to make my file. I click save as and save it as test.C
Windows says it's C file, not txt.
I write my program.
#include &stdio.h&
int main(void)
Then I try run Compile C and it says &gcc.exe: fatal error: no input files&.
I searched google and this forums and I simply don't find anything. I tried saving my file in multiple locations and it's always the same.
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Devshed Supreme Being (6500+ posts)
Stupid question:
what does your invocation look like?
IOW, exactly how did you try to compile?
Were you in the directory where you had saved test.c?
At the command line, did you type this command or something very much like it?:
gcc -Wall test.c
At the very least when you invoke gcc, you need to give it the name of the source file.
I very strongly suggest that you use the -Wall option, whi warnings are much more important than error messages, should always be displayed, and should never ever be ignored.
If that's not it, then a really odd thought just occurred to me.
MinGW gcc is a Windows port of the Linux GNU C compiler, gcc.
In Windows/DOS the case of the letters in a file na Windows/DOS is case-insensitive.
However, UNIX/Linux is case-sensitive, so the file extensions .c and .C are different and mean different things.
In UNIX, .c means it's a C source file whereas .C makes it C++.
What just occurred to me and what I don't know is whether they had ported that interpretation of the .C file extension over to MinGW gcc.
I doubt that they would have done that, plus the error message doesn't really point to it.
Just an odd thought.
Last edited by dwise1_ October 10th, 2013 at .
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Devshed Supreme Being (6500+ posts)
Looking at it again, the problem appears to be in the TextPad set-up.
That would be verified by you CD'ing to the directory where the source file has been saved and running gcc from the command line as I described.
Originally Posted by gdiuezhfieu
Then I configure -& preferences to set up tools. I set up Compile C (add program, go to bin directory and pick gcc.exe, named it Compile C, then I put parameter &-o $BaseName$File& and regular expression &^\(\(\(.[^:]\)\|\([A-Za-z]:\)\)[^:]+\):\*([0-9]+\):&. I also changed line from 2 to 4 then i set up Run C (add DOS command, typed in &cmd.exe& then renamed it Run C, then named parameter $BaseName and unchecked &capture output&)
I am not familiar with that aspect of TextPad nor with having set up anything similar in another editor -- I always just run gcc from the command line as it was meant to be run.
All I see you setting up there is the -o option which names the
without the -o option, the executable's name defaults to a.exe (a.out on Linux).
How are you setting up the source file's name in that command?
I am assuming that you assume that TextPad plugs that in automatically, but the error message seems to differ from your assumption.
You also need to add in the -Wall option to
that is very important.
I recommend that you search for information on inserting the current filename into a command.
If TextPad has a forum, you should find somebody else there who had the same problem.
BTW, more benefits to compiling and building from the command line:
1. You don't need to resort to kludges in your program in order to keep it from terminating and closing the console window before you have a chance to read it.
2. You can build a project with multiple source files by including all those file names in your invocation.
This can be simplified by placing all the source files in one directory (and have no other source files in that directory) and typing in the command:
gcc -Wall *.c
3. You can add in libraries that you need to link in.
For example, if you do sockets programming, you would need to link in ws2_32.a with the -lws2_32 option.
Or since my installation doesn't automatically link in the math library, if I use a function in math.h then I need to also add the option -lm.
With your set-up, it looks like you'd have to change it every time you had to do something slightly different, which would break it for all your other projects so you'd have to change it back.
Just saying.
Looking at the Compile Java example, the Parameters textbox says $File.
I would assume that that is a place marker for the name of the source file.
See what happens when you add that back in to the Compile C parameters.
Last edited by dwise1_ October 10th, 2013 at .
Contributing User
Not your problem now, but possibly your next problem, but you should be aware that GCC will perform C++ compilation on a file with a .C (capital) extension.
You should use .c (lowercase) for C code.
Contributing User
Originally Posted by gdiuezhfieu
Windows says it's C file, not txt.
I would not trust Windows' file name extension recognition - configure Explorer options to always show file name extensions including known file types.
Not that that is your problem here either.
Contributing User
Originally Posted by gdiuezhfieu
[*]Then I download TEXTPAD from Textpad.org (saved to program files x86, just like the guy in the video).[/list]
Do yourself a favour and get a more complete IDE such as .
includes MinGW, and the IDE provides an easy to use interface to the GNU debugger (gdb) which you will find invaluable.
Knowing how to build from the command line is sometimes useful, but not useful enough that you need to learn that first, and not essential to success in programming at all.
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