mixed是什么意思 leaf salad指的是...

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Yes, I'll have a Smoked Salmon, a Braised Beef and a Mixed Salad.
Guest: I'll have a mixed salad and a beefsteak. What vegetables come with the steak?
Guest: Yes, I'll have a mixed Salad and a Sirloin Steak. Which vegetables come with the steak?
Top a mixed-green salad with candied walnuts, tangerine wedges and a bit of goat cheese.
We have a mixed-green salad, hearts of palm or a very fine endive salad with baby shrimp.
But, in general, you're better off with a salad of mixed greens and raw vegetables, coupled with a light, healthy dressing.
They're mixed together like a salad and telling one leaf from another is hard.
He mixed his guests a salad.
Try corn tortillas topped with avocado and salsa or walnuts on a mixed-greens and beans salad tossed with olive oil and lemon juice.
My favorite healthy traveling meal is to head to the local supermarket and pick up some washed mixed salad leaves, a can of tuna or other fish and a lemon.
The best healthy dessert you could treat yourselves to is a bowl or two of mixed fruit salad - the beauty of this is that just like the mini-salad bar, you could create a mini-fruit bar.
People love that salad. Usually a green salad is an ordinary salad with pre-mixed mesclun and a boring dressing.
My father was a gentle, easy-going person, a salad of racial genes: a Swiss citizen, of mixed French and Austrian descent, with a dash of the Danube in his veins.
Feta cheese is either diced and mixed in with the salad, or placed on top as a whole piece.
Recently there was news that a shopper at a market in northern Germany found small amounts of groundsel in bags of mixed salad.
Recently there was news that a shopper at a market in northern Germany found small amounts of groundsel in bags of mixed salad.
Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread.
How to eat: Choose sardines packed in olive or sardine oil. Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread.
How to eat: Choose sardines packed in olive or sardine oil. Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread.
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The owner of this website (www.deliaonline.com) has banned your access based on your browser's signature (3ed31ec76c116dba-ua98).Digital Signage: The Salad Option
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The choice of technology at the hands of exhibition professionals is vast and the quantum number of options is increasing on a daily basis.
Amongst all the available technology for an exhibition, digital signage is pretty much the salad option on a restaurant menu – it’s always featured, &it&never really appeals and very few people enthusiastically order it.
Let’s get it straight, why would you order digital signage when you can have social registration to help hit registration targets or some catchy microphone thingamajigy to amuse your visitors?
&Nope, digital signage is definitely a mixed leaf salad and here’s why:
Does it deliver against an exhibition/individual KPIs? Hell, no.
Is it cheaper than current print solutions? No.
Oh, is it more expensive? Actually, yes.
Is there an ROI? Haha…Signage ROI, you’re killing me*
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &*Funny how everything else has a ROI, right?
And with those answers the standard order of wood chip A-frames and cutesy village green signposts is rolled out in exhibition halls all over the world.
Every. Single. Time.
I get it…like completely… and last year when I saw that the sign at Oxford Circus – the UK’s busiest tube station – had gone digital (see blog picture) I thought it was a case of technology for technology’s sake.
I would wager the sign had been pretty much left untouched for decade after decade but then those tinkering technologists started to put their highfalutin case to Boris down at the Mayor’s office and it goes all digital salad.
What’s the point? Oxford Circus is always going to be Oxford Circus, right?
Much like the signs on tube escalators didn’t need changing but check them out they’ve gone digital salad as well.&
Please stand to the right.
Keep feet clear of the brushes
No smoking
Hold the hand rail
&I mean, they would never change, why do you need digital signage for that??!??
Well it turns out you do.
You see, as much as people cuss London Underground those guys actually know what they are doing. &On a daily basis the underground spits out 4.821million people which makes 1.305billion passengers every year and on the 4 December last year they did an interesting experiment at Holborn station.
They slowed the crowds down and changed the signs.
In actual fact, they changed the commuter rules by making people stand on the left of the escalators.
For people unaware of the rules in London, standing on the left of an escalator is up there with kicking grannies and stealing charity money
If you stand on the left you are either a tourist or a scumbag.
However, the crowd experts worked out that if people stood on the left and the right that the escalator capacity increased by 28% and that in turn reduced the bottleneck and congestion at the station foyer by 31 people every minute.
And at rush hour… 31 people a minute is massive. To the tune of ten of millions of pounds when you consider new station redesigns.
So in this instance, digital signage is not salad, it’s a Kobe steak served on a gold plate washed down with a 2009 glass of Chateau Margaux.
&OK, I’m over doing it… but you get my point.
&TfL have the advantage that the London Underground is a permanent infrastructure and can apply science and modelling based on crowd patterns and behaviour compiled from data spanning months. At best, exhibition organisers have one day, two days, three days…to influence the crowds.
But that’s our expertise right?
Imagine if crowds at exhibitions could be influenced by digital signage fed by real-time data and insight from machine vision cameras (not expensive) optimised with Forge SP-esque floor plan data and N200-esque lead generation data.
Imagine influencing crowds to visit certain exhibition areas, or a seminar, or a feature area, or a specific exhibitor.
Imagine that.
Exhibitor Smarts is a specialist exhibitor agency working alongside organisers and suppliers to maximise exhibitor revenue and performance.
If you want more information about Exhibitor Smarts please visit our website at&
For exhibiting tips and chats follow Exhibitor Smarts on twitter: &Looking for more of the latest headlines on LinkedIn?From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A salad is a
consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually vegetables. Salads are typically served at room temperature or chilled, with notable exceptions such as south German
which is served warm. Salads may contain virtually any type of ready-to-eat food.
Garden salads use a base of
like lettuce, arugula, they are common enough that the word salad alone often refers specifically to garden salads. Other types include , , , , and Japanese
(a noodle-based salad). The sauce used to flavor a salad i most salad dressings are based on either a mixture of oil and vinegar or a fermented milk product.
Salads may be served at any point during a meal:
salads - light, smaller portion-salads served as the first course of the meal.
Side salads - to accompany the main course as a .
salads - usually containing a portion of a high-protein food, such as , , , , or cheese.
salads - sweet versions containing , , sweeteners or .
Green leaf salad with salmon and bread
The word "salad" comes from the
salade of the same meaning, from the
salata (salty), from sal (salt). In English, the word first appears as "salad" or "sallet" in the 14th century. Salt is associated with salad because vegetables were seasoned with
or salty oil-and-vinegar dressings during
times. The phrase "", meaning a "time of youthful inexperience" (based on the notion of "green"), is first recorded by Shakespeare in 1606, while the use of , referring to a -style serving of salad ingredients, first appeared in American English in 1976.
The Romans and ancient Greeks ate mixed greens with dressing. In his 1699 book, Acetaria: A Discourse on Sallets,
attempted with little success to encourage his fellow Britons to eat fresh salad greens. , ate boiled
over greens covered with creamy mustard dressing, , , and slices of .
Oil used on salads can be found in the 17th century colony of
(Later called New York, New Jersey and Delaware). A list of common items arriving on ships and their designated price when appraising cargo, "a can of salad oil at 1.10 florins" and "an anker of wine vinegar at 16 florins". In a 1665 letter to the Director of New Netherland from the Island of Cura?ao there is a request to send greens, "I request most amicably that your honors be pleased to send me seed of every sort, such as cabbage, carrots, lettuce, parsley, etc. for none can be acquired here and I know that your honor has plenty,...".
Salads, including layered and dressed salads, were popular in Europe since the Greek and Roman imperial expansions. Salads are sold in , at
chains. In the US market, restaurants will often have a "" laid out with salad-making ingredients, which the customers will use to put together their salad.[] Salad restaurants were earning more than $300 million in 2014.
A salad can be composed (with the ingredients specifically arranged) or tossed (with the ingredients placed in a bowl and mixed).
A green salad
A green salad or garden salad is most often composed of
varieties, , or . If non-greens make up a large portion of the salad it may be called a vegetable salad instead of a green salad. Common raw vegetables (in the ) used in a salad include , , , , , , , , , ,
hearts, , , , , and . Nuts, berries, seeds, and flowers are less common components. , , , , and
may be used as garnishes, but large amounts of animal based foods would be more likely in a dinner salad.
A wedge salad is made from a head of lettuce (such as iceberg) halved or quartered, with other ingredients on top.
with egg and mayonnaise
They are assembled with thick sauces such as . One portion of a true bound salad will hold its shape when placed on a plate with an ice-cream scoop. Examples of bound salad include , , , , and .
Bound salads are often used as
fillings. They are popular at picnics and barbecues.
A traditional
fish salad of
salads (also known as "dinner salads" and commonly known as "entrée salads" in North America) may contain grilled or fried chicken pieces, seafood such as grilled or fried shrimp or a fish steak such as , , or
or sliced , such as
or skirt. , , ,
are dinner salads.
Fruit salad
Fruit salads are made of fruit, which may be fresh or canned. Examples include . Note that "fruit" here refers to , many components of vegetable salads (such as tomatoes and cucumbers) are botanical fruits but .
Dessert salads rarely include leafy greens and are often sweet. Common variant e.g. , , and . Other forms of dessert salads include , , and
popular in parts of the Midwestern United States.
A dish of -style .
Sauces for salads are often called "dressings". The concept of salad dressing varies across cultures.
In Western culture, there are two basic types of salad dressing:
based on a mixture () of
and , often flavored with , , salt, pepper, sugar, and other ingredients.
Creamy dressings, usually based on
or , such as ,
In North America, mayonnaise-based
is most popular, with vinaigrettes and Caesar-style dressing following close behind. Traditional dressings in France are vinaigrettes, typically mustard-based, while sour cream (smetana) and mayonnaise are predominant in
and . In , dressings are often based on crème fra?che. In southern Europe and the eastern Mediterranean, salad is generally dressed by the diner with
and vinegar. In , it is common to add , ,
to salad dressings.[]
Other salad dressings include:
On 4 September 2016, the largest recorded salad, weighing 20,100 kg, was created in Red Square, Moscow, Russia, by Mouzenidis Travel. It was a Greek salad consisting of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, olives, feta cheese, olive oil, oregano and salt.
. Oxford Dictionaries.
Harper, Douglas. . .
Lynne Olver. .
. ChefTalk.com. 17 February 2010.
Lam, Bourree (3 July 2015). .
Paula Deen. . Food Network 2016.
Melissa Barlow, Stephanie Ashcraft. Things to Do with a Salad: One Hundred One Things to Do With a Salad. Gibbs Smith, 2006.  . 128 pages, .
. BBC Good Food.
. The Food Channel(R).
. Guinness World Records.
Frances Barber Harris (1918), , Jacksonville, Fla: Jacksonville Printing Co.,  
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