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成都某中学高三英语考前模拟&&&& 考试时间:120分钟&& 满分:150分本分第I卷()和第II卷(非)。考生作答时,须将答案答在机读卡和答题卷上,在本试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。考试结束后,请将机读卡和答题卷交回。
第I卷& 选择题(共100分)第一部分& (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt?A. & 19.15.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&B. & 9.18.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &C. & 9.15.答案是C。1. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Go to bed early.&&&&&B. Stay up longer.&&&&C. Wake up now. 2. Who does the raincoat belong to? A. The man.&&&&&&B. The woman’s brother.&&C. The man’s brother.3. What are the speakers doing?A. Walking to somewhere.&&&B. Asking for directions.&&C. Waiting for the bus.4. Who might the man be?A. A store owner.&&&&&B. A farmer.&&&&&C. An animal doctor.5. What’s the man’s problem?A. He is annoyed by his reading.&&B. He is distracted by the noise.&&&&&C. He has no time for shopping.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,将有时间各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the man think of the subway?A. It is convenient.&&&&B. It is crowded. & &&&C. It is very complicated.7. How long is the subway in service in the woman’s country? A. 20 hours a day.&&&&&B. 18 hours a day.&&&&C. 14 hours a day. 听第7段材料, 回答第8至第9题。8. What’s the relationship between the speakers? A. Friends.&&&&&&B. Colleagues.&&&&C. Neighbors.9. What does the man want to do? A. Sleep.&&&&&&&B. Join the party. &&&&C. Listen to the music.听第8段材料, 回答第10至第12题。10. How does the boy recognize what the girl is doing? A. He saw one in college.&&&B. His dad told him about it.&&C. He used to play with one.11. Why is the man surprised about the thing the girl plays with? A. It takes a few days to learn.&&B. It will come back.&&&C. No one else asked about it.12. Why does the girl suggest watching her first? A. It could be dangerous to play.&&B. It would be more interesting.&&&&&C. She wants to show herself.听第9段材料,回答第13至第16题。13. Who is the gift for?A. The girls’ mother.&&&&B. The girl’s father.&&&C. The man’s father. 14. What is the brown wallet like?A. It has a beautiful design.&&&&B. It has no place to put pictures.&&&&&C. It is more expensive than the black one.15. What does the girl decide to buy at last?&A. A black wallet.&&&&&B. A brown wallet.&&&&C. A tie.16. How much does the girl pay in the end?A. 5 dollars.&&&&&&& &B. 10 dollars.&&&&&C. 15 dollars.听第10段材料, 回答第17至第20题。17. What did Alma do at the age of six? A. She wrote an opera.&&&&B. She wrote a song.&&&C. She sat through an opera.18. Where does Alma like to write music? A. In the park.&&&&&B. In her garden.&&&&C. In her room.19. Where did the idea for The Sweeper of Dreams come from? A. A dream.&&&&&&B. A book. &&&&&C. The English National Opera.20. What does Alma think of herself? A. She wants to be like Mozart.&&B. She is not famous.&&&C. She wants to be herself.&第二部分& 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& AIndian police cannot decide whether to treat it as an extremely clever act of stealing or an even cleverer cheat. Either way, it could be the perfect crime, because the criminals are birds ―homing pigeons!The crime begins with a telephone message to the owner of a stolen car: if you want the car back, pay up. Then, the car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach money to the neck of the pigeon inside. Carrying the money in a tiny bag, the pigeon flies off.There have been at least four such pigeon pick-ups in India. What at first seemed like the work of a clever stay-at-home car thief, however, may in fact be the work of an even lazier and more inventive criminal mind ― one that avoids not only collecting money but going out to steal the car in the first place. Police officer Mohammed says that the criminal probably has pulled a double trick: he gets money for things he cannot possibly return. Instead of stealing cars, he lets someone else do it and then waits for the car-owner to place an advertisement in the newspaper asking for help.The theory is supported by the fact that, so far, none of the stolen cars have been returned. Also, the amount of money demanded― under 30,000 rupees― seems too little for a car worth many times more.Demands for pigeon-delivered money stopped as soon as the press reported the story. And even if they start again, Mohammed holds little hope of catching the criminal. “We have more important things to do,” he said.21. After the car owner received a phone call, he ________.&&&&&&&&& && &A. told the press about it&& B. sent some money to the thief by mail& C. gave the money to the thief and had his car back && &D. went to a certain pigeon and put some money in the bag it carried& 22. The “lazier and more inventive” criminal refers to ________.& && &A. the car thief who stays at home&&&&&& &&&B. the owner of the pigeons&&&&&&& C. one of the policemen in India& &&&&D. one of those who put the ads in the paper 23. The writer mentions the fact that “none of the stolen cars have been returned” to show________.&&&& && &A. the thief is extremely clever&&&&&&&&&& &&&&B. the money paid is too little&&&&& &C. what Mohammed thinks might be correct&&&&&&&&& &D. how easily people get fooled by criminals&&&&&&&& 24. We may infer from the text that the criminal knows how to reach the car owners because________. && &A. he reads the ads in the newspaper&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&B. he lives in the same neighborhood && &C. he has seen the car owners in the park&&&& &&D. he has trained the pigeons to follow them
Experience the newly opened Grand Canyon (大峡谷) West Skywalk in Colorado. Departing from Grand Canyon’s South Rim by Airplane to Grand Canyon’s West Rim, you will land and take a ground tour to the Skywalk! Walk on air for 70 feet over the edge of Grand Canyon West.This Skywalk has been open since March 28, 2007. Daily visitorship to the Skywalk has been over 4,000 people. Please be patient to enjoy your moment on the Skywalk.After you have experienced the one and only Grand Canyon Skywalk Glass Bridge, you will return to the Grand Canyon West Airport and take your airplane for a flight back to the South Rim of the Canyon. This is a tour never to be forgotten as you will have walked on air over the Grand Canyon.Tour Itinerary (行程)Tour Duration&5.7 Hours&The Grand Canyon Adventure SkywalkFlight from Grand Canyon South Rim to Grand Canyon West&1 Hour&Experience a bird’s-eye view of the Grand Canyon as you make your way to Grand Canyon West.Light Lunch at Guano Point at Grand Canyon West&2 Hours&You’ll be taken by bus to Guano Point with breathtaking views of the western part of the Grand Canyon where the Colorado River makes its way into Lake Mood. Every table for lunch has a view.Walk on the World Famous Skywalk&1.5 Hours&Finally you’ll board your bus to Eagle Point, home of the Grand Canyon Skywalk. Now it is time for you to walk on air for 70 feet over the Grand Canyon.Flight Back to Grand Canyon South Rim&1.2 Hours&After time on the Skywalk, you’ll return to the Grand Canyon West Airport and return to Grand Canyon South Rim in time for dinner and sunset.25. This advertisement is for________.A. Grand Canyon&&&&&&&&B. the Skywalk C. Grand Canyon West&&&&&&&D. Grand Canyon South26. The Grand Canyon Skywalk Bridge is made of glass because ________.A. it looks stranger&&&&&&&B. it is cheaper to buildC. it looks more beautiful&&&&&&D. it gives you a better view27. According to the Tour Itinerary, the route is ________.A. South Rim→Guano Point→West Airport→Eagle Point→West Airport→South RimB. South Rim→West Airport→Guano Point→Eagle Point→West Airport→South RimC. South Rim→West Airport→Eagle Point→Guano Point→West Airport→South RimD. South Rim→West Airport→Eagle Point→West Airport→Guano Point→South Rim
CMeeting people from another culture can be difficult. From the beginning, people may send the wrong signal. Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.Different cultures emphasize the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree. For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust. Even with people at work, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in “small talk”, usually over a glass of tea, before they do any job. In many European countries ― like the UK or France ― people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or cafes rather than at the office.Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures. I once made a speech in Thailand. I had expected my speech to be a success and start instead, there was an uncomfortable silence. The people present just stared at me and smiled. After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much. In my own culture, we express meaning mainly through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary.Even within Northern Europe, cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures
however, Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly. We think that they are rude. In fact, this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.28. In some countries, eating together at restaurants may make it easier for people to________.&& &A. develop closer relations&&&&&&&&&&& &&&B. share the same culture&& &C. get to know each other&&&&&&&&&& &&&D. keep each other company29. The author mentions his experience in Thailand to show that ________.&& &A. too many words are of no use&&&& &&B. the English prefer to make long speeches&& &C. people from Thailand are quiet and shy by nature&& &D. even talk and silence can be culturally different30. According to the text, how can people from different cultures understand each other better?&& &A. By sharing different ways of life.&& &&&B. By accepting different habits.&& &C. By recognizing different values.&&& &&&D. By speaking each other’s languages.31. What would be the best title for the text?&& &A. Multicultural Environment.&&&&&&&& &&&B. Cross-Cultural Differences.&& &C. How to Understand Each Other.&&&& &&&D. How to Build Up a Relationship.
DYou are what you eat. This saying has provided scientists with clues about the diet of hominids(原始人类)― our early relatives of 3 million years ago.&&& Studying carbon atoms(碳原子)locked up in tooth enamel(珐琅质), two researchers argue against the widely held belief that hominids ate little more than fruits and leaves. Sponheimer and Julia Lee-Thorp of the University of Cape Town, South Africa, report their findings in Friday’s Science.&&& There aren’t many clues for us to know the life of early hominids. The shape of hominids’ teeth offered the first clues. Large and flat-edged with thick enamel, they looked perfect for eating nuts and fruits, different from the sharp teeth one would want to tear into meat with. The first stone tools, which would help in eating meat, didn’t appear until about half a million years later.&&& Scientists have also found marks on hominids’ teeth with patterns very similar to those on the teeth of modern-day fruit eaters. Sponheimer and Lee-Thorp tried a new method, looking at the chemical composition(组成) of the tooth enamel. They studied the enamel for the carbon-13. Animals that eat grasses have higher carbon-13 levels than those eating fruits and other plants.&&& What they found was that the teeth to the hominids had an in-between amount of carbon-13, which meant not only they were eating fruits, they were eating a lot of grasses, or animals eating grasses. The lower carbon-13 levels could also come from eating certain types of insects.&&& But there are people who understand differently. Prof. Ungar of the University of Arkansas agrees the study offers new suggestions of hominids diet, but disagrees about the suggestion that meat could explain the lower carbon-13 levels.&&& One suggestion might be true though― take good care of your teeth. In 3 million years, a scientist might be using them to figure out what you ate for dinner.32. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Protect Your Teeth. &&&&&&&B. Where the Hominids lived. &C. What the Hominids Ate.&&&&&&D. The Formation of Teeth Enamel.33. Before the two scientists’ findings, most people thought that hominids________.A. used tools to dig grass&&&&&&B. had sharp teeth C. lived half a million years ago&&&&&D. ate mainly fruits and leaves34. The two scientists’ findings were mainly based on the study about________.A. the shape of hominids’ teeth&&&&&B. the grasses of 3 million years ago&C. the make-up of the tooth enamel&&&&D. the teeth marks of early fruit eaters35. What is it that Prof. Ungar finds doubtful?A. Hominids probably had different diets.B. Hominids possibly ate grass-eating animals.C. Hominids were basically fruit and grass eaters.D. Hominids had lower level of carbon-13 in the teeth.
第二节 七选五补全短文 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)& 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The ancient Chinese game Go is considered one of the most complicated strategy games. Winning the game was seen as a test of human creativity. That is, until a machine found a way to do it better. AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence (AI) machine built by Google, won its first match against South Korean Lee Sedol on March 9. Still digesting his loss, Lee said during the post-game press conference, “& 36&& ”&&& But that was just the beginning. In the following week, AlphaGo outperformed Lee in another three matches.&& 37&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&& Some people have been arguing that AI is harmful to the human race.&& 38&&& Similarly, UK scientist Stephen Hawking once warned that the “development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race”.&&& So are we really on the verge(边缘)of living in the world shown in the Terminator(终结者)sci-fi movies? “Not quite,” answered The Economist. After all, it’s hard to get computers to apply their knowledge to everyday situations. “& 39&& ” Thomas Johnson said, founder of an AI toy company. “But for a robot, to walk up and down hills requires so many complicated decisions to be made in real time, and it’s really difficult to do.”&&& As The Economist put it: “We have a long way to go before AI’s abilities truly begin to approach the human brain, despite how powerful the technology can be when focusing on a single task.” Meanwhile, John Markoff of the New York Times argued that researchers should build artificial intelligence that aims for “intelligence augmentation (增加)” (IA) in which computers make people more effective.He wrote: “& 40&&& Since technology depends on the values of its creators, we can make choices using technology to improve the world.”A. Many robots fell over like little kids learning to walk.B. We take for granted things like balance and vision.C. Eventually, our fate is in our own hands.D. So what is next for AI and humanity?&& &E. That made the five-match score 4-1 in favor of AlphaGo.F. In 2014, US businessman Elon Musk said at an MIT conference that developing the technology is calling up a “demon(魔鬼)”.G. I I admit that.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。&As I drove my blue Buick into the garage, I saw that a yellow Oldsmobile was&& 41&&& too close to my space. I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the&& 42&& space. That left hardly enough room to open the door. Then one day I arrived home&& 43& , and just as I turned off the engine, the yellow Oldsmobile entered its space ― too close to my car as usual. At last I had a chance to meet the driver. My patience had&& 44&& and I shouted at her, “Can’t you see you’re not&& 45&& me enough space? Park farther over.” Banging(猛推) open her door into&& 46& , the driver shouted back: “Make me!”& 47&& this, she stepped out of the garage. Still, each time she got home first, she parked too close to my&& 48& . Then one day, I&& 49&& to myself, “What can I do?” Suddenly, an idea&& 50&& me. The next day the woman&& 51& a note on her windshield(挡风玻璃),&& 52&& as follows. Dear Yellow Oldsmobile, I’m sorry my mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She’s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn’t sing anymore while&& 53& . It wasn’t like her to scream like that. Fact is, she was in a bad&& 54&& and was taking it out on you two. I&& 55&& you and your mistress will forgive her.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Your neighbor,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Blue BuickWhen I went to the garage the next morning, the Oldsmobile was gone, but there was a note on my windshield:Dear Blue Buick,My mistress is sorry, too. She parked so&& 56&& because she just learned to drive. We will park much farther over after this. I’m glad we can be&& 57&& now.Your neighbor,Yellow OldsmobileAfter that, whenever Blue Buick&& 58&& Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved cheerfully and smiled. In our daily life, unpleasant things happen frequently.&& 59& , the most important thing is to solve, rather than complain, and that is&& 60&& it takes to lead a happy life. 41. A. driven&B. parked&C. stopped&D. stayed42. A. complete&B. close&C. narrow&D. fixed43. A. hurriedly&B. first&C. finally&D. timely44. A. used up&B. given away&C. run away&D. given out 45. A. keeping&B. saving&C. offering&D. leaving46. A. mine&B. hers&C. itself&D. ours47. A. For&B. With&C. From&D. Upon48 A. room&B. area&C. front&D. side49. A. replied &B. thought &C. admitted &D. answered 50. A. occurred &B. beat&C. struck&D. caught 51. A. put&B. wrote&C. sent&D. discovered52. A. writing& &B. informing &C. printing &D. reading 53. A. working&B. driving&C. returning&D. cooking54. A. situation& &B. position& &C. mood& &D. state 55. A. hope&B. know&C. suppose&D. suggest56. A. crazily&B. eagerly&C. noisily&D. early57. A. neighbors&B. friends&C. drivers&D. writers58. A. followed&B. missed&C. passed&D. hit59. A. Thus &B. However &C. Meanwhile &D. Even 60. A. that& &B. when& &C. how& &D. what
第II卷 非选择题 (共50分)注意事项:必须使用0.5毫米黑色墨迹签字笔在答题卡上题目所指示的答题区域内作答。在试题卷上无效。第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Mental health is our birthright. We don’t have to learn how to be mentally healthy, for it&&& 61&&& (build) into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone. Mental health can’t be learned, only reawakened. When we don’t understand its value and don’t know how to gain access to it, it remains&&& 62&& (hide) from us. It doesn’ like the sun behind a cloud, it can&& 63&&& (temporary) disappear, but it can be fully restored.  Mental health is the seed&&& 64&&& contains self-confidence in ourselves and an ability to trust in our common sense. It allows us to laugh at&&& 65&& (us), to see the bigger picture and to see that things will work out. It allows us to view others with sympathy&&& 66&&& they are having troubles, with kindness if they are in pain, and with unconditional love no matter who they are. It is the source of&&& 67&& (create) for solving problems, managing our home life, making our surroundings much&& 68&& (beauty), or coming up&&& 69&&& a creative idea to make our lives easier. It allows us&& 70&& (see) the beauty surrounding us each moment in nature, in culture or in the flow of our daily lives.
第四部分& 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节& 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) &&& 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改,请你修改你同桌写的以下。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。&&& 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(Λ),并在其下面写出该加的词。&&& 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。&&& 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:&&& 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Dear Amy,&&& I am writing to thank you for your congratulations at my success in the translation competition. In your letter, you told me that you want to know how to do well in translation. Here are some piece of advice.&&& First, you need to grasp the basic grammar knowledge, that enables you to understand the sentences correctly and translate the originally language to the target language properly. Second, you’d better to master a wide range of knowledge belonged to different fields. It’s true that the more you know, the easier is for you to make clear what the passage talks about.&&& I hope my suggestions are of great helpful for your future study and translation. Don’t hesitate to contact me since you have any question. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yours,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Li Ming第二节& 书面表达(满分25分) 假定你是会主席李霞。学校将于6月15日在校体育馆(gym)举办一次以“校园生活.创意无限(Innovations on Campus)”为主题的创意作品展评活动。请你根据以下要点,用英语写一份发言稿,号召大家积极参与。 1.参展作品要求(如内容、创意说明等);2.报名时间、地点;&3.联系人及联系方式。注意:&1.词数100左右;2.可以适当发挥,以使行文连贯;3.开头及结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:校园campus 创意作品innovation  Dear fellow students, May I have your attention please?& _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
参考答案:1-20 ABABB& AACAB&& BABBC&& ABBAC阅读理解:21-40:DBCAB& DBADC& BCDCB&& GEFBC 完形:41-60: BCBDD& ABDBC& DDBCA& ABCBD 语法填空:61. is built&&&& 62. hidden&& &63. temporarily&& &64. that/which&& &65. ourselves66.when/if&&&& 67.creativity&& 68. more beautiful&& &69. with&& &&70. to see短文改错:&Dear Amy,I am writing to thank you for your congratulations at my success in the translation &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& oncompetition. In your letter, you told me that you want to know how to do well in translation. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& wantedHere are some piece of advice.&&&&&&&&&&& piecesFirst, you need to grasp the basic grammar knowledge, that enables you to understand &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& whichthe sentences correctly and translate the originally language to the target language properly. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& originalSecond, you’d better to master a wide range of knowledge belonged to different fields. It’s true &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& belonging that the more you know, the easier∧is for you to make clear what the passage talks about.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& it&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& && &I hope my suggestions are of great helpful for your future study and translation. Don’t &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& helphesitate to contact me since you have any question.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& when/if&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &Yours,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &Li Ming
书面表达: One possible version& Dear fellow students, May I have your attention please? An exciting event “Innovations on Campus” will be held at our school on June 15th. Here is some relevant information concerning the event. To begin with, please bear it in mind that your innovation must be related to school things. Along with it, you need to hand in a report, explaining how your ideas come about. What’s more, whoever is interested in the event must sign up for it at our office located on the third floor of the Teaching Building before the deadline, June 10th. In addition, if you have any questions, call Bruce at . I’m sure he’ll provide you with all the information you need. Come on, everybody! Let’s take an active part in this event and make it a huge success!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &文章来 源天添 资源网 w ww.tT z
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