
---&|&------------------------------------------------daily reddit gold goal84%reddit gold gives you extra features and helps keep our servers running. We believe the more reddit can be user-supported, the freer we will be to make reddit the best it can be.Buy gold for yourself to gain access to  and . A month of gold pays for  231.26 minutes of reddit server time!Give gold to thank exemplary people and encourage them to post more.Yesterday's reddit gold goal98%sorted by: newLMAO
bet u gonna say ioffer lol
Ur a retard
What did he say lmao
U literally cannot fucking tell on foot. I barely see any difference with a side to side comparison but u out here talking shit lmao.
Yea man probably a new batch
Fr? Which one was it so I can avoid that one
Model watches is 1:1, never heard of Daniel.
Nothing has people wanting to buy a shoe than a pic of some hairy leg wearing it barefoot
Looking also
He did not say any of what u said lmao
they sell joggers? lol i hit the outlet for jeans
Lmao dislikes because I was misinformed in a video?
Scythe plays has a video that already said was 1 bil
wait so how do you know if you do over lol
i thought 1 bil was max dmg
U mean 1 billion lol
LOL you're the one acting special as fuck lmfaooooo
You the one spamming posts saying WHERE ARE THE WOMENS REPS?? and I'm only saying find them yourself? Why do you need special treatment lol making your own whole ass posts and shit? I never even said shit until you replied with your hella dumb self lol. I said you can find your reps yourself just fine. You start saying some irrelevant shit &this subreddit is not males only& and nobody even EVER stated that. It's our your small brain thinking you're oppressed or something, speaking out lol. Want womens reps? Search the subreddit. There's a bar where you can type keywords in, and if there is a post, it will show up. Now shut the fuck up please. You are not special at all lol.
And if someone has bought any women's shoes or whatever, and want to review here, they will. Just simply search in the search bar, for &women's shoes& or whatever the fuck you want. Not even that hard.
Btw I don't give a single fuck about your little subreddit lol. You advertised that once I didn't even care. But I keep seeing you on other posts like you're something special lmao. &Are there any womens here?& &So I can add it to my womens page!& And talking hella random shit making a big deal about everything lmao. You also brought up, &I know this isnt a men's only sub!& Lol. Nobody ever even said that. You are dumb as hell because I never even implied it lmfao. Every single piece of rep on this sub is unisex except for what? The boxers? You can wear that too if you want to. Stop making a big ass deal out of everything lmfao and stfu already.
Yo can you find me some men's fashion please I really want men's fashion
plus all these bags and backpacks
tell me how rn lmao all the shirts n hoodies are for men only?
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sig.c ( 鏂囦欢娴忚? )
OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks
over a single TCP/UDP port, with support for SSL/TLS-based
session authentication and key exchange,
packet encryption, packet authentication, and
packet compression.
Copyright (C)
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. &&
This prog you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this
distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
#include &config.h&
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#include &config-msvc.h&
#include &syshead.h&
#include &buffer.h&
#include &error.h&
#include &win32.h&
#include &init.h&
#include &status.h&
#include &sig.h&
#include &occ.h&
#include &manage.h&
#include &openvpn.h&
#include &memdbg.h&
/* Handle signals */
struct signal_info siginfo_ /* GLOBAL */
struct signame {
const char *
const char *
static const struct signame signames[] = {
SIGTERM, &SIGTERM&, &sigterm&
SIGUSR1, &SIGUSR1&, &sigusr1&
SIGUSR2, &SIGUSR2&, &sigusr2&
parse_signal (const char *signame)
for (i = 0; i & (int)SIZE (signames); ++i)
if (!strcmp (signame, signames[i].upper))
return signames[i].
return -1;
const char *
signal_name (const int sig, const bool upper)
for (i = 0; i & (int)SIZE (signames); ++i)
if (sig == signames[i].value)
return upper ? signames[i].upper : signames[i].
return &UNKNOWN&;
const char *
signal_description (const int signum, const char *sigtext)
if (sigtext)
return signal_name (signum, false);
throw_signal (const int signum)
siginfo_static.signal_received =
siginfo_static.source = SIG_SOURCE_HARD;
throw_signal_soft (const int signum, const char *signal_text)
siginfo_static.signal_received =
siginfo_static.source = SIG_SOURCE_SOFT;
siginfo_static.signal_text = signal_
static void
signal_reset (struct signal_info *si)
si-&signal_received = 0;
si-&signal_text = NULL;
si-&source = SIG_SOURCE_SOFT;
print_signal (const struct signal_info *si, const char *title, int msglevel)
const char *type = (si-&signal_text ? si-&signal_text : &&);
const char *t = (title ? title : &process&);
const char *
switch (si-&source)
hs= &soft&;
hs = &hard&;
hs = &connection failed(soft)&;
switch (si-&signal_received)
case SIGINT:
msg (msglevel, &%s[%s,%s] received, %s exiting&,
signal_name (si-&signal_received, true), hs, type, t);
case SIGHUP:
case SIGUSR1:
msg (msglevel, &%s[%s,%s] received, %s restarting&,
signal_name (si-&signal_received, true), hs, type, t);
msg (msglevel, &Unknown signal %d [%s,%s] received by %s&, si-&signal_received, hs, type, t);
msg (msglevel, &Unknown signal received&);
* Call management interface with restart info
signal_restart_status (const struct signal_info *si)
if (management)
int state = -1;
switch (si-&signal_received)
case SIGINT:
case SIGHUP:
case SIGUSR1:
if (state &= 0)
management_set_state (management,
si-&signal_text ? si-&signal_text : signal_name (si-&signal_received, true),
/* normal signal handler, when we are in event loop */
static void
signal_handler (const int signum)
throw_signal (signum);
signal (signum, signal_handler);
/* set handlers for unix signals */
#define SM_UNDEF
#define SM_PRE_INIT
#define SM_POST_INIT 2
static int signal_ /* GLOBAL */
pre_init_signal_catch (void)
#ifndef WIN32
signal_mode = SM_PRE_INIT;
signal (SIGINT, signal_handler);
signal (SIGTERM, signal_handler);
signal (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
signal (SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN);
signal (SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN);
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGNAL_H */
#endif /* WIN32 */
post_init_signal_catch (void)
#ifndef WIN32
signal_mode = SM_POST_INIT;
signal (SIGINT, signal_handler);
signal (SIGTERM, signal_handler);
signal (SIGHUP, signal_handler);
signal (SIGUSR1, signal_handler);
signal (SIGUSR2, signal_handler);
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGNAL_H */
/* called after daemonization to retain signal settings */
restore_signal_state (void)
if (signal_mode == SM_PRE_INIT)
pre_init_signal_catch ();
else if (signal_mode == SM_POST_INIT)
post_init_signal_catch ();
* Print statistics.
* Triggered by SIGUSR2 or F2 on Windows.
print_status (const struct context *c, struct status_output *so)
struct gc_arena gc = gc_new ();
status_reset (so);
status_printf (so, &OpenVPN STATISTICS&);
status_printf (so, &Updated,%s&, time_string (0, 0, false, &gc));
status_printf (so, &TUN/TAP read bytes,& counter_format, c-&c2.tun_read_bytes);
status_printf (so, &TUN/TAP write bytes,& counter_format, c-&c2.tun_write_bytes);
status_printf (so, &TCP/UDP read bytes,& counter_format, c-&c2.link_read_bytes);
status_printf (so, &TCP/UDP write bytes,& counter_format, c-&c2.link_write_bytes);
status_printf (so, &Auth read bytes,& counter_format, c-&c2.link_read_bytes_auth);
#ifdef USE_COMP
if (c-&c2.comp_context)
comp_print_stats (c-&c2.comp_context, so);
status_printf (so, &TUN read truncations,& counter_format, c-&c2.n_trunc_tun_read);
status_printf (so, &TUN write truncations,& counter_format, c-&c2.n_trunc_tun_write);
status_printf (so, &Pre-encrypt truncations,& counter_format, c-&c2.n_trunc_pre_encrypt);
status_printf (so, &Post-decrypt truncations,& counter_format, c-&c2.n_trunc_post_decrypt);
#ifdef WIN32
if (tuntap_defined (c-&c1.tuntap))
status_printf (so, &TAP-WIN32 driver status,\&%s\&&,
tap_win_getinfo (c-&c1.tuntap, &gc));
status_printf (so, &END&);
status_flush (so);
gc_free (&gc);
* Handle the triggering and time-wait of explicit
* exit notification.
static void
process_explicit_exit_notification_init (struct context *c)
msg (M_INFO, &SIGTERM received, sending exit notification to peer&);
event_timeout_init (&c-&c2.explicit_exit_notification_interval, 1, 0);
reset_coarse_timers (c);
signal_reset (c-&sig);
halt_non_edge_triggered_signals ();
c-&c2.explicit_exit_notification_time_wait =
process_explicit_exit_notification_timer_wakeup (struct context *c)
if (event_timeout_trigger (&c-&c2.explicit_exit_notification_interval,
ASSERT (c-&c2.explicit_exit_notification_time_wait && c-&options.ce.explicit_exit_notification);
if (now &= c-&c2.explicit_exit_notification_time_wait + c-&options.ce.explicit_exit_notification)
event_timeout_clear (&c-&c2.explicit_exit_notification_interval);
c-&sig-&signal_received = SIGTERM;
c-&sig-&signal_text = &exit-with-notification&;
c-&c2.occ_op = OCC_EXIT;
* Process signals
remap_signal (struct context *c)
if (c-&sig-&signal_received == SIGUSR1 && c-&options.remap_sigusr1)
c-&sig-&signal_received = c-&options.remap_sigusr1;
static void
process_sigusr2 (const struct context *c)
struct status_output *so = status_open (NULL, 0, M_INFO, NULL, 0);
print_status (c, so);
status_close (so);
signal_reset (c-&sig);
static bool
process_sigterm (struct context *c)
bool ret =
if (c-&options.ce.explicit_exit_notification
&& !c-&c2.explicit_exit_notification_time_wait)
process_explicit_exit_notification_init (c);
process_signal (struct context *c)
bool ret =
if (c-&sig-&signal_received == SIGTERM || c-&sig-&signal_received == SIGINT)
ret = process_sigterm (c);
else if (c-&sig-&signal_received == SIGUSR2)
process_sigusr2 (c);
register_signal (struct context *c, int sig, const char *text)
if (c-&sig-&signal_received != SIGTERM)
c-&sig-&signal_received =
c-&sig-&signal_text =


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