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Colour Spaces
In what follows are various notes dealing with colour spaces and conversion between them.
RGB colour space
Lists of RGB values for named colours
Written by
is the "standard" set as used by the SGI X windows
server. The values are in the range of 0 to 255 inclusive.
Contribution by Robert Rapplean,
that creates
that can be
folded together to form the RGB colour cube.
Colour space
A colour space is a means of uniquely specifying a colour. There are a number
of colour spaces in common usage depending on the particular industry and/or
application involved. For example as humans we normally determine colour by
parameters such as brightness, hue, and colourfulness. On computers it is more
common to describe colour by three components, normally red, green, and blue.
These are related to the excitation of red, green, and blue phosphors on a
computer monitor. Another similar system geared more towards the printing
industry uses cyan, magenta, and yellow to specify colour, they are related to
the reflectance and absorbance of inks on paper.
Some other major colour spaces are:
HSL, Hue Saturation and Lightness.
HSI, Hue Saturation and Intensity
HSV, Hue Saturation and Value
CIE, a colour standard from the for Commission Internationale
de l'Eclairage based on brightness, hue, and colourfulness.
There are generally ways of converting (transforming) between different colour
spaces although in most cases the transformation is nonlinear. Some colour
spaces for example can represent colours which cannot be represented in others.
RGB colour cube
The colour space for computer based applications is often visualised by a unit
cube. Each colour (red, green, blue) is assigned to one of the three orthogonal
coordinate axes in 3D space. An example of such a cube is shown below along
with some key colours and their coordinates.
Along each axis of the colour cube the colours range from no contribution of
that component to a fully saturated colour.
The colour cube is solid, any point (colour) within the cube is specified by
three numbers, namely, an r,g,b triple.
The diagonal line of the cube from black (0,0,0) to white (1,1,1) represents
all the greys, that is, all the red, green, and blue components are the same.
In practice different computer hardware/software combinations will use
different ranges for the colours, common ones are 0-256 and 0-65536 for each
component. This is simply a linear scaling of the unit colour cube described
This RGB colour space lies within our perceptual space, that is, the RGB cube
is smaller and represents fewer colours than we can see.
A more "colourful" view of the shell of the colour cube is shown below.
RGB colour values for "familiar" colours.
The first set below was originally compiled by Steve Hollasch and
is organised as follows: the first column is the
descriptiv the next three columns are the RGB
coordinates in the 0 to 255 range as if the components were being
the last three columns are the RGB
colour coordinates in the range of 0 to 1 inclusive.
cadmium_red_light 255
slate_blue_medium 123
cobalt_violetdeep 145
ultramarine_violet 92
An inexpensive scheme for calibration of a color monitor in terms of CIE
standard coordinates
W.B. Cowan, Computer Graphics, Vol. 17 No. 3, 1983
Calibration of a computer controlled color monitor
Brainard, D.H,
Color Research & Application, 14, 1, pp 23-34 (1989).
Color Monitor Colorimetry
SMPTE Recommended Practice RP 145-1987
Color Temperature for Color Television Studio Monitors
SMPTE Recommended Practice RP 37
Color Science in Television and Display Systems
Sproson, W, N, Adam Hilger Ltd, 1983. ISBN 0-
CIE Colorimetry
Official recommendations of the International
Commission on Illumination, Publication 15.2 1986
CRT Colorimetry:Part 1 Theory and Practice, Part 2 Metrology
Berns, R.S., Motta, R.J. and Gorzynski, M.E., Color Research and
Application, 18, (1993)
Effective Color Displays. Theory and Practice
Travis, D, Academic Press, 1991. ISBN 0-12-
Color and Its Reproduction
Field, G.G., Graphics Arts Technical, Foundation, 1988, pp. 320-9
Gamma and its disguises: The nonlinear mappings of intensity in perception,
CRT's, Film and Video
C. A. Poynton, SMPTE Journal, December 1993
Measuring Color (second edition),
R. W. G. Hunt, Ellis Horwood 1991, ISBN 0-13-567686-x
On the Gun Independence and Phosphor Consistency of Color Video
W.B. Cowan N. Rowell, Color Research and Application, V.11 Supplement 1986
Precision requirements for digital color reproduction
M Stokes MD Fairchild RS Berns, ACM Transactions on graphics, v11 n4 1992
The colorimetry of self luminous displays - a bibliography
CIE Publication n.87, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna 1990
The Reproduction of Color in PhotoGraphy, Printing and Television
W. G. Hunt, Fountain Press, Tolworth, England, 1987
Fully Utilizing Photo CD Images, Article No. 4, PhotoYCC Color Encoding and
Compression Schemes
Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester NY (USA) (1993).
Digital halftoning
Robert Ulichney, MIT Press, 1987, ISBN 0-262-21009-6
WWW Browser colours
Written by
September 1996
Achieving consistent colour representation within WWW documents between
browsers (NetScape, MSIE) and hardware platforms (Macintosh, Windows, UNIX)
requires some knowledge of how browsers allocate colours when running
in 8 bit mode (256 colours). If 16, 24 or higher colour modes are being
used then exact colour representation is achieved without dithering and
the following doesn't apply.
Colour in HTML is represented by 3 hexadecimal (hex) pairs, representing the
red, green, blue components of the final colour. Each RGB component is
stored as 1 byte (unsigned) ranging numerically from 0 to 255, in hex
this is "00" to "ff". The colour model is the familiar colour cube used
in computer graphics.
Any colour can be requested by a WWW page but the browser will not necessarily
use that colour precisely due to hardware limitations. Even if the hardware
is capable of 24 bit colour, the actual RGB components are often rounded to
multiples of 4, fortunately this is not discernable by humans even if it
could be resolved by the monitor. In index colour system such as the most
common 256 colour system, the actual colours that can be displayed are
quantised into much coarser steps. The operating system generally needs
some colours for its own use such as drawing window boundaries, menus, etc.
Browsers on Macintosh and MSWindows systems use 216 of the available 256
colours, the remaining 40 are left available for the operating system
to allocate as necessary.
If colours are used that are not in the palette of 256 colours the
browser will either convert the colour to one that is closest in the
palette or it will give the bext representation of the requested
colour by dithering a number of the available colours.
If these colours are being used for backgrounds and/or
text it can often mean the difference between a readable and unreadable
Consider the rectangle on the right.
It is created using a colour that is in the standard 216 palette used
by browsers (NetScape and MSIE).
The rectangle on the right however uses a colour not in the standard palette.
It will either look like a solid colour if you have a 16 or 24 bit colour
system or dithered if you have a 256 indexed colour system.
The set of colours which, if used, will look the same on all 256 palette
systems is simply a 6x6x6 (216) partitioning of the colour cube.
The discrete steps in each RGB component are
or as percentages
This doesn't include any grey scale levels (where r = g = b) but fortunately
the 40 system wide colours usually include a good range of grey values.
Colour table - red
The above table was generated by slicing along the red axis of the
colour cube, that is, each table above is a sampled plane parallel
to the green-blue plane. Slices could be generated along the other
two axes as well.
Laid out as a PhotoShop table, the 256 colour palette for the Macintosh
is shown on the left and the 216 palette for MS based
machines is shown on the right.
All three slices can be viewed below
Note: The above refers to what colours should be used when
creating simple colour diagrams, for example, backgrounds, logos, etc.
For photographic or other images with more than 256 colours it is better
to use an adaptive colour table when creating the gif rather than
dithering to the browser palette.
to create colour table.
Converting between RGB and CMY, YIQ, YUV
Compiled by
February 1994
RGB to/from CMY
Converting from RGB to CMY is simply the following
1 - R1 - G1 - B
The reverse mapping is similarly obvious
1 - C1 - M1 - Y
The two system may also be known as additive for RGB and subtractive for
RGB to/from YIQ
The YIQ system is the colour primary system adopted by NTSC for colour
broadcasting. The YIQ color solid is formed by a linear
transformation of the RGB cube. Its purpose is to exploit certain
characteristics of the human visual system to maximize the use of a fixed
bandwidth. The transform maxtrix is as follows
Note: First line Y = (0.299, 0.587, 0.144) (R,G,B) also gives pure B&W
translation for RGB.
The inverse transformation matrix that converts YIQ to RGB is
RGB to/from YUV
YUV is like YIQ, except that it is the PAL/European standard.
Transformation matrix is
The reverse transform is
HSL colour space
Hue - Saturation - Lightness
Written by
The HSL colour space has three coordinates: hue, saturation, and lightness
(sometimes luminance)
respectively, it is sometimes referred to as HLS. The hue is an angle from
0 to 360 degrees, typically 0 is red, 60 degrees yellow, 120 degrees
green, 180 degrees cyan, 240 degrees blue, and 300 degrees magenta.
Saturation typically ranges from 0 to 1 (sometimes 0 to 100%) and
defines how grey the colour is, 0 indicates grey and 1 is the pure
primary colour. Lightness is intuitively what it's name indicates,
varying the lightness reduces the values of the primary colours while
keeping them in the same ratio. If the colour space is represented
by disks of varying lightness then the hue and saturation are the
equivalent to polar coordinates (r,theta) of any point in the plane.
These disks are shown on the right for various values of lightness.
C code to transform between RGB and HSL is given below
Calculate HSL from RGB
Hue is in degrees
Lightness is between 0 and 1
Saturation is between 0 and 1
double themin,themax,
themin = MIN(c1.r,MIN(c1.g,c1.b));
themax = MAX(c1.r,MAX(c1.g,c1.b));
delta = themax -
c2.l = (themin + themax) / 2;
if (c2.l & 0 && c2.l & 1)
c2.s = delta / (c2.l & 0.5 ? (2*c2.l) : (2-2*c2.l));
if (delta & 0) {
if (themax == c1.r && themax != c1.g)
c2.h += (c1.g - c1.b) /
if (themax == c1.g && themax != c1.b)
c2.h += (2 + (c1.b - c1.r) / delta);
if (themax == c1.b && themax != c1.r)
c2.h += (4 + (c1.r - c1.g) / delta);
c2.h *= 60;
Calculate RGB from HSL, reverse of RGB2HSL()
Hue is in degrees
Lightness is between 0 and 1
Saturation is between 0 and 1
COLOUR c2,sat,
while (c1.h & 0)
c1.h += 360;
while (c1.h & 360)
c1.h -= 360;
if (c1.h & 120) {
sat.r = (120 - c1.h) / 60.0;
sat.g = c1.h / 60.0;
sat.b = 0;
} else if (c1.h & 240) {
sat.r = 0;
sat.g = (240 - c1.h) / 60.0;
sat.b = (c1.h - 120) / 60.0;
sat.r = (c1.h - 240) / 60.0;
sat.g = 0;
sat.b = (360 - c1.h) / 60.0;
sat.r = MIN(sat.r,1);
sat.g = MIN(sat.g,1);
sat.b = MIN(sat.b,1);
ctmp.r = 2 * c1.s * sat.r + (1 - c1.s);
ctmp.g = 2 * c1.s * sat.g + (1 - c1.s);
ctmp.b = 2 * c1.s * sat.b + (1 - c1.s);
if (c1.l & 0.5) {
c2.r = c1.l * ctmp.r;
c2.g = c1.l * ctmp.g;
c2.b = c1.l * ctmp.b;
c2.r = (1 - c1.l) * ctmp.r + 2 * c1.l - 1;
c2.g = (1 - c1.l) * ctmp.g + 2 * c1.l - 1;
c2.b = (1 - c1.l) * ctmp.b + 2 * c1.l - 1;
HSV colour space
Hue - Saturation - Value
Written by
The HSV colour space has three coordinates: hue, saturation, and value
(sometimes called brighness) respectively.
This colour system is attributed to "Smith" around 1978 and used
to be called the hexcone colour model.
The hue is an angle from
0 to 360 degrees, typically 0 is red, 60 degrees yellow, 120 degrees
green, 180 degrees cyan, 240 degrees blue, and 300 degrees magenta.
Saturation typically ranges from 0 to 1 (sometimes 0 to 100%) and
defines how grey the colour is, 0 indicates grey and 1 is the pure
primary colour.
Value is similar to luninance except it also varies the colour
If the colour space is represented
by disks of varying lightness then the hue and saturation are the
equivalent to polar coordinates (r,theta) of any point in the plane.
The disks on the right show this for various values.
C code to transform between RGB and HSV is given below
Calculate RGB from HSV, reverse of RGB2HSV()
Hue is in degrees
Lightness is between 0 and 1
Saturation is between 0 and 1
while (c1.h & 0)
c1.h += 360;
while (c1.h & 360)
c1.h -= 360;
if (c1.h & 120) {
sat.r = (120 - c1.h) / 60.0;
sat.g = c1.h / 60.0;
sat.b = 0;
} else if (c1.h & 240) {
sat.r = 0;
sat.g = (240 - c1.h) / 60.0;
sat.b = (c1.h - 120) / 60.0;
sat.r = (c1.h - 240) / 60.0;
sat.g = 0;
sat.b = (360 - c1.h) / 60.0;
sat.r = MIN(sat.r,1);
sat.g = MIN(sat.g,1);
sat.b = MIN(sat.b,1);
c2.r = (1 - c1.s + c1.s * sat.r) * c1.v;
c2.g = (1 - c1.s + c1.s * sat.g) * c1.v;
c2.b = (1 - c1.s + c1.s * sat.b) * c1.v;
Calculate HSV from RGB
Hue is in degrees
Lightness is betweeen 0 and 1
Saturation is between 0 and 1
double themin,themax,
themin = MIN(c1.r,MIN(c1.g,c1.b));
themax = MAX(c1.r,MAX(c1.g,c1.b));
delta = themax -
if (themax & 0)
c2.s = delta /
if (delta & 0) {
if (themax == c1.r && themax != c1.g)
c2.h += (c1.g - c1.b) /
if (themax == c1.g && themax != c1.b)
c2.h += (2 + (c1.b - c1.r) / delta);
if (themax == c1.b && themax != c1.r)
c2.h += (4 + (c1.r - c1.g) / delta);
c2.h *= 60;
Frequency to RGB
Compiled by
February 1994
Rogers, David F., "Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics,"
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1985, pp390-398.
The best way of finding the RGB values of a given wavelength is to use the CIE
chromaticity diagram.
The spectral locus is on the edge of the wing-shaped
You just need to transform the xy coordinate from CIEXYZ space into RGB
Below I have spectral locus coordinates from 380nm to 780m in steps of 5 nm.
It's written as a C array.
We'll refer to any particular wavelength's
coordinates as xc and yc.
To transform into RGB, we need the xy coordinates of the RGB primaries and the
alignment white.
I'll use a set of typical values.
call these xr and yr
From these we can compute the linear transformation from CIEXYZ to RGB.It is:
2.739 -1.145 -0.424 ] [X]
[G] = [ -1.119
0.033 ] [Y]
0.138 -0.333
1.105 ] [Z]
However, if the xy coordinate of the spectral color isn't inside the triangle
formed by the RGB xy coordinates given above (and none of them are), then we
must first find a closest match that is inside the triangle.
Otherwise our RGB
values will go outside the range [0,1], i.e. some values will be less than zero
or greater than one.
One common way of moving the color inside the triangle is to make the color
whiter (i.e. desaturate it).
Mathematically we do this by intersecting the
line joining the color and the alignment white with the edges of the
First define the line that goes through white and your color implicitly:
[-(yw - yc)] * P + [-(yw - yc)] * [xc]
For every pair of red, green, and blue, define an explicit (parametric line).
For example, the line between the red and green primaries is:
P = [xr] + t * [xg - xr]
Substitute Lrg for P into Lc and solve for the parameter t. If
1, then you've got the answer and you don't need to try the other lines.
Otherwise, substitute Lgb, and if necessary Lbr.
If t is not in the range
[0,1] then the intersection occurred outside the triangle.
Once you have t, plug it into the original equation for Lrg (or whatever line
gave a good solution) and you get the xy coordinate. Plug this into the linear
transformation above (using z = 1 - x - y) to get the RGB values.
At least one
of R, G, or B should be exactly one (ie fully saturated in the RGB color
Since this is an involved procedure, I would suggest precomputing RGB's for all
the wavelengths you'll need (or enough to interpolate) once for each display
device you'll be using.
If you know the chromaticity coordinates of your
display's primaries and its white you can compute the linear transformation
/* CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinates of spectral stimuli
z = 1 - x - y) */
float spectrum_xy[][2] = {
YCC colour space and image compression
Written by
April 2000
There are an infinite number of possible colour spaces instead of the
common RGB (Red, Green, Blue) system most commonly used in computer graphics.
Many of these other colour spaces are derived by applying linear
functions of r, g, b. So for example, a colour space based upon 3
coordinates v1, v2, and v3 can be written as:
v1 = Ar1 R + Ag1 G + Ab1 B
v2 = Ar2 R + Ag2 G + Ab2 B
v3 = Ar3 R + Ag3 G + Ab3 B
Where the Ar, Ag, Ab are constants for a particular colour space. Similarly
for any such system there are linear functions to go back to RGB space.
The coefficients Dr, Dg, Dc can be derived by solving the above equations
for r,g,b.
For example:
R = Dr1 v1 + Dg1 v2 + Db1 v3
G = Dr2 v1 + Dg2 v2 + Db2 v3
B = Dr3 v1 + Dg3 v2 + Db3 v3
The human visual system has much less dynamic range (acuity) for
spatial variation in colour than for brightness (luminance), in other words,
we are acutely aware of changes in the brightness of details than of small
changes in hue. So rather
than saving as RGB it can be more efficient to encode luminance in one
channel and colour information (that has had the luminance contribution
removed) in two other channels. The two colour channels can be encoded with
less bandwidth by using a number of techniques, predominantly by reducing
the precision, or as will be discussed here, reducing the spatial resolution.
Since green dominates the luminance channel it makes sense to base
the other two chrominance channels on luminance subtracted red and blue.
Such luminance, red chrominance and blue chrominance systems are generally
referred to as Y, Cr, and Cb. In what follows they will generally be
referred this way or simply as YCC.
Example: Kodak PhotoCD YCC
The Kodak PhotoYCC colour space was designed for encoding
images with the PhotoCD system. It is based on both CCIR Recommendations
709 and 601-1, having a colour gamut defined by the CCIR 709 primaries
and a luminance - chrominance representation of colour like
CCIR 601-1's YCbCr.
To convert from RGB to PhotoCD YCC, the following matrix operation is used
(after appropriate gamma correction has been applied).
Notice the major contribution to the Cr value is red and the main contribution
to the Cb value is blue.
The unbalanced scale difference between Chroma1 and Chroma2 is designed,
according to Kodak, to follow the typical distribution of colours in
real scenes.
0.299 R + 0.587 G + 0.114 B
0.701 R - 0.587 G - 0.114 B
Cb = -0.299 R - 0.587 G + 0.886 B
The rationale behind these coefficients can be found by considering that
the luminance subtracted blue (B-Y) signal reaches its extreme values at
blue (R=0, G=0, B=1, Y=0.114, B-Y=0.886) and at yellow (R=1, G=1, B=0,
Y=0.886, B-Y=-0.886).
Similarly, the extrema of the luminance subtracted red (R-Y), +-0.701,
occur at red and cyan.
In a similar way there is a matrix for creating RGB colour values from
any colour space created as discussed above. Note that in many cases
and this applies to YCC colour spaces, it is possible to represent colours
that cannot be represented in RGB space. For the Kodak system the
reverse mapping from YCC into RGB is:
G = Y - 0.194 Cb - 0.509 Cr
Application to image compression
Given the human visual systems "preference" for luminance information,
one can design an image compression system around YCC colour space.
Consider an RGB image with Nx horizontal pixels and Ny vertical pixels.
If each pixel is repreented as one byte the the image size in bytes
is Nx Ny 3. Consider storing the image in YCC space where the
luminance channel Y is stored as one byte for each pixel but the two
chrominance channels are only stored for each block of say 4x4 pixels.
The resulting image would be Nx Ny + 2 (Nx/4 + Ny/4), this is an
image 2 and 2/3rds smaller. Put another way, instead of using on average
3 bytes (24 bits) per pixel we would only be using 9 bits per pixel.
Note the chrominance is averaged over each 4x4 block. There is nothing
particularly special about a 4x4 block instead of a 3x3 or 5x5 or other
sizes. A 2x2 by two results in a factor 2 saving, a 3x3 grid results in
a saving of 2.45. Larger grids give ever decreasing rates of return and
soon impact on the image quality.
The YCC colour space used follows that used by TIFF and JPEG (Rec 601-1)
0.2989 R + 0.5866 G + 0.1145 B
Cb = -0.1687 R - 0.3312 G + 0.5000 B
0.5000 R - 0.4183 G - 0.0816 B
RGB values are normally on the scale of 0 to 1, or since they are
stored as unsigned single bytes, 0 to 255. The resulting luminance
value is also on the scale of 0 to 255, the chrominance values
need 127.5 added to them so they can saved in an unsigned byte.
Of course when the YCC values are turned back into RGB, then
127.5 must be first subtracted from the two chrominance values.
The reverse transform is
+ 1.4022 Cr
G = Y - 0.3456 Cb - 0.7145 Cr
B = Y + 1.7710 Cb
The full chrominance range of +-0.5 maps into a larger colour
space than supported by RGB. The above equations can yield
RGB values outside the 0 to 255 (or 0 to 1) range, these typically
relate to very light or dark colours. The RGB values should be
clipped so they lie within the allowed range after the transform
from YCC to RGB is calculated.
An image compressed this way
is obviously degraded but could one tell the difference? Below
are two images, the one on the left uses 24 bits per pixel and the one
on the right uses 9 bits per pixel as described above.
The above is the original image that is used as an example in what follows.
It was captured as a single from a digital movie camera.
The above is the image that results from a 1 byte Y channel and
4x4 subsampled Cr, Cc channels.
First C channel (Cr)
Second C channel (Cb)
The compression scheme above is most noticeable when there are rapid changes
in hue but little change in luminance, in this case the 4x4 subsampling of
the Cr and Cb channels is most noticeable. For images of real world
scenes this happens surprisingly rarely, in the before and after example
above it is virtually impossible to zoom in and find examples of the
4x4 subsampling. Similarly one would not generally use this sort of
compression for low colour images, in that case other compression techniques
are available.
Appendix: Other standard colour space conversions
RGB -> CIE XYZitu (D65)
X = 0.431 R + 0.342 G + 0.178 B
Y = 0.222 R + 0.707 G + 0.071 B
Z = 0.020 R + 0.130 G + 0.939 B
CIE XYZitu (D65) -> RGB
3.063 X - 1.393 Y - 0.476 Z
G = -0.969 X + 1.876 Y + 0.042 Z
0.068 X - 0.229 Y + 1.069 Z
RGB -> CIE XYZrec601-1 (C illuminant)
X = 0.607 R + 0.174 G + 0.200 B
Y = 0.299 R + 0.587 G + 0.114 B
Z = 0.000 R + 0.066 G + 1.116 B
CIE XYZrec601-1 (C illuminant) -> RGB
1.910 X - 0.532 Y - 0.288 Z
G = -0.985 X + 1.999 Y - 0.028 Z
0.058 X - 0.118 Y + 0.898 Z
RGB -> CIE XYZccir709 (D65)
X = 0.412 R + 0.358 G + 0.180 B
Y = 0.213 R + 0.715 G + 0.072 B
Z = 0.019 R + 0.119 G + 0.950 B
CIE XYZccir709 (D65) -> RGB
3.241 X - 1.537 Y - 0.499 Z
G = -0.969 X + 1.876 Y + 0.042 Z
0.056 X - 0.204 Y + 1.057 Z
PAL television standard
0.299 R + 0.587 G + 0.114 B
U = -0.147 R - 0.289 G + 0.436 B
0.615 R - 0.515 G - 0.100 B
R = Y + 0.000 U + 1.140 V
G = Y - 0.396 U - 0.581 V
B = Y + 2.029 U + 0.000 V
NTSC television standard
0.299 R + 0.587 G + 0.114 B
0.596 R - 0.274 G - 0.322 B
0.212 R - 0.523 G + 0.311 B
R = Y + 0.956 I + 0.621 Q
G = Y - 0.272 I - 0.647 Q
B = Y - 1.105 I + 1.702 Q
Color Monitor Colorimetry
SMPTE Recommended Practice RP 145-1987
CIE Colorimetry
Official recommendations of the International Commission
on Illumination, Publication 15.2 1986
Effective Color Displays. Theory and Practice
D. Travis, Academic Press, 1991. ISBN 0-12-
Measuring Colour (Second edition)
R.W.G. Hunt, Ellis Horwood 1991, ISBN 0-13-567686-x
Precision requirements for digital color reproduction
M. Stokes, M.D. Fairchild, R.S. Berns, ACM Transactions on graphics, v11 n4 1992
The Reproduction of Colour in Photography, Printing and Television
R.W.G. Hunt, Fountain Press, Tolworth, England, 1987
Colour Ramping for Data Visualisation
Written by
by Russell Plume in DotNet C#.
This note introduces the most commonly used colour ramps for
mapping colours onto a
range of scalar values as is often required in data visualisation.
The colour space will be based upon the RGB system.
Grey Scale
The most basic mapping of some scalar value to a colour ramp
is to use either an intensity ramp from black to a single colour
or use the greyscale ramp from black to white. Black normally
being the low end of the range of values, and white the high end.
On the colour cube this is a diagonal line between the two opposite
corners, the red, green, blue components are all the same.
The map from black to white is usually just a linear ramp, for a
value (v) which varies from vmin to vmax, the colour is
red = green = blue = (v - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)
The most commonly used colour ramp is often refer to as the "hot-
to-cold" colour ramp.
Blue is chosen for the low values, green for middle values, and red for
the high as these seem "intuitive" bounds. One could ramp between these
points on the colour cube but this involves moving diagonally across
the faces of the cube. Instead we add the colours cyan and yellow so
that the colour ramp only moves along the edges of the colour cube
from blue to red. This not only makes the mapping easier and faster
but introduces more colour variation.
The following illustrates the path on the colour cube.
The colour ramp is shown below along with the transition values.
Again there is a linear relationship of the scalar value with colour
within each of the 4 colour bands.
In some applications the variable being represented with the colour map
is circular in nature in which case a cyclic colour map is desirable.
The above can be simply modified to pass through magenta to
yield one of many possible circular colour maps.
General map
A more general case ramps between N colours, each colour has a
corresponding value within the range of values of the variable being
mapped. The points within the colour cube can be linearly ramped
between the points or the transition can be smoothed by some interpolation
function such a bezier curve.
For example a 3 colour ramp for terrain visualisation might choose
3 heights and three corresponding colours.
Displayed as a colour ramp
The resulting terrain map
C Source for the "standard" hot-to-cold colour ramp.
Return a RGB colour value given a scalar v in the range [vmin,vmax]
In this case each colour component ranges from 0 (no contribution) to
1 (fully saturated), modifications for other ranges is trivial.
The colour is clipped at the end of the scales if v is outside
the range [vmin,vmax]
typedef struct {
double r,g,b;
COLOUR GetColour(double v,double vmin,double vmax)
COLOUR c = {1.0,1.0,1.0}; // white
if (v & vmin)
if (v & vmax)
dv = vmax -
if (v & (vmin + 0.25 * dv)) {
c.g = 4 * (v - vmin) /
} else if (v & (vmin + 0.5 * dv)) {
c.b = 1 + 4 * (vmin + 0.25 * dv - v) /
} else if (v & (vmin + 0.75 * dv)) {
c.r = 4 * (v - vmin - 0.5 * dv) /
c.g = 1 + 4 * (vmin + 0.75 * dv - v) /
Note about gamma
Please note that the above are not corrected for the gamma of the display device.
As such the colours may indeed appear different on different diaplays. The gamma
of displays can be adjusted and typically have a power relationship, that is, if
(r,g,b) is the colour being displayed, it will appear as
(rG,gG,bG). In order to achieve a display colour
or (r,g,b) the inverse of the gamma function needs to be created, namely
(r1/G,g1/G,b1/G). Note also that the gamma
value G is not necessarily the same for each (r,g,b) component.
Simple method of storing colour ramps
Adapted from OGLE (By Dr. Michael J. Gourlay)
Written By
Many applications in computer graphics use colour and/or opacity ramps, in
particular, visualisation using volume rendering. In this and other cases
one often just requires colour and opacity index tables for 256 states.
The following is a straightforward approach to storing such index colour
maps, it has been adopted from the OGLE volume rendering software, at least
this means there is one other piece of software that uses the format rather
than dreaming up an entirely new format.
Example ()
This is the standard blue to green to red colour map. The columns are the
index value follwed by the red, green, blue values ranging from 0 (no
contribution) to 255 (full contribution).
192 255 252
193 255 247
194 255 244
195 255 239
196 255 236
197 255 231
198 255 228
199 255 223
200 255 220
201 255 215
202 255 212
203 255 207
204 255 204
205 255 199
206 255 196
207 255 191
208 255 188
209 255 183
210 255 180
211 255 175
212 255 172
213 255 167
214 255 164
215 255 159
216 255 156
153 102 255
217 255 151
154 106 255
218 255 148
155 110 255
219 255 143
156 114 255
220 255 140
157 118 255
221 255 135
158 122 255
222 255 132
159 126 255
223 255 127
160 129 255
224 255 123
161 134 255
225 255 119
162 137 255
226 255 115
163 142 255
227 255 111
164 145 255
228 255 107
165 150 255
229 255 103
166 153 255
167 158 255
168 161 255
169 166 255
170 169 255
171 174 255
172 177 255
173 182 255
174 185 255
175 190 255
176 193 255
177 198 255
178 201 255
179 206 255
180 209 255
181 214 255
182 217 255
183 222 255
184 225 255
185 230 255
186 233 255
187 238 255
188 241 255
189 246 255
190 249 255
191 254 255
Opacity maps are stored in the same way even though the rgb colour information
is usually redundant (r == g == b). Having the opacity map separate from the
colour map allows one to use them interchangably, if the rgb values of a map
used as an opacity map are not equal then the application can choose how to
derive the single opacity value (eg: use the red channel, use the magnitude
of the colour....).
Collection of colour ramps and associated data file
HSV colour ramp/selector
Written by
A useful colour picker interface is often based upon the HSV colour system, sometimes
the HSL. The layout of the colour table is often as follows although there is some
variation in the functions used for saturation and value.
All the colours in rgb space lie on the surface of the colour cube.
As a web based paint selection interface,
note the extra bar for grey scale selection.
Index Colour
Written by
February 1997
Index colour systems are still prevalent in many graphical computer
An index colour system is one in which colour is specified by an
integer normally from 0 up to the number of colours in the colour
table. Each entry in the colour table gives the red, green, blue
components for that particular index.
In such colour systems the colour table is sometimes fixed. In these
cases you can only use the preset colours. When a particular colour
is required which isn't in the table the closest may be used or a
number of colours that are in the table may be dithered in order to
approximate the desired colour.
A more common situation is when the colour table is of a fixed size
but the actual RGB values at each position in the table can be changed.
Therefore, if you require a wide range of a particular hue you can
load up the colour table accordingly. It also leads to situations where
one might want to optimise the colour table to best represent a
particular image. For example if an image only contains 100 different
colours then irrespective of what these colours are, a colour table
containing these colours will allow the image to be represented exactly.
A much more common situation is when the colour table isn't large enough
to hold all the different colours desired, in these cases one might
engage in a process called "colour table optimisation" where one attempts
to load the colour table with colours so that the image can be best
In yet other systems the colour table can be made as large as desired.
One often then wants to create a colour table for a particular task.
The remained of this document will describe the most unbiased method
of creating a colour table in cases where you don't know what colours
will be required and thus want an equal sampling of the RGB colour space
There are two processes involved. The first is creating the entries in
the colour table, the second is given an RGB value determining the index
of its closest representation in the table. In what follows, an RGB triple
will be floating point numbers in the inclusive range [0,1]. If your colour
space uses different ranges then simple scaling converts one range to
the [0,1] range used here.
To create a n sampling along each r,g,b axis will result in n3
colour values. Converting from (r,g,b) triples into the colour index is
index = b * (n-1) * n * n + g * (n-1) * n + r * (n-1)
Some examples of colour tables are illustrated below. The index
ranges from 0 top left, increasing left to right - top to bottom.
The index in the bottom right cell is n3-1.
3x3x3 sampling
4x4x4 sampling
5x5x5 sampling
6x6x6 sampling
Finding the index of the colour closest to a particular (r,g,b) triple
is accomplished as follows
index = nint(r * (n-1)) + nint(g * (n-1)) * n + nint(b * (n-1)) * n * n
where nint(x) is the nearest integer to x.
If an odd sampling is used then the colour table will have a sampling
of grey values (the diagonal of the colour cube where r = g = b)
Many colour tables are restricted to one byte for the index, that is,
up to 256 entries. It is common in these cases to use a 6x6x6 sampling
and fill in the remaining 40 colour table entries with red, blue, green,
and grey 10 sample ramps.
Strictly speaking the samples generated as above are not all equally
distributed, the 8 vertices of the colour cube are less likely than
colours along the 12 edges which in turn are less likely than points
lying near the 6 planes which are less likely that interior points.
<td valign="top"
The following shows the RGB value of each colour in the default
256 Macintosh palette. The first column is the index, column 2 to
4 are the RGB values in the range 0 to 65535, columns 5 to 7 are
the RGB values in the range of 0 to 1.
The palette is arranged as follows: there are 256 colours to allocate,
an even distribution of colours through the colour cube might be
desirable but 256 is not the cube of an integer. 6x6x6 is 216 and so
the first 216 colours are an equal 6x6x6 sampling of the colour cube.
This leaves 40 colours to allocate, this has been done by choosing a
ramp of 10 shades each for red, green, blue and grey.
The following is the C code that created the above colour table.
Performing colour remapping with indexed colour images in PhotoShop
is particularly straightforward mainly because the colour table
files are so easy to generate. The colour table files (which can
be loaded into PhotoShop) consist of 256
RGB colour entries, each RGB colour component is stored as 1 byte.
Each colour component ranges from 0 to 255.
As such they are straightforward to generate mathematically with
a programming language.
The following short piece of C will generate a blue to red ramp.
Of course this can be created manually in PhotoShop itself but this
example illustrates
the principle by which more complicated colour tables could be
automatically generated.
On the Macintosh the file creator will need to be set to 8BIM
and the file type to 8BCT
int main(int argc,char **argv)
for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
A circular red -> yellow -> green -> cyan -> blue -> magenta -> red
colour table file in hexadecimal and the map shown
visually in PhotoShop are illustrated below
Address Hexadecimal data, 16 bytes per line
------- ---------------------------------------
0000000 ff00 00ff 0600 ff0c 00ff 1200 ff18 00ff
e00 ff24 00ff 2a00 ff30 00ff 3600 ff3c
ff 4200 ff48 00ff 4e00 ff54 00ff 5a00
0000060 ff60 00ff 6600 ff6c 00ff 7200 ff78 00ff
e00 ff84 00ff 8a00 ff90 00ff 9600 ff9c
ff a200 ffa8 00ff ae00 ffb4 00ff ba00
0000140 ffc0 00ff c600 ffcc 00ff d200 ffd8 00ff
0000160 de00 ffe4 00ff ea00 fff0 00ff f600 fffc
fc ff00 f6ff 00f0 ff00 eaff 00e4 ff00
0000220 deff 00d8 ff00 d2ff 00cc ff00 c6ff 00c0
0000240 ff00 baff 00b3 ff00 aeff 00a8 ff00 a2ff
c ff00 96ff 0090 ff00 8aff 0083 ff00
eff 0078 ff00 71ff 006c ff00 66ff 0060
0000320 ff00 59ff 0054 ff00 4eff 0048 ff00 41ff
c ff00 36ff 0030 ff00 29ff 0024 ff00
eff 0018 ff00 11ff 000c ff00 06ff 0000
0000400 ff00 00ff 0600 ff0c 00ff 1200 ff18 00ff
e00 ff24 00ff 2a00 ff30 00ff 3600 ff3c
ff 4200 ff48 00ff 4e00 ff54 00ff 5a00
0000460 ff60 00ff 6600 ff6c 00ff 7200 ff78 00ff
e00 ff84 00ff 8a00 ff90 00ff 9600 ff9c
ff a200 ffa8 00ff ae00 ffb4 00ff ba00
0000540 ffc0 00ff c600 ffcc 00ff d200 ffd8 00ff
0000560 de00 ffe4 00ff ea00 fff0 00ff f600 fffc
fc ff00 f6ff 00f0 ff00 eaff 00e4 ff00
0000620 deff 00d8 ff00 d2ff 00cc ff00 c6ff 00c0
0000640 ff00 baff 00b3 ff00 aeff 00a8 ff00 a2ff
c ff00 96ff 0090 ff00 8aff 0083 ff00
eff 0078 ff00 71ff 006c ff00 66ff 0060
0000720 ff00 59ff 0054 ff00 4eff 0048 ff00 41ff
c ff00 36ff 0030 ff00 29ff 0024 ff00
eff 0018 ff00 11ff 000c ff00 06ff 0000
0001000 ff06 00ff 0c00 ff12 00ff 1800 ff1e 00ff
0 ff2a 00ff 3000 ff36 00ff 3c00 ff42
ff 4800 ff4e 00ff 5400 ff5a 00ff 6000
0001060 ff66 00ff 6c00 ff72 00ff 7800 ff7e 00ff
0 ff8a 00ff 9000 ff96 00ff 9c00 ffa2
ff a800 ffae 00ff b400 ffba 00ff c000
0001140 ffc6 00ff cc00 ffd2 00ff d800 ffde 00ff
0 ffea 00ff f000 fff6 00ff fc00 ffff
fc ff00 f6ff 00f0 ff00 eaff 00e4 ff00
0001220 deff 00d8 ff00 d2ff 00cc ff00 c6ff 00c0
0001240 ff00 baff 00b3 ff00 aeff 00a8 ff00 a2ff
c ff00 96ff 0090 ff00 8aff 0083 ff00
eff 0078 ff00 71ff 006c ff00 66ff 0060
0001320 ff00 59ff 0054 ff00 4eff 0048 ff00 41ff
c ff00 36ff 0030 ff00 29ff 0024 ff00
eff 0018 ff00 11ff 000c ff00 06ff 0000
What is Gamma Correction?
Why do some pictures appear dark on some displays
Written by
Original: February 1994. Updated Jan 1998.
The phosphors on the face of the monitor tube luminesce (or some other computer projection
device) when struck by the beam
generated by the electron gun sweeping out the scanlines.
By increasing the intensity of
the beam, the phosphor dot luminesces more brightly, and by reducing the
intensity of the beam, the phosphor glows less brightly.
output of the phosphor is not directly proportional to electron beam strength.
The response of the phosphors usually looks something like this:
where the dotted line shows ideal linear response, and the solid line
approximates the observed response of a normal phosphor.
This response
characteristic is due to physical phenomena and can be described via a
function of the form
output luminance = beamstrength gamma
Typically monitors have a gamma from anything between 1.5 and 2.8
Subjectively, this causes the colors on the screen to appear darker
than expected.
Based on this behaviour, an inverse gamma correction function
can be applied to compensate for this non-linear response:
Here, the solid line again represents the uncorrected phosphor response, the
large dotted line is the inverse gamma function, and the fine dotted line is
the resultant, linearized color response.
Determining the gamma value
Most computer systems now days have standard interfaces/utilities
for determining and setting the gamma value. For example the Macintosh
has a control panel with the OS, SGI machines come with a utility
called "gamma" which both reports and sets the gamma value.
The following chart can be used to determine the combined gamma value
for your system.
Setting the gamma value
To adjust the gamma value "roughly", set the contrast and brightness
of your monitor to your preferred/comfortable level and use whatever
gamma software comes with your hardware.
In the absence of other information it is usual to set the effective
gamma to 2.2, this is the standard employed for PhotoCD's.
On SGI machines this normally means setting a "gamma" value of around 1.2,
this is because SGI's are normally configured with a natural gamma of
2.6, the combined gamma value is 2.6 divided by this number.
All well written image viewers should provide options for controlling
the gamma or they should get the value from the system being used.
For example on UNIX machine, the xv viewer can be called with
the option -gamma 2.2. Unfortunately at the time of writing
none of the two main WEB browsers support gamma correction for images
in WWW pages, as a result the images tend to look dark on uncorrected
monitors. This is a major problem when it comes to distributing images
on a wide variety of systems. Fortunately the PNG format does support
the specification of a colourmetric model and will go a long way to
providing consistent image appearance across monitor hardware.}


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