
1. (纸牌,么点牌 2、骰子等的)一;么点. (网球赛等的)发球得分 3. 【口】能...a. 1acen
s ace [澳大利亚口语]单独地;(俚)最好的朋友;adj. 一流的:ace翻译. 太棒了;太好了Ultraman Ace艾斯奥特曼;vt. 以发球赢一分;击败;发球直接得分;发球患上分THREE ACE利莱士mouse ACE小鼠血管紧张素转化酶您的问题很简单。呵呵;艾斯·奥特曼;奥特曼;超人力霸王卫司service ace发球得分. 幺点;佼佼者:n;int;直接得分的发球,突出的;几乎 on one&#39,独自
百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译;动物血管紧张素转化酶Ace Mission超能少年之烈维塔任务ACE OL太空牛仔;壮志凌云Ace combat3皇牌空战ace buddy至交;表示最FUJI ACE日本不二;机器人码垛机ace in 讨人喜欢,惹人注目 ace inhibitor 血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 ace in the hole 最后王牌;杀手锏 within an ace of 差一点。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句
是 cf 中的第一名的意思。(cf是穿越火线的简称)
ACE一词原出自于法语,意指“杰出之人”。可译为“顶尖”“王牌”或“杰作”,作词组用时包含有“顶尖,很好,非常棒”等意思,作缩写时只是为了称呼简便,书写简便。纸牌中的ACE英文释义ace[eis]n.纸牌;幺点;好手; 高手;A牌;发球得分;(网球)ace球;佼佼者;【非正式】擅长…的人,精于…的人adj.一流的;卓越的;杰出的;【非正式】第一流的,极好的vt.发球得分;考试中取得好成绩int.【口】太棒了,太好了在射击类游戏中,ACE是第一的意思
详细一点的解释,没有为什么!作为名词:扑克牌中的“A“骰子面上的 “。”网球与板球中的发球直接得分高尔夫球中的一杆入冬战斗机飞行员击落五架飞机以上的“王牌飞行员”某方面的高手,一流专家作为形容词:第一流的作为动词:意思同名词
n. 幺点;直接得分的发球;佼佼者;(俚)最好的朋友adj. 一流的,突出的vt. 以发球赢一分;击败int. 太棒了;太好了 [网络释义] ACE 1.血管紧张素转换酶(Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) 2.网球赛中的一分 3.ASCII-compatible encoding 4.访问控制条目 Ultraman Ace 1.艾斯奥特曼 2.艾斯·奥特曼 3.奥特曼 4.超人力霸王卫司 service ace 1.发球得分 2.发球直接得分 3.发球患上分 THREE ACE 1.利莱士 mouse ACE 1.小鼠血管紧张素转化酶 2.动物血管紧张素转化酶
刚刚出道的Ace帮助Ns战队在Tsl、Inow、wD、5W的重重包围中杀出一条血路,让所有人都大跌眼镜。并且拿下了当年的MVP。这还不算,他又在DreamCup的比赛中一鸣惊人拿下冠军头衔,并在同一天获得了第一届的MVP。 2007年3月,Ace转会TR俱乐部。这也是国内历史上第一次有偿转会。2007年8月Ace来到了国内另一支强队Coloful。在Coloful,Ace既收获了CIG全国冠军,又得到了历练,收获了职业生涯中重要的经验。中国队夺冠的最大功臣,在中韩交战中,中国队全灭情况下,复活赛中被复活的ACE并连下韩国队四城,拿下胜利!战略战术高人一筹,Panda战队王牌选手。[1]
网络游戏《》电台王牌NJ ACE
NJ ACE是地下城与勇士电台主持人,主持过《勇士道场》,及新版节目《勇士之魂》,《勇士道场》节目的成立时,几乎是与《》游戏同步开始,在游戏成长同时,该节目同时也建立了一个数量庞大的听众群并且还在不断的增加。在合作终止停止播出一年后,大量的听众依然盼望能够再一次听到ACE的节目。[2]
.DNF官网.[引用日期]n. 幺点;直接得分的发球;佼佼者;(俚)最好的朋友
adj. 一流的,突出的
vt. 以发球赢一分;击败
int. 太棒了;太好了
n. (Ace)人名;(英)埃斯
纸牌A来自拉丁词as, 一,原指一种最低面值的铜币,后来受扑克牌A影响,表示王牌,优。
ace: [13] Ace comes from the name of a small ancient Roman coin, the as (which may have been of Etruscan origin). As well as denoting the coin, Latin as stood for ‘one’ or ‘unity’, and it was as the ‘score of one at dice’ that it first entered English.c. 1300, "one at dice," from Old French as "one at dice," from Latin as "a unit, one, a whole," also the name of a small Roman coin ("originally one pound of copper; reduced by depreciation to half an ounce" [Lewis]), perhaps originally Etruscan and related to Greek eis "one" (from PIE *sem- "one, as one"), or directly from the Greek word.
 In English, it meant the side of the die with only one mark before it meant the playing card with one pip (1530s). Because this was the lowest roll at dice, ace was used metaphorically in Middle English for "bad luck" or "s" but as the ace is often the highest playing card, the extended senses based on "excellence, good quality" arose 18c. as card-playing became popular. Ace in the hole in the figurative sense of "concealed advantage" is attested from 1904, from crooked stud poker deals.
 Meaning "outstanding pilot" dates from 1917 (technically, in World War I aviators' jargon, one who has brought down 10 enemy planes, though originally in reference to 5 shot down), from French l'ace (1915), which, according to Bruce Robertson (ed.) "Air Aces of the
War" was used in prewar French sporting publications for "top of the deck" boxers, cyclists, etc. Sports meaning of "point scored" (1819) led to that of "unreturnable serve" (1889)."to score" (in sports), 1923, from
(n.). This led in turn to the extended student slang sense of "get high marks" (1959). Related: Aced; acing.
1. Our superior technology is our ace in the hole.
我们超众的技术是我们的法宝。 来自柯林斯例句 2. That is the third ace that he has served this match.
那是他在这场比赛中的第3次发球得分. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3. The child came within an ace of being drowned.
孩子差一点儿淹死了. 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》 4. I'll not wag an ace further.
我一步也不再动啦. 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》 5. AA combined Ace, Suc, and Ala are highly specificity for brain abscess.
AA峰结合ace 、 Suc、 Ala峰的显示对脑脓肿诊断特异性高. 来自互联网
ace是什么意思 ace在线翻译 ace什么意思 ace的意思 ace的翻译 ace的解释 ace的发音 ace的同义词 ace的反义词 ace的例句 ace的相关词组
ace英 [e?s] 美 [es] \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:ace 基本解释名词幺点; 发球得分; 王牌驾驶员; 佼佼者形容词第一流的; 极好的; 能干的; 杰出的及物动词发球得分; 彻底打败,击败; 得高分; 顺利通过考试ace 相关例句名词1. I'll not wag an ace further.&&&&我一步也不再动啦。2. She's an ace at carving.&&&&她是个雕刻能手。3. He is an ace at chess.&&&&他是个棋艺极精的人。ace 网络解释1. 自动呼叫设备:摘要 本标准适用于数据通信所用的数据终端设备(DTE)和自动呼叫设备(ACE)之间的互连. 适用范围 数据通信所用的数据终端设备(DTE)和自动呼叫设备(ACE)之间的互连.2. 2. 发球直接得分:反之,韦塞尔在比赛中一共有10个发球直接得分(ACE)球,王钰虽拼尽了全力还是一直找不到破发的办法. 第一局韦塞尔以6:1轻松拿下.3. ace:angiotensi 血管紧张素转化酶4. ace:auto
最满意汽车5. 5. ace:automati 自动检测设备6. ace:associati 影片剪辑者协会ace 双语例句1. 1. So, just send the kids on a fast jog and they will ace all of their tests?&&&&尽管如此,让孩子们进行快走锻炼,他们的各科成绩都一定会表现优异吗?2. The hope has ace to be able to show next labyrinths.&&&&希望有高手可以指点下迷津了。3. The literary geniuses that come from careless root are barehanded like a flock of fierce forest ace pop-up arena, because cannot find pretty enginery, clutch to forbid the pace that enter the court, be nodded however and became a disorderly band of a gang clamorous, evening of mountain fastness spring became make things done with whatever is avaible almost amuse oneself.&&&&来自草根的文艺天才们像一群武林高手赤手空拳跳上擂台,却因为找不到像样的兵器、掐不准上场的步点而成了一帮闹哄哄的乌合之众,山寨春晚几乎成了因陋就简的自娱自乐。4. 4. Objective:To investigate the ACE inhibitor of β-blocker treatment of chronic heart failure treatment.&&&&目 的:探讨ACE抑制剂联合β受体阻滞剂治疗慢性心力衰竭的临床疗效。5. So I would say that if you are undecided about whether to give an ACE inhibitor or not, this test could help you make that decision.&&&&所以我想说,如果你还没决定是否要给冠心病人用血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂,这一检测会帮助你做出决定。6. I don't think we need another large scale clinical trial to compare ACE inhibitor or ARB in the high dose.&&&&我不认为需要进行另一项大型临床试验来对比ACE抑制剂或ARB大剂量。7. 7. When you combine an ACE inhibitor B, the plasma renin activity increases so much.&&&&当联合使用一种ACE抑制剂时,血浆肾素活性增强是如此之大。8. The recommendation is very strong to give an ACE inhibitor at any time.&&&&任何时候都强烈推荐使用ACE抑制剂。9. 9. Modern commercial value of their commercial decisions of general clauses must ace to the general rule as the main content, and only to acts defined as commercial business practices around business rules arrangements the structure of general principles of commercial law can resolve commercial application of the problem, and to overcome shortcomings in commercial code of Civil law, and in the framework of the combination of civil and commercial codes, to achieve commercial internal coordination and unity.&&&&现代商法的价值诉求决定了商事通则必须以商行为一般规则为主要内容。而只有将商行为界定为营业行为,围绕营业规则安排商事通则的结构,方能解决商法适用上的难题,克服大陆法系商法典存在的缺陷,并在民商合一的框架下,实现商法内部的协调和统一。10. In addition, all these core modules conformably used the ACE interface while using thread operations, UDP communication, timer and other APIs closely related to the operating system, which improved the portability of code and solved the problem of cross-platform development of distributed system. Reliability guarantee layer and resource management module completed object-oriented interface design by using OMG's IDL language, which ensured the openness of the distributed system.&&&&另外,所有核心模块在使用到线程操作、UDP通信和定时器等与操作系统密切相关的API时,统一使用了ACE的接口,提高了代码的可移植性,解决了分布式系统的跨平台开发问题;可靠性保证层和资源管理模块使用OMG的IDL语言完成面向对象的接口设计,保证了分布式系统的开放性。11. The combination cracking guide should works on Master lock, although some of the techniques can also be applied to other manufacturers` locks, such as ACE Hardware, American and Dudley brands of combination locks.&&&&&&结合打击指南应当对工程硕士锁,虽然有些技术也可以适用于其他厂商的锁,如王牌硬件,美洲和达德利品牌相结合的锁。12. ace的解释12. Kansas City Ace Zack Greinke won the American League Cy Young Award on Tuesday.&&&&&&堪萨斯城王牌投手Zack Greinke在周二获得了美国联盟Cy Young奖。13. 13. Every Andy Roddick fan will remember the ace hit by the young American to defeat Juan Carlos Ferrero and win the final Grand Slam of the year – the U. S.&&&&&&每一个ANDY的球迷都会记得2003年这个年轻的美国人击出的那记打败JC FERRERO获得年度最后一个大满贯—美网的ACE球。14. 14. He will lose none of his A no, not bate an Ace of it: He is humorous 1 to his Wife, he beats his Children, is angry with his Servants, strict with his Neighbors, revenges all Affronts to E but, alas, forgets all the while that he is the M and is more in Arrear to God, that is so very patient with him, than they are to him with whom he is so strict and impatient.&&&&&&他不会丢掉他的权威,不,一点都不。他对妻子很幽默,他打他的孩子,他生佣人的气,对邻居很严厉,他全力报复所有公开的侮辱,但是,唉,始终忘记了自己是对神亏欠更多的人类,而神对他始终比他对别人要耐心的多。15. 15. Roger saved one match point before Canas sent an ace past to win.&&&&&&费德勒在被对方ace终结前还挽回了一次赛点。16. Ace of Base released their second album, The Bridge, in the fall of 1995. Although it went platinum in its first six months of release, the record failed to duplicate the remarkable multi-platinum success of The Sign.&&&&&&Ace of Base在1995年秋季发行了他们的第二张专辑《The Bridge》,虽然发行仅六个月就获得了白金销量,但已无法重现昔日多白金的辉煌。17. There is a good example of this is that the Ace as Novartis are printed in the 62241 newsletter.&&&&&&其中有一个很好的例子,就是Ace曾经为Novartis印制的62241份通讯。18. East returns a diamond to your jack, and you cross to dummy with the ace of hearts in order to run the nine of clubs.&&&&&&东回攻方块到你的J,你出牌到明手的A,为了从明手打9。19. Methods The ACE genotype of 42 children with NS and 107 healthy controls was detected by using polymerase chain reaction. Serum ACE activity was measured by ultraviolet-assay at the same time.&&&&&&用聚合酶链反应分别检测107例健康儿童和42例NS患儿的ACE基因,并同时用紫外法分别测定血清ACE的活性。20. 20. When CP concentration is 100mg/ml, the ACE inhibition rate of more is more than 80%.&&&&&&当玉米肽浓度达到100mg/ml的时候,对ACE的抑制率超过80%。ace 词典解释1. A纸牌&&&&An ace is a playing card with a single symbol on it. In most card games, the ace of a particular suit has either the highest or the lowest value of the cards in that suit.&&&&e.g. ...the ace of hearts.&&&&&&&&&&&红桃A2. (在运动等方面)成绩超群的人,佼佼者&&&&If you describe someone such as a sports player as an ace, you mean that they are very good at what they do.&&&&e.g. ...former motor-racing ace Stirling Moss.&&&&&&&&&&&前一流赛车手斯特林·莫斯3. 非常好的;顶呱呱的&&&&If you say that something is ace, you think that it is good and you like it a lot.&&&&e.g. ...a really ace film.&&&&&&&&&&&精彩绝伦的电影4. (网球中的)发球得分,爱司球&&&&In tennis, an ace is a serve which is so fast that the other player cannot reach the The American served three aces in the opening game of the set.&&&&&&&&&&&这位美国选手在该盘首局有三次发球直得。5. 占绝对优势;占尽天时地利人和&&&&If you say that someone holds all the aces, you mean that they have all the advantages in a contest or situation.&&&&e.g. 'When I was an adolescent,' says a thirty-one-year-old man, 'I thought girls held all the aces.'&&&&&&&&&&&“当我还是个毛头小伙儿时,”一个31岁的男人说,“我觉得完全是女孩子说了算。”6. 秘藏的王牌;应急的绝招;锦囊妙计&&&&Something that is an ace in the hole is an advantage which you have over an opponent or rival, and which you can use if necessary.&&&&e.g. Our superior technology is our ace in the hole.&&&&&&&&&&&我们超众的技术是我们的法宝。7. 差点;险些&&&&If you come within an ace of doing something, or you are within an ace of doing something, you very nearly do or experience it.&&&&e.g. He was intent on murder and he came within an ace of succeeding.&&&&&&&&&&&他一心想杀人并且差点就得逞了。ace 单语例句1. The study found a link between taking centrally active ACE inhibitors and lower rates of mental decline.2. Sharapova won every game she served and closed the victory with her eighth ace.3. But experienced Davenport still sealed the final win with an ace and a couple of forehand winners.4. The Real Madrid ace is due to play the day after Cruise and Holmes tie the knot in Italy next month.5. They are the ace players to watch in the final which will give the answer to who is superior.6. Saddam was the ace of spades in the deck of cards of wanted Iraqi leaders released by the United States.7. Saddam is represented by the ace of spades, the most valuable card in the pack.8. On his table were bottles of champagne but he wanted a magnum bottle of Ace Of Spades champagne.9. The win paid off his defeat to Filipino ace Francisco Bustamante in the Philippine leg's qualifying round in 2005.10. Soccer ace David Beckham landed fourth place and Brad Pitt was voted fifth in the annual rundown.ace 英英释义noun1. a serve that the receiver is unable to reach2. one of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face3. someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field&&&&Synonym: 4. the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number&&&&e.g. he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it&&&&&&&&&&&they had lunch at one&&&&Synonym: verb1. serve an ace against (someone)2. play (a hole) in one stroke3. score an ace against&&&&e.g. He aced his opponents4. succeed at easily&&&&e.g. She sailed through her exams&&&&&&&&&&&You will pass with flying colors&&&&&&&&&&&She nailed her astrophysics course&&&&Synonym: pass with flying colorsadj1. of the highest quality&&&&e.g. an ace reporter&&&&&&&&&&&a crack shot&&&&&&&&&&&a first-rate golfer&&&&&&&&&&&a super party&&&&&&&&&&&played top-notch tennis&&&&&&&&&&&an athlete in tiptop condition&&&&&&&&&&&she is absolutely tops&&&&Synonym: tops(p)ace是什么意思,ace在线翻译,ace什么意思,ace的意思,ace的翻译,ace的解释,ace的发音,ace的同义词,ace的反义词,ace的例句,ace的相关词组,ace意思是什么,ace怎么翻译,单词ace是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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