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Student's book------------ Module 8
Different habits【单元知识概要】【内容综述】本模块话题是"谈论不同的习惯"。内容紧密结合初中学生周围人物的实际生活情况,围绕如何为他人挑选生日礼物而展开听、说、读、写的语言实践活动。要求学会频度副词的使用以及在句中的位置;动词第三人称单数形式形容词性物主代词的用法。【网络构建】重点词汇different, habit, always, card, present, usually, often, never, get, OK, ticket, pair, a pair of , trainer, jeans, T-shirt, box, silk, shirt, magazine, novel, CD, choose, lot, lots of, a lot of , clothes, singer, on, on television, its重点词组send sb. sth. , lots of, a lot of ,play the piano, go to concerts, watch TV, make a cake, a birthday present, a birthday party, get a present, have a party, listen to music, a box of chocolate, a concert ticket, a pair of trainers, a silk shirt, buy CDs by sb, on TV, read novel, think of,...交际用语1.Tony always likes birthday parties.2.We usually send him a birthday card.3.He never reads books.4.He watches football on TV.5.She usually wears silk shirts.6.We often make a cake for his birthday.7.They always listen to music.8.They don't go to the cinema.9.She often goes to concerts and she usually buys CDs by her favourite singers.10.Daming's uncle likes reading and he reads lots of books and magazines.语言技能听听懂人们过生日时常常进行的活动,提高学生实际应用能力。说能向别人简单描述亲朋好友如何过生日。流利的说出含有本模块生词、短语。读能读懂有关人物介绍的简单文章,并从中获取重要信息。(重要句型为S+be结构) 进行简单的阅读技能训练写1.能够使用名词所有格2.能够简单描写他人的喜好。知识技能1.频度副词的使用以及在句中的位置2.动词第三人称单数形式3.形容词性物主代词的用法【学法指要】1. 运用联系,归纳,推测等技能来学习本单元知识。如:本模块我们学习的几个频度副词是:always, often, usually, never.除了把它们放在一起记忆外,还可以把它们在句中的位置等用法来整体记忆.另外,often,和usually 是近义词;always和 never是反义词。2相应事物之间建立联想的习惯,形成话题联想的习惯。如围绕本模块谈论生日礼物这一话题,可联想到所有的和生日有关的礼物,生日聚会,人们的不同习惯和爱好等等。           Unit 1 Tony always likes birthday parties.【预习导航学案】(走进去,眼前一道美丽的风景)【轻松起航】读出这些单词:动词原形第三人称单数形式wearreadplayworkmakelikegetwears / w????reads /ri:dz/plays /pleiz/works /w?????makes /mei???likes /laiks/gets /gets/washteachguessfixwashes /w?????teaches/tiz:t????guesses /gesiz/fixes /fiksiz/godogoes /g????does /d???worrycarrystudyworries /w?????carries /k??????????????????????【激活思维】1.观察左表,你发现动词的第三人称单数的变法了吗? 把它们归纳在下面吧!2..本单元我们学习了一些和生日有关的词组,快来总结一下,把它们记下来吧!【教材研读】一.We usually send him a birthday card. And we often make a cake for his birthday.我们通常送给他一张生日贺卡. 我们经常为他的生日做一个蛋糕。1)本模块出现了大量的表示不确定时间的副词: often, always, never, usually 等,这些副词表频度,叫频度副词。具体用法及区别如下:频度副词 always, usually, often, 和never是英语中最常见的频度副词,它们在句中的位置大致相同:通常放在行为动词之前,系动词be、助动词和情态动词之后。但它们所表示的含义及频度是各不相同的。(1)always的频度为100%,表示动作重复、状态继续,中间没有间断,意思是"总是"、"永远地"。例如:The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳总是东升西落。 Customers are always right.顾客永远是对的。 He is always late for school.
他总是上学迟到。▲always与进行时态连用,并不强调动作正在进行,而是表示说话人的"赞扬"、"不满"、"厌烦"等情绪,有强烈的感情色彩。例如:She is always thinking of how she can do more for people.她总是在考虑怎样为人们多做些事。(表示赞扬)He was always asking for money.
他总是要钱。(表示厌烦)She is always asking for leave. 她总是请假。(表示不满)▲always与not连用,表示部分否定,意思是"不总是"。例如:The rich are not always happy. 有钱人未必总是幸福的。(2)usually的频度为70%左右,意为"通常"、"平常",即很少有例外。例如:He usually goes to bed at ten o'clock.
他通常10点钟睡觉。(3)often的频度为50%左右,意为"常常",但不如usually那么频繁,表示动作重复,中间有间断。例如: He is often late for school. 他上学经常迟到。 She often goes to the park.. 她经常去公园。▲very often语气比often重,常位于句首或句末。例如:He doesn't go to London very often. 他不常去伦敦。⑷ never的频度为0,意为"从来不"、"永不"。例如:My parents are never late for work. 我父母上班从来不迟到。You must never tell him. 你绝对不能告诉他。2)send sb sth= send sth to sb.
把某物送/寄给某人, 和give的用法相类似.如:He
often sends a letter to me
a week.= He often send me a letter a week.
他经常一周给我寄一封信.有同样用法的动词还有:show,teach,pass, bring, tell, take, lend等等。如:He teaches us English.=He teacher English to us.
他教我们英语。Would you please show us the map?=Would you please show the map to us?
请你给我们展示一下这张地图好吗?3)make sth for sb
为某人制作某物Today is Teachers' Day, let's make a card for our maths teacher.今天是教师节,我们来为我们的数学老师做张贺卡吧.有类似用法的动词还有:buy, get ,find, cook, sing, choose等等.My father bought a bike for me.=My father bought me a bike.我爸爸给我买了一辆自行车.二. Ok, and what about a birthday present? 好吧.生日礼物怎么办?(1).What about或How about常用来征求意见或打听消息,表示"...怎么样?""...怎么办?"如: What about Tom? Is he polite? 汤姆怎么样?他有礼貌吗? How about going out for a walk? 出去散步怎么样?(2).What about或How about 还可以用来提出建议,表示"...怎么样?""...好吗?" 如: What /How about a cup of tea? 喝杯茶好吗? What /How about going to Paris for a holiday? 去巴黎度假怎么样?【方法链接】例1把括号内单词放在句中适当位置,并翻译成汉语 1. He is a good student .( always) 2.They come her on time. ( always) 3. I get a trainers on my birthday.( never) 4.I get up at five past six.( often)答案1.He is always a good student.他一直是个好学生。2.They always come here on time.他们总是按时来这里。3 I never get a trainer on my birthday .我过生日从未收到过软运动鞋。4.I often get up at five past six.我经常6点5分起床点拨 见左栏注解一例 2用所给词的适当形式填空He often _________( watch)
football on TV.答案 watches点拨 这是个主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时的句子, 其谓语动词要和主语一致, 变为第三人称单数形式.例3 (
) He is _________ a good student. He often helps others.A. usually
D. often答案
B点拨 根据句意是说他一直是个好学生,因为他乐于助人,所以要选B例4He often ________(finish) his homework at 7:00 every day.答案 finishes点拨 这个句子是个主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时的陈述句,谓语动词finish要用第三人称单数finishes例5 Her mother doesn't wear jeans or trainers. (同义句)Her mother _________________ wears jeans _______________ trainers.答案 never , or点拨 这里考查never的用法含否定意义,"从不、永不"的意思。例6 (
) Let's send a card _______ him.   A. for
B点拨 考查的是动词send的介词搭配,send sth to sb.=send sb sth例7 (
) -Would you like to make a model plane_____ your little brother?A. to
D. for答案 D点拨 考查的是动词make的介词搭配, make sth for sb.例8 He often sends his brother cards on Christmas.(同义句)He often _______ cards _________ his brother on Christmas.答案
sends ,to点拨
send sb sth= send sth to sb.
把某物送/寄给某人例9---What about ___________ to the cinema ?-- That's a good idea!A. go
D. goes答案 C点拨 about 是个介词后面跟动词的ing形式.   Unit 2
His birthday present is a cinema ticket.【预习导航学案】(走进去,眼前一道美丽的风景)【轻松起航】一.阅读课本P50的文段,选择正确的答案1)Daning's uncle
A. watch the football on television2)Tony's sister
B. wear trainers3)Lingling's father
C. read books4)Betty's aunt and uncle
D. wear silk shirts5)Daming's mother
E. play the piano1)_______ 2)________ 3)________ 4)__________ 5)___________二.汉互译英6.一条牛仔裤______________ 7.一张音乐会票______________8.一盒巧克力_____________
9.一件丝绸衬衫______________10.贝蒂的叔叔____________ 11.为她选一件生日礼物________12.弹钢琴________________ 13.去听音乐会________________14.wear silk shirts_______
15.on a novel__________
17.different habits_________【激活思维】1.不同国家的人们有着不同的衣着习惯,你知道美国人的穿着打扮有什么习惯吗?不知你是否注意过?2.在英语中, 有些名词表示由2部分构成的东西,常常只用复数形式.这类名词做主语时谓语动词要用复数,表示数量时常用: 数词+ pair(s) + of, 你学习过或知道的这样的名词有多少呢? 请把它们写下来.【教材研读】一. 1.He likes films and he often goes to the cinema . She never wears jeans or trainers.她从不穿牛仔裤或运动鞋.(1).我们常常使用and 来连接2个肯定意义的词或句子,用or连接2 个否定概念. Linda finishes her homework and goes to bed. Most children have no brothers or sisters. (2).trainers
运动鞋 这是英式英语,美式英语是sneakers在英语中,有些名词表示由2部分构成的东西,常常只用复数形式.这类名词做主语时谓语动词要用复数,表示数量时常用: 数词+ pair(s) + ofshoes鞋
trousers 裤子
glasses 眼镜
chopsticks筷子 That pair of trousers is mine.那条裤子是我的. Scissors are used to cut things.剪刀是用来剪东西的.二.She plays the piano and likes to sing.当play和表示乐器的名词连用时,该名词前总是要加上定冠词the.如: play the violin 拉小提琴
play the flute 吹笛子 如果play和表示球类的名词连用时,该名词前不加冠词.如: play football 踢足球
play basketball 打篮球play 还有一些其他用法,如:
play cards
play chess 下国际象棋三. She often goes to concerts and she usually buys CDs by her favourite 在这里表示"由..." 或"被..."的意思.例如:I like the songs by Coco.
我喜欢听李文的歌Tony likes reading novels by Mark Twain.他喜欢读马克-吐温的小说.四. Lingling's father watches the football on television on Saturday and , Sunday, but he never goes to a football match.
玲玲的爸爸在星期六和星期天在电视上看足球, 但他从不去看足球赛.
on television
在电视上, 通过电视五. 名词所有格形式:表示有生命的名词与后面名词的所有关系。分为: (1)名词+'s所有格见下表:名词+'s所有格单数名词后直接加's Jim's coat 吉姆的外套 Jeff's mother杰夫的妈妈以s结尾的复数名词,只加"'"
Teachers' Day教师节 the twins' books双胞胎的书不以s结尾的不规则的名词复数,加"s"
Children's Day 儿童节? men's shoes男式鞋表示两者共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词后加's
Lucy and Lily's mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈
Lucy's and Kate's rooms 露茜和凯特的房间注:①表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词也可以使用名词+'s所有格。如: a few years' time几年的时间 ten minutes' walk十分钟的行程
today's newpaper 今天的报纸
the city's life 城市的生活
China's population 中国的人口 。
②有些名词表示家宅、诊所、商店时,常去掉后面被修饰的词。如:at the doctor's 在诊所
to my uncle's 到我叔叔家⑵of所有格:动物和无生命的名词所有格一般使用介词of短语来表示。如:
the name of her cat她的猫的名字.
a picture of our school 一张我们学校的照片 有时有生命的东西也可用of所有格,可与名词+'s所有格替换。如:the name of the boy=the boy's name这个男孩的名字
英语名词所有格,表示某物属"谁的"。所有格构成有方法,单数名词后加"'s"复数名词尾有"s",加上逗点","莫加"s"。名词若是无生物,所有格构成用"of"。这些规则请记住,逢此练习就好做。【方法链接】例1 Don't you have _______________________(一双软运动鞋)?答案
a pair of trainers点拨 一双鞋子用 a pair of例2 完成句子______________ you _____________ a big family _____________ a small family?答案
Do ,have or点拨 行为动词have由助动词do来帮助构成一般疑问句,二者选择时用or.例3
) His brother likes playing ____________.A. guitar
B. the basketball
C. the cards D. the piano答案 D点拨 当play和表示乐器的名词连用时,该名词前总是要加上定冠词 如果play和表示球类的名词连用时,该名词前不加冠词例4 (
) Do you like songs_______ Liu Huan?A. at
D.on答案 C点拨 by 在这里表示"由..." 或"被..."的意思例5
)This is ___________________ room.A. Tom and Tony's B. Tom's and Tony's
C. Tom's and Tony D. Tom and Tony答案 A点拨 由前面this is 和 后面的room可知是一个房间, 所以只能是两人共有的,故选A.例6 (
-Are these
photos?    -No. They are
. A. my father's
B. my fathers' C. of my father
D. of my father 答案
形容词性物主代词用在名词前,my father为单数名词,其所有格要在后面加's。例7 我老师的名字叫高慧。误:My teacher name is Gao Hui.正:My teacher's name is Gao Hui.点拨
名词所有格表示"......的"时,要在名词后加's。如果名词是以-s结尾的,只在右上角打"'"即可。如:My friend's home is here. 我朋友的家就在这儿。We are in the twins' room. 我们在双胞胎的房间里。例8下列各句均有错误,请改正。⑴This is a book. A book is Mary's.⑵你多大了?You are how old?⑶-你是林涛吗?-是的。-Are you Lin Tao? -Yes, I'm.⑷Is Changjiang River very long?答案
⑴将A book改为The book。⑵将You are how old?改为How old are you?。⑶将I'm改为I am。⑷在Changjiang River之前加the。点拨
⑴根据句意,第二句的book是前一句提到的东西,其前面应用定冠词表示特指。⑵英语中的特殊疑问句,要将疑问词放在句首,其后再加上一般疑问句的形式,其语序正好和汉语的语序相反。⑶在对一般疑问句作肯定性的简略回答时,不能用缩写形式。⑷在江、河、湖、海等专有名词的前面,通常要加定冠词the。     Unit 3
Language in use【预习导航学案】(走进去,眼前一道美丽的风景)【轻松起航】一. 写出这些.代词的形容词性物主代词人称   单数复数主格形容词性物主代词主格形容词性物主代词第一人称Iwe第二人称youyou第三人称hetheysheit二.单项选择(
uncle ,____ name is Jim.A. He, him
B. She, you,
C. He, his
)2. _____ is English. What about _____?A. He, she
B. She, his
C. He, her
D. She, he(
)3. Let _____ help _____ do it.A. me, your
B. him, her
C. you, they
D. us, they(
)4. _____ are good friends.A. She and you
B. She and I
C. I and she
D. I and you(
)5. ____ are my friends,_____ names are Tony and Betty.A. They, their
B. His , their C. Them, their
D. They , them【激活思维】1.你知道形容词性物主代词的用法吗?在运用过程中要注意哪些问题呢?2.你在收到礼物的时候都怎样做? 你经常受到什么样的礼物呢?英美国家人们又会喜欢什么礼物呢?【教材研读】一.In the UK and the USA people often give flowers, cakes and candy as birthday presents. They don't usually give money or fruit.
在英国和美国,人们经常送花、蛋糕、糖果来作为生日礼物。他们通常不送钱和水果。as, 作为,当作As a student ,we must study hard. 作为一名学生,我们必须努力学习。二.Think of someone in your family. 想一个你的家人。 think of
想出 He thinks of a good idea.
他想出了一个好主意. 这里think of 也可用为think out三.语法
行为动词的一般现在时(2)1. 主语是第三人称单数的行为动词的一般现在时形式有变化,其变化规律与名词的复数形式相同。如下表:规则动词原形第三人称单数形式一般动词后加-s在轻辅音后读/s/在浊辅音或元音后读/z/,在t后读/ts/ ,在d后读/dz/wearreadplayworkmakelikegetwears / w????reads /ri:dz/plays /pleiz/works /w?????makes /mei???likes /laiks/gets /gets/以s,x,ch,sh结尾,一般加-es读/iz/washteachguessfixwashes /w?????teaches/tiz:t????guesses /gesiz/fixes /fiksiz/以辅音字母+o结尾,一般加-es读/z/godogoes /g????does /d???辅音字母+y结尾的单词,变y为i,再加-es,读/z/worrycarrystudyworries /w?????carries /k??????????????????????如:She always wears red. He never does his homework at school. He often listens to music.2.动词的第三人称单数也有不规则的,需要用心记住。
have-----has【方法链接】例1 ( )What do you want to give your mother _____ her birthday present?A. for
D. at答案 C点拨 as, 作为,当作例2 (
) Do you think ______ a good idea?A. on
D. for答案 B点拨 think of
想出例3 She _______(have ) a big family.答案
has点拨 这里要和主语保持一致改为第三人称单数形式.例4 He does his homework at 6:00 every day.(改为否定句)答案 He doesn't do his homework at 6:00 every day.点拨 此题中的does是个实义动词,而主语又是he,所以要在前面加助动词do的否定形式doesn't来构成否定句.例5 (
)He ________ school at 3 in the afternoon.A. finish
B. finishs
C. finishes
D.finishing答案 C点拨 第三人称主语的一般现在时谓语动词要和主语保持一致,用第三人称单数形式:finishes.例6 He ___________(do) his homework答案 does点拨 do的第三人称单数是does例5 Miss Wang ________(teach) us English.答案
teaches点拨 第三人称主语的一般现在时谓语动词要和主语保持一致,用第三人称单数形式 teaches         Module8 【同步升级演练】【基础巩固题】I. 词形变换1.always(反义词)_______
2. party(复数)_________
3.same (反义词)______
4. often(近义词)第三人称单数)_____ 6.sing(名词)_____
7.finish (三单)____________
8.go (三单)____________9.does not (缩写)___________10.they(形容词性物主代词)_____________II.英汉互译11.不同的习惯 _________
12.一双软运动鞋_________13.听音乐______14.弹钢琴_____________________15.看小说_________ 16. on television________ 17.wear silk shirts______ 18. send him a birthday present______19.have a party______________20. choose a present______________III 根据首字母及句意完成单词.21. We have d__________ habits in our family.
22.What about a birthday p____________?23.We u_____________ get up at 6:00 in the morning . 24.He n_______________ get a birthday present like this!25.My brother reads l __________ of books and m_______________.26.She likes c__________ and she always wear skirts. 27.I get a concert t________ from my mother.28.Liu Huan is a famous(著名的) s________ in China.【探究提高题】IV.用所给词的适当形式填空.29.Let's ___________(send) him a birthday card.
30.Tony always likes___________(party)!31.He always ______________(watch) football on Sunday.32. She often ____________(go) to concerts on Saturday.33.They _________(not go) to the cinema.34.Daming and Tony like __________(they) English teacher.35.My friend ________(like) flowers36. I never __________(watch) TV in the daytimeV.单项选择(
)37.This is ______
_____ friend ,Jack.
A. her, father
B. he, father
C. his , father's
D. him ,father's(
)38.He wants to see the film very much, but he _______ see it .A. often
B. usually
C sometimes
) 39.Her mother ______
her clothes every Sunday.
B. washing
) 40.They _______ go to the cinema very often.
C. doesn't
)41. This pair of glasses _______ good and new.
) 42. These two pairs of shoes _____ all _____.A. is , Tony
B. are , Tony's
C. are , Tony
D. is Tony's(
)43.---What about _______ him a birthday card?------ No ,let's _____ him a computer game.A. send , give
B. sending, give
C. send ,giving
D. sends ,give(
)44.She loves Jackie Chan very much and _____ a lot of CDs ____ him.   A. buys, at
B. buy, by
C. buys , in
D. buys, by(
)45.He gets a lot of presents _______ his birthday.
)46.Tony always _____ birthday _______.  A. likes, party
B. likes, parties
C. likes, partys D. like , party【拓展延伸题】VI.连词成句47.birthday, like, always,Tony,parties48.uncle,reading,like, he,read,lots,of,her,books,and,magazines49.sister,go,concerts,she,usually,Tony's,often,to,and,buy,favourite,her,CDs,singers,,never,go,cinema,the,he,novels,but,he,to51.don't,
orVII. 完形填空:Mike likes music very much.
he was young, he wanted
be a famous musician. But now he is a
. He works in a hospital. He
plays light music when he is working. He finds
patients are happy if they
the beautiful music. So he puts a CD player
the waiting room and plays the
to his patients every
60 . All his patients
Mike is a good doctor.(
B. musician
C. doesn't(
C. lots of
C. listen to(
C. wantVIII、阅读理解:In many English homes people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge(粥) eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o'clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple.(
)62. Many English people have _____meals a day.A. two
)63. People may have_______________ for their breakfast according to the passage.A. tea and eggs
B. hamburgers and tea
C. coffee and salad
D. eggs and fish(
)64.People have lunch at _________. A. anytime
)65. People don't have __________ for their dinner.A. bananas and apples
B. soup and meat
C. meat and fish
D. porridge(
)66. Most Englishmen have dinner __.A. at one
B. at any time C. at noon
D. in the evening【中考模拟题】    The Spring Festival(春节) is the Chinese New Year's Day. It usually comes
February. Everyone in China
the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festival
, Li Hong usually
his parents clean their house and
some shopping and other housework. On that
everyone in China eats dumplings, New Year's cakes, and other good
. Li Hong likes New Year's cakes. But Wang Hai says dumplings are
than New Year's cakes. The Chinese people
the New Year's cakes and dumplings in their houses . How
6 they are!(
)67.A. after
)68.A. has
B. like C. remember
)69.A. goes B. comes
C. reaches D. hears
)70.A. helps B. makes C. gets D. takes(
)71.A. buys B. does C. goes D. carries
)72.A.morning B. evening
D. afternoon(
)73.A. food
B. drinksC. Vegetable D. fruit
)74.A. smaller B. betterC.bigger D. sweeter(
)75A. find out
B. buy C. eat D. sell
)76.A. happy B. delicious C.lovely
D. great         【单元质量评估】
Module Eight        (满分100分,时间为100分钟)I. 词汇:(15分)A)根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词,完成句子:1.Would you like to help me c_________ a present for my mother?2.This p_________ of jeans look very great.
3.This is a cinema t____________.4.They u___________ get up at 6:00 and run about half an hour every morning.5.She has l______ of friends in China.B)根据汉语提示,完成句子:6.They ______(从不) reads books about love.
7.We ________(总是) finish our homework on time.8.Her sister likes music and she often goes to __________(音乐会)9. My favorite _____(小说) is Harry Potter.
10.She play the _______(钢琴) very well.C)根据所给词的适当形式填空11.Zhou Jielun is his favorite ______(sing).12.My parents give a pair of _______(train) to me as my birthday present.13.People in China have different ______(habit) from people in the USA.14.We usually help the old grandma _____(do) housework.15.Let's _______(give) him a computer game.II. 单项选择:(15分)(
)16. Some students play ______ football and some students play _____ piano after school.A. the, X B. the, the C. X, X D. X, the(
)17. They have different _____________A. habit B. a habit
C. habits D. some habits( )18. How about _____________ a concert? A. to have B. having C. has D. hasing(
)19. This pair of jeans ________ new.
A. are B. am C. is
)20. Tim likes football _________ he often watches football matches on TV.
A. so B. but C. or D. and(
)21. Your clothes ___________ on the bed.
B. am C. are D. be( )22 She usually buys CDs
her favourite singers. A. by B. on
C. with D. and( )23. I have a book. __________ name is Harry Potter.
B. It's C. Its
)24. Do you often watch news ______________ TV? A. by
)25. He ________ his homework __________ Sundays.A. doesn't, on
B. don't do, in
C. doesn't do, on D. don't, does(
)26. He ___at 6:00 in the afternoon. A. go home
B. gos to home C. goes home D. goes to home(
)27. My father doesn't play sports. He only
________ on TV.   A. watches it B. watch them C. watch it D. watches them(
)28. He eats ______ healthy food. A. lot of B. a lot of C. any D. a lots of(
29. He can speak Japanese, ______ only a little. A. and
)30. ―Your hat is very nice. ―______.  A. You are right B. That's right
C. You are welcome D. Thank youIII.完成句子:(10分)31. 她喜欢读小说并且她读了许多书.She likes _________ ________ and she reads ________ _________books.32. 现在踢足球怎么样?
football now?33. 他们总是谈论那场球赛。They
the match.34. 他爸爸为他做了个风筝。His father
him.35. 咱们送个生日卡给他吧。Let's
a present card
.IV.句型 按要求改写句子:(15分)36. They are not on the same team. (同义句转换)
They are on
.37. We have a break. We talk to our friends. (合并为一句)We have a break
our friends.38. She does the housework every day. (改为否定句) She
the housework every day39. I like reading. (就划线部分提问)
?40. Liu Ming cleans the room every week. (改为否定句)
________ the room every week.V.完形填空(10分)  Today is
birthday in China. Many friends come to his home. He thanks them for
42 . They bring a lot of presents for him. Yingying's mother cooks
Chinese food for them. Jim is very happy. In the U.S, Jim often 44
hamburgers, French fries and coke. Here
knows some-thing about China and he likes Chinese food very much. His favorite fruit is
46 . He likes to have milk, eggs for breakfast very much.
47 , he has no time to go home for lunch, so he has it at school.
supper he often has fish, vegetables and fruit. Sometimes he goes out to eat with his
friends. He
meat at all. He wants to be thin.41. A. Jim's first B. first Jim's C. Jim's the first D. Jim first
42. A. come B. to come C. coming D. comes43. A. a lot B. many C. a lot of
44. A. eats B. drinks C. has D. have45. A. it
B. he C. they
46. A. strawberries B. tea C. tomato D. eggs47. A. In the evening B. At noo C. In the morning D. In the afternoon
48. A. For B. With C.
In D. To49. A. a Chinese B. Chineses C. Chinese D. China
50. A. doesn't like B. not likeC. don't likeD. doesn't likesVI. 阅读理解(20分)
(A)请看下面电视节目预告,选择正确答案。Channel 1 Channel 2:18:00: Around China18:30 Children's program19:00 News19:30 Weather Report19:40 Around the World 20:10 TV play : Sisters21:00 English for Today21:15 Popular Music21:55 Talk show 17:45 Computer Today18:10 Foreign Arts 18:30 English Classroom19:00 Animal World19:25 China's
Sports21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying21:45 English News22:05 On TV Next Week(
)51.If you want to watch a football game, the best program for you would be
.A. TV play
C. Around the World
D. Talk Show(
)52.The program of ______ will let you know much about the western countries.A. Sisters
B. Around China
C. Around World
D. On TV Next Week(
)53.If you want to know something about tigers, elephants, and monkeys, the best program is
.A. Around China
B. Animal the World
C. TV play
D. Foreign Arts(
)54.English classroom is a program that
.A. Let you know something about classroom
B. tells you something about studentsC. let you know something about life
D. teaches you English(
)55.The program at the end of Channel 2 means
___ on TV next week.A. news
B. programs
D. places             (B)根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)(5分)Anna is sixteen years old. She was born on January 5th. Mrs. Green is her mother. Today is her birthday. There is a party for her. Lots of her friends come to her party. There are 10 girls and 5 boys. Mrs. Green buys fruits, a birthday cake and some delicious food for the party. Her friends and parents join together to sing "Happy birthday" to her.(
) 56.Anna is seventeen years old next year.(
) 57.Her birthday is January fifteenth.(
) 58.Boys and girls sing "Happy birthday" to her.(
) 59Anna is Mrs. Green's daughter.(
) 60.Mrs Green doesn't join the party.VII书面表达:(15分)下面是关于John, Bob和Diana在食物方面的不同喜好。假如你就是John,请将你们三位的喜好描述一番,题目可用"Our Favourite Food"。要求不少于50个词。John: hamburgers, French friesBob: salad, meat, chickenDiana: vegetables, apples, ice creamModule 8 【轻松起航】部分 UNIT 1 预习导航学案【答案及解析】二.1-5 GECAD 【激活思维】部分【答案及解析】一.1.一般动词后加-s在轻辅音后读/s/在浊辅音或元音后读/z/,在t后读/ts/ ,在d后读/dz/。2.以s,x,ch,sh结尾,一般加-es读/iz/。3.以辅音字母加+o结尾的一般加-es读/z/。4.以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,变y为i,再加-es,读/z/。二. 1.have a birthday party,make a birthday cake,get a birthday present,happy birthday,a birthday card【轻松起航】部分
UNIT 2 预习导航学案【答案及解析】一.1--5CEABD二.6. a pair of
8.a box of chocolate
9.a silk shirt
10.Betty's uncle
11.choose a birthday present the piano
13.go to concert
17.不同的习惯【激活思维】部分【答案及解析】1.美国人在日常生活中穿着比较随便,一般以讲究舒适为准则,他们喜欢穿棉布T恤和牛仔裤,还有运动鞋.但在具体的一些场合,他们也是讲究和环境场合相协调的,譬如在晚会上要穿礼服等等.2.这样的名词有: shoes鞋
trousers 裤子
glasses 眼镜
trainers软运动鞋 stockings 女式长袜【轻松起航】部分
UNIT 3 预习导航学案【答案及解析】人称        单数复数主格形容词性物主代词主格形容词性物主代词第一人称Imyweour第二人称youyouryouyour第三人称hehistheythemsheheritits二.1.C 2.C 3.B.4.B. 5.A 6.D【激活思维】部分【答案及解析】1.形容词性物主代词具有形容词的性质,不能够单独使用,后面要跟名词.2.我们一般要首先表达感谢,然后在客人走后才打开礼物。生日礼物常常有蛋糕,衣服,水果,还有其他好吃的,也有送钱的。而在英美国家人们通常是当面打开礼物并表达感谢之意,礼物常常有鲜花,蛋糕,糖果等等,他们一般不送钱和水果。Module 8
Different habits【同步升级演练】部分【答案及解析】I.1.never 2.parties 3.different 4.ususlly 5.plays 6.singer 7.finishes 8.goes 9.doesn't 10.theirII. 11.different habits12.a pair of trainers 13.listen to music the piano 15. read a novel 16. 在电视上,通过电视 17.穿丝绸衫 18.送给他一件生日礼物 19.举行聚会 20.选一件礼物III.21.different
22.present/party 23.usually24.never 25.lots,magazines 26.clothes 27.ticket 28.singerIV.29.send 30.parties 32.goes 33.don't go 34.their 35.likes 36.watchV.37.C 此题考查形容词物主代词修饰名词短语,名词所有格修饰名词。 38.D 前后两个分句含有转折之意,故选D
39.D 主语是第三人称单数的一般现在时时,谓语动词也改为第三人称单数形式。40.B 含有行为动词的一般现在时,当主语不是第三人称单数时,变否定句要在行为动词前加don't.41.B 谓语动词与pair保持一致. 42.B two pairs 是复数形式,谓语动词也要复数;名词所有格用Tony's.43.B What about doing......? Let sb do sth. 44.D 谓语动词用buys与主语she持一致,表示谁的唱片用"by"45.A on one's birthday
46.B likes 与Tony 一致;parties用复数表示一类.VI.47.Tony always likes parties.
48.Her uncle likes reading and he reads lots of magazines49.Tony's sister often go to concerts and she usually buy CDs by her favourite singers50.He reads novels but he never goes to the cinema.
51.They don't usually give money or fruit.VII.52-61
Module Eight【答案及解析】I.(A)1.choose2.pair3.ticket4.usually5.lots (B) 6.never 7.always 8.concerts 9.novel 10.piano(C)11.singer 12.trainers 13.habits 15.giveII.16.D球类运动前不加任何冠词 17.C different 后跟名词的复数 18.B How/What about doing......? 19.C 谓语动词与pair保持一致 20.D 前后两个分句是并列关系用and来连接. 21.C clothes 是衣服的总称,后跟谓语动词的复数形式. 22.A by表示"被......,由......"
23.A 它的 it's
24.B on TV通过电视,在电视上 25.C do homework 中的do是个行为动词,用do的适当形式来否定; on Sunday, 在星期天 26.D go home, 回家, go的第三人称单数是goes 27.D watch的第三人称单数是sports是复数形式,用them指代 28.B a lot of =lots of
29.C前后句含转折之意用but 30.D 当回答别人的赞扬时用Thank you.III. 31. lots of
32.What/How about playing 33.always talk about 34. makes for 35.send to himIV.36.different teams 37.and talk to 38.doesn't do 39.What do doing 40.doesn't cleanV.41. A first 前不加任何冠词.
42.C Thank sb for doing sth
43.C a lot of =lots of
44.A 表示吃用have /eat ,但Jim 只能用eats ,不能用have 45.B he指的是Jim 46.A 只有A是水果 47.B 这里吃的是午饭,应选at noon
for supper 49.C Chinese friends 中国朋友 50.A like是行为动词,用doesn't否定VI(A)51-55
B)56-60 TFTTFVII.One possible version: Our
favourite foodHi!My name's John, Bob and Diana are my good friends. We have many different habits. For example, I like hamburgers and F Bob likes salad, Diana likes vegetables, apples and ice cream. We like different food, but we can play together happily .}


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