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文档免下载券下载特权 全站付费文档8折起 千本精品电子书免费看
文档免下载券下载特权 全站付费文档8折起 千本精品电子书免费看
海 淀 区 九 年 级 第 二 学 期 期 末 练 习
考 1. 本试卷共 8 页,六道大题,22 道小题,满分 120 分。考试时间 150 分钟。 生 2. 在答题纸上准确填写班级名称、姓名。 须 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。 知 4. 考试结束,请将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。
一、选择。下面各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个符合题意,选出答案后在答题纸上用铅 选择。下面各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个符合题意,选出答案后在答题纸上用铅 .. 笔把对应题目的选项字母涂黑涂满。 (共 12 分。每小题 2 分) 笔把对应题目的选项字母涂黑涂满。 1.下列词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一项是 A.解剖 (pāo) 联袂(mèi) 剔透(tì) . . . B.寒噤(jīn) . C.氛围(fēn) . D.胚胎(péi) . 细菌(jūn) . 折本 (shé) . 脊梁(jǐ) . 祈祷(qí) . 恣睢(zì) . 污秽 (suì) .
谆谆教诲(zhūn) .. 得陇望蜀(lónɡ) . 鲜为人知(xiǎn) . 扣人心弦(xián) .
2. 对下列各组词语中两个加点字的解说正确的一项是 A.和谐——和煦 . . 解说:两个“和”字意思相同,都是“温暖”的意思。 B.精通——精致 . . 解说:两个“精”字意思不同, “精通”的“精”是“透彻通晓”的意思; “精致”的“精” 是“仔细深入”的意思。 C.满载而归——载歌载舞 . . 解说:两个“载”字意思相同,都是“装载”的意思。 D.莫名其妙——名正言顺 . . 解说:两个“名”字意思不同,“莫名其妙”的“名”是“说出”的意思;“名正言顺” 的“名”是“名义”的意思。 3. 结合语境,依次填写关联词语恰当的一项是 如何正确实施 城市色彩景观设计的实施可以使城市成为舒适美观的人居环境, 则有赖于对城市色彩的研究和设计 。 尽快将这个研究课题纳入到城市规划和城市设 计的总体框架中去, 能使城市规划部门在实际操作中对此进行有力地指导和管理。 A.但是 只有 才 B.但是 只要 就 C.因此 只有 才 D.因此 只要 就 4.运用修辞方法的句子不能恰当地表达下面语段意思的一项是 清代小说家曹雪芹,生长在官宦富贵之家。他曾广泛涉猎经史子集,于诗书、绘 画、金石、园林、中医、织补、饮食等均有研究。后来由于政治斗争的冲击,曹家日 渐衰微,曹雪芹命运也急转直下,生活陷入困顿,晚年“满径蓬蒿”,“举家食粥”。 世态炎凉使曹雪芹对封建社会有了更清醒、 更深刻的认识。 他以坚韧不拔的毅力, “披 阅十载,增删五次”,专心致志地从事《红楼梦》的写作和修订。“字字看来皆是血, 十年
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--- Who is the woman in black?--- ________ is our physics teacher.A.She! \7 I, J6 F# N, T+ f B.Her, H: f$ Q3 I! j+ i3 G C.Hers4 X. _# C1 D# c' R6 K D.Herself/ R+ E1 Q- T7 T8 c0 \; M3 L
The school bus picks up the students ________ the morning.A.by ) Q$ h' A8 ]. j B.to/ L
h, [/ W7 `$ V9 f* S C.on 2 H* W2 @) _7 G& ?" ^ D.in8 ?+ U% j7 F
e 中小学在线题库 / &&
Nowadays action movies aren’t as ________ as cartoons among teenagers.A.popular# I( S( E; @! A/ ^. b B.more popular
W/ C' [3 L6 ]4 _* P! ] C.most popular. Q/ d% f1 O1 L D.the most popular
Y8 W4 X: Y) M% b7 ?0 e
Tom got all A’s ________ he spent most of his time studying.A.if, ]
@& e9 \B.before- f8 X9 D. @1 c) K9 QC.because$ c1 H3 f7 c& S+ `3 HD.although* [+ X- M! X- C% i
I need ________ bananas to make fruit salad. Could you please buy some?A.fewB.a fewC.littleD.a little
--- Must I hand in my report now? --- No, you ________. You still have some time.A.shouldn’t5 `5 @1 b0 \0 T/ U
J) K$ [ B.mustn’t% ]3 ?% L) c1 O7 T% S C.needn’t# B7 R& L2 I0 Y( \4 G D.can’t* J6 @4 b8 L! N+ O
Tina ________ England with her parents three years ago. A.visits. P/ `! S% j- I3 I) OB.visited) ?5 ]( a, V; `5 `C.will visit' D
J$ ]" A9 R# S5 ]7 KD.has visited: I/ U4 ]" Z+ b9 V% Z
--- ________ do you help your mother clean the house? --- Once a week.A.How far( I; h( N7 j, X' G3 ]( Y B.How long( S; I3 P8 X& H" d$ D. [8 E C.How soon* K" f/ P
L9 [& f1 M9 D2 _9 Y D.How often$ Z9 M3 @2 d: _' P+ X% i
Don’t talk to me. My favorite pop star ________ on TV now.A.is singing 0 _8 e8 _6 W+ b/ @ B.will sing, J; L# ?" W# A3 \; ]. I C.sings8 a. A4 R- @) ]" X/ X D.sang9 K2 g0 @0 ?8 d
You won’t have the chance to succeed when you ________.A.gave up: O/ K/ E& B2 R) P& U B.give up 9 Y7 R2 W; ?7 M8 Q9 R) R5 _ C.will give up+ `7 Y4 O
h% b& P9 V1 B1 Y, G D.are giving up, B; Y. K* P, C/ W% M
Sarah always makes her son ________ his hands before eating.A.wash% H% ]5 M( ]# h9 c0 i6 ^( R6 i B.washed# M8 Y. Y& j0 D" Q( h2 H6 ]7 S C.washing7 M0 F0 D7 S9 M4 W D.to wash/ Y9 i7 Q0 i4 \- I& J 中小学在线题库 / &&
Please tell the kids not ________ near the river. It’s too dangerous.A.play" D2 _4 ?6 j3 L" e, QB.playing0 W) i- ^$ U# PC.to play) i7 P2 E* D( J! @D.played8 F% B' A4 I
One of the most popular 3D films --- Avatar Ⅱ________ in 2014.A.put on ! \- T* [4 I6 E9 ^( Y4 e B.is put on) H* @: `! ]1 R7 @( F
T C.will put on# ?; `& @% f9 B: ]* W3 O3 N D.will be put on) h) ]/ U& E1 W( Q( E6 O / &&21教育网在线题库
--- Is Jason going to the party? --- I’m afraid not. He ________ to Hong Kong.A.goes' N6 T: ]; ^* i B.went. F
B4 D# O$ V3 A0 E C.has gone# B$ Y# j( G7 [. f: D$ @) `' S D.was going+ C; L+ d* ^$ ]2 G
I don’t know ________. Could you help me?A.where was his new home8 Q8 ^7 B' c1 [&B.where is his new home 0 f* ]/ @( X' b+ D# N&C.where his new home was: b, B& X3 g, a6 [8 @&D.where his new home is./ a$ N+ i$ ?/ \8 b0 j0 b&21世纪在线题库: / 免费
One night, I wondered what it would be like if I only asked questions. I decided that no matter what anyone said to me the next day, I would reply only with &&36&. I loved to read about scientists and their discoveries, and I knew that scientists always started their research with a question. I hoped that I could become a scientist. Maybe by asking questions, I could train my mind to be &&37&. I survived the morning easily. “Is there any egg?” I answered when my mother asked what I wanted for breakfast. “Is this seat taken?” I asked when my friend Mike asked where he was going to &&38&&on the bus. In the classroom, Mr. Black spoke slowly and clearly while I listened carefully. The problem had been part of my homework the night before. I wrote the answer on the board, “Could the answer be 361?”Mr. Black smiled and nodded. I thought,“How did I &&39&&to get through that?” I almost laughed because asking questions really was starting to become a &&40&. I thought I had made it safely through the whole day, &&41&&what I had come to consider my experiment blew up at the dinner table when my dad asked me about my day. “What do I always do?” I replied. My parents looked at each other. My father &&42&&again. “Well, I hope you went to school,” he said. “Uhhh … why would you think otherwise?” I asked. My parents exchanged another &&43&&&and were becoming annoyed. “Do you think questions are a good way to train your mind to be active?” I asked.“It &&44&&the question,” said my father. “Some questions are asked for &&45&&information. Those are good mind-training questions. Sometimes, people use questions to get the other person to say something. Sometimes people ask questions to get someone to agree with them. Those questions don’t really achieve anything.”“I guess my experiment didn’t work,” I said, and I told my father about my &&46&. “I think it worked &&47&!” my father said. “You made a discovery, didn’t you? What matters is that you have put your idea into practice.”&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&【小题1】8 I4 N* K0 A: [3 V7 K
T9 ` A.actions/ X- ?' N: L1 B1 a* N2 I) P; _( Z B.answers 2 G; `
H0 ^. J* B4 [ C.gestures* [* ^; V6 Q5 `0 b* Y0 K D.questions" I, f5 e. h& b : U( ?* C+ i7 T; f& c+ g# J 【小题2】% A' \% M7 N% P* V A.deep $ I, R: X& @
`; I3 V: M. @+ S B.free$ Y' H0 C8 b9 _7 h9 f" [4 H1 L C.quick0 G, O+ D5 d0 R% `, a7 f
K D.strong0 O( L+ R) i- \! Y0 ^# S# Q ) A8 Y3 g5 f. U4 `6 K0 [ 【小题3】( B9 j2 a( e" j
@# h2 D0 G A.get+ E& ]% Q0 d2 h. h' j B.sit, N$ ?0 g' j2 I. A C.come . A5 c( O0 T0 ^6 Z0 h2 e D.take: ]0 G+ U0 f6 G . H2 B) Z3 @& E& H 【小题4】! a. f6 h7 U/ b" F$ H A.fail
i5 C8 A$ I4 g9 Z! d B.have 6 @, C, Q( X' R, Z4 D0 N2 K$ H0 H" U& G C.want 6 e2 A0 F% _+ b. N/ Q D.manage6 N$ C- R, O
i+ j2 L. D9 B8 Q3 h ' M+ @# X4 I5 i$ K6 X4 e 【小题5】) X$ L" G9 X+ g! K5 R# ?2 P A.habit 2 A0 B3 ]5 X! \( D B.step5 e6 B1 B2 `1 _# f C.goal! D
P; F2 B; ? D.rule. H6 a+ K. ?; R! _+ A! g3 @ * F4 ?' h1 M. T! N6 C 【小题6】' ]2 Y2 Q, D4 h5 A' e A.or0 T3 T3 H! G1 V& [* F" `- E B.so + K) H" Z
^; e. ] C.but# F0 f$ G4 M7 _& T3 S' V D.and1 _* _6 `5 a! [6 Y, F% N9 I: ? 7 J1 g( J
@/ X7 N& `) _. X 【小题7】8 N7 X* E- a" P% P6 F* I A.tried" e$ j& Q
C$ ?. I B.asked
g* Y. W, W0 U0 I* O, h& H C.guessed- b$ i/ _4 @3 c0 _7 a& I! i D.ordered0 d% D3 K# @4 Q' V : X. Q9 D* e: Y) V 【小题8】
T; Z6 f$ \& O A.look2 f- X# Y9 V$ h9 A* G
X+ H7 H1 C B.word8 W9 i7 M4 ^" T% h C.mind" W
\# P, E7 ?* N3 h
L% a, @ D.topic" g/ c( \; U. O+ @+ Q" a ' J7 P5 P/ V$ c, j) @9 U 【小题9】, j# C0 W% e! ] A.refers to9 g0 ^2 A# Q; a& O' _ B.belongs to4 S& F) U" E2 e) g5 @3 a8 j C.puts on' D6 I- I7 R2 f D.depends on0 ^. H. F! J2 b8 G; I# I$ ] 9 N/ X5 a* b/ X 【小题10】( E7 D) \) @3 M( X* d5 @- F A.sending! d# X" O' a# X8 a' ]! H B.finding9 ]) U6 B# O! W3 O# J2 W. V C.sharing+ F3 E2 P' j: M5 j. Q8 M, J D.keeping- \1 A
Z3 G( d' U( Q / T( I( ]) C2 S# G
f& ` 【小题11】4 e/ N1 M3 \" h( X! N6 U2 O A.test- X' O, U5 U4 A- H0 ]5 H B.idea0 ?4 P! ?5 d" b+ _# J/ b C.plan- U" W9 W7 e" ^* j2 [. R D.wonder, C: J, b! h+ H 8 N0 K, I
e6 h 【小题12】5 N9 C* S( N2 A" `6 L: F# P5 F A.slowly + i- Z7 K! O3 Z. R* ]2 c, h" I B.safely& J! L4 a' Z' W. h& f5 N C.perfectly 6 E. D# e, I# `- [3 J8 U2 ^ D.properly9 I, ?7 @$ H, Y
V+ _ 3 K) `0 _8 V9 K
【小题1】We need ________ kinds of things to make an ALL ABOUT ME box. A.two: j) ^3 W& J7 Q B.three* D9 j9 @3 i4 T3 V! _( B C.four) @) d9 R9 c2 J7 a( g1 [$ ^ D.five4 S2 ]2 O; C, U* U4 H3 P 【小题2】What should we do first to make an ALL ABOUT ME box?&&A.Color the inside of the box.' @, C$ G4 a, W% L: c9 d6 c+ S. P) V5 _ B.Turn the box on its side.7 _+ M5 ^4 R3 X# B, F$ a& ] C.Put the name inside the box.2 I- b! F! `) M D.Make a list of favorite foods.. b! L2 H5 T6 h6 X 【小题3】An ALL ABOUT ME box tells about ________.A.a toy9 E9 g- Y1 D; e+ X B.a book* c6 W, J, L' O% C: _6 e( a C.a person4 Y2 O( `# c3 _% @2 L1 O D.a picture3 G+ C8 `1 B* R) @/ E" L4 ? 中学在线题库: / 21教育网题库
Oriole’s NestPicky, PickyScientists have no idea exactly why birds choose certain objects to build their nests. But scientists know that the main reason birds build nests is to keep their babies safe, warm and healthy.
Baby birds grow faster and are healthier when they are warm. They also learn to fly and leave the nests sooner than birds without warm homes.What A Yarn (纱)Yarn is big on an oriole’s shopping list during nest building. Scientists are still trying to work out why so many birds choose white yarn over other colors for nest building. Scientists think that the white objects remind birds of cotton fluff (绒毛) they find in the wild. Do It Naturally &Even though birds can help us recycle some of our junk by using it to build nests, they also need to use lots of natural things. Long grass, dried sticks, spider’s silk and mud are some of the natural ingredients that are good for nests, too. You can make a collection box of things to leave for birds so they can help themselves. Hang a small plastic box with holes on a tree branch. Fill the box freely with nest building goodies. Hang the box on a tree and watch birds climb on board to pick through the junk to find their treasures. Warning: Don’t let the birds turn into a tasty treat. Keep your bird station away from places where cats hang out. For The Birds!Stop! Don’t throw all that garbage out! Give some to the birds. Look and see how your old junk can help beautify and warm a bird’s new home. 【小题1】The baby birds with warm homes are able to _____.A.choose right objects$ c9 ]# ^' W. I, OB.leave the nests sooner 8 `" c* d4 [; YC.build good nests5 D& c- @$ V$ P1 J8 ?D.learn to fly higher
D# L9 f+ O6 F- S' X* ]【小题2】 What can people make for birds to build nests?A.Holes on the tree.+ N: X* B% E! U& g( C2 NB.Food out of the rubbish.. M9 e# B: [( \% O! W8 ]: VC.A warning board.8 R
K; S8 i& ]* Y4 N5 E" FD.A collection box of things.: `' Z9 j8 V8 _, K& d' R【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?A.Birds build nests to store things. - J4 ^5 a
[6 O1 Y1 A1 W/ YB.Birds regard white objects as cotton.6 @$ O3 [8 D6 U3 i/ b( GC.Birds and humans can help each other.1 ^- O) Q) D! D/ J' eD.Birds and cats fight against each other.. c1 b: S6 I0 a" E( i/ Y
I will never forget the very moment that caused me to leave my gift behind because I wanted the gift that my older sister Maria had.My family was spending a week at the beach. One morning, Maria went to the beach early, but I stayed behind to finish a drawing of a seashell. After finishing the drawing, I walked to join Maria. She was a top gymnast (体操运动员). Her show was perfect as she wheeled along the beach. The beauty of that sight froze me, and I decided immediately that I too would become a gymnast like her.I knew that I had never been very good at sports. However, when I told my parents I wanted to take a gymnastics class, they agreed with me in surprise. The next week, I went to a beginners’ class. If only my parents had talked me out of this misguided plan! Five minutes into the first class, it was clear that I didn’t have the gift of a gymnast. But I kept at it. During this time, drawing and painting—which had been my two favorites—all but left my mind. It must have been hurting for my family as they watched my hopeless efforts. I blindly decided to be like Maria. I just would not give up. At the same time, on the advice of Ms. White, my art teacher, I hurriedly handed in my seashell drawing for an art contest in our town. One night as I was having a hard time practicing, the phone rang. It was Ms. White. “Alice, you won the contest!” she said loudly.“Really?” was all I could reply.“Yes,” Ms. White said. “They’re going to give you a prize. And that’s not all. The winner is also accepted into Wildale’s Summer Fine Arts Institute.” I couldn’t believe what I heard. Only a handful of young artists were accepted each summer.That night I didn’t go back into the living room to continue practicing. Gymnastics was Maria’s gift, not mine. It had taken me a while, but I realized that I had a gift of my own.【小题1】Alice wanted to be a gymnast because ________.A.she had been good at sports' J! f' \
`3 I&B.her sister’s show was perfect( Z4 h! B- A7 E9 N+ G, ?0 T
i&C.she hated drawing and painting4 K, ]- [) K4 f, f* G&D.her parents wanted her to do so0 ^9 C9 L8 F7 i6 I" b. @
i, G&【小题2】 How did Alice feel about learning gymnastics at last?A.Satisfied.. b* M
c+ T, f/ _! M&B.Worried.+ d/ f! g! R6 V. j4 [3 `&C.Hopeful) S& W$ L6 ?9 j' Y&D.Regretful.6 A/ j- N. b& K) Q1 C; @&【小题3】 From the story, we can infer that ________.A.Alice’s parents disagreed with her choice of gymnastics1 ^4 f# @7 F7 T6 c/ R2 [&B.Alice did not realize her gift in drawing and painting at first' F* [4 e
R# C! b/ h&C.Alice spent a hard time preparing for the art contest in the town1 N9 P" [/ P3 J' F1 J5 K9 @&D.Alice couldn’t believe the news that she got the prize for painting5 e- L( H( T# Z, c" \% F&【小题4】 What does the writer want to tell us according to the passage?A.We should value our own gifts.+ g& e# Q6 d: R" @&B.It takes time to find one’s gifts.. U5 K) N# b7 T- U: W! A4 i$ T&C.We could develop different gifts.2 M1 I1 T+ ]. H2 j+ W* J0 ]&D.It’s never too late to show our gifts.! T3 h- D" ?
Many people think sports are just for winning and honor, but there is a lot more you can gain from (get out of) them. I have learned over the past years that sometimes when I lose, I get a lot more out of it than winning. Also, I find a lot of times in sports, people are getting too caught up in the game instead of just having fun. The real purpose of sports is to have fun and learn life lessons along the way.I greatly encourage you to be a part of the school sports. Even if you are not the best, you can still have fun. Sports give people a great and healthy way of spending an afternoon, instead of lying around playing video games or even getting into bad things. Sports also give us a sense of achievement. There isn’t a better feeling than to have done something fun and productive for my day.I think that we all need sports to give us courage. If we try hard in sports, we usually do well. If we did the same in study, we would all be champions. Another reason why I encourage you to play sports is that it’s just fun. Without sports, our lives would just be boring. So as you may be able to tell, sports are amazing!Our coaches not only teach us to play sports, but show class and good sportsmanship while playing them. It’s never fun when you lose to have the competitor rub it in your face. That’s why our coaches teach us to sho also, when coaches get onto you, don’t get down. They only want to see you improve and learn from what they say. When you do badly and they don’t shout loudly is when you should start worrying because they are giving up on you.Overall, sports are great! They bring out the best and worst of a lot of us. However, we can’ t let sports get too serious to where it brings down all the fun. So to have the most fun in sports, you just need try your best and not worry so much about the winning or losing.【小题1】The underlined phrase “get onto you” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.A.point out your mistakes, a0 D4 O* Z4 S) Q) U, `3 G) E; `B.take up your time9 i! W9 R+ ?5 d& D( P& ^9 T1 D. DC.worry about your future . @7 ]9 L1 [0 W+ F/ K& a( bD.look into your privacy3 ]' a+ T" B$ C【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A.Sports bring us great fun only if we have the talent.% K6 R5 Y1 i9 I8 c" a9 QB.Sports give us the best way of spending free time.: H' B; `) M: g( K& A1 ?C.We can get more out of winning than losing.% d" g$ b3 Q8 U" Y; BD.We should take pleasure in doing sports.4 c6 V3 L
j4 c$ C# Y【小题3】What is the best title of this passage? A.Are we too caught up?& b: C. N; F, U, C! g' `4 j' X, `8 IB.To win or to gain?3 ^6 R, E# P! e! XC.Are sports really great?7 g
A) X' Q9 B, HD.For honor or for health?, `0 G5 P4 V+ O& j1 L7 H. f& [
阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分)I was born in the computer age. &【小题1】. They were already adults when the first personal computer came out. But with the development of technology, more jobs need skills like typing, sending e-mails, etc. When I was in middle school, they started asking me to help them do things with computers.&【小题2】. But my dad would make me stay up to finish his work. My parents even made me talk on the phone whenever there was something wrong with our computer.
After realizing my parents really need my help, I tried to be more understanding. After all, I wasn’t born knowing how to use a computer. &【小题3】? I feel that teaching them by myself is better. We can communicate more and share understanding. I know it’s usually hard for adults to learn new skills. And a patient teacher is helpful for them. &【小题4】. Parents and teens need to help each other. A. So I try to
teach them patiently B. However,my parents weren’t as lucky as me C. It is hard for
them to use the computer D. Sometimes I had
hours of homework to do E. How can I help
them learn about computers&
阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)On a very hot day, it is hard to know what to do to feel good. If you run around, you may feel sick in your stomach. However, if you just sit quietly and do nothing, you may feel bored. Are there things you can do to feel good and have fun when you’re hot? Perhaps playing in water is a good choice to make you cool down. Taking a cool bath or shower, or even washing toys in a pan of cool water can also make you feel good on a hot day. Besides, you can read stories or paint in front of a fan. You don’t need to move your body very much. These are just some of the cool things to do on a hot day.In addition, it’s important for you to drink water. On hot days, you can lose about 16 glasses of water in one day. If you feel thirsty, you are already short of water. So don’t wait for thirst before you start to drink. You should try to drink as much water as you lose every day. Mixing a little fruit juice into your water is a fun way to help you drink plenty of water. The food you eat also makes a difference in how you feel in the heat. Cold foods such as ice cream and drinks with some ice can cool down your bodies. Fruits and vegetables are also helpful to stay cool in hot weather. So plan a healthy menu for a hot day---one that doesn’t need any cooking.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&【小题1】Is it easy to know what to do to feel good on a hot day?【小题2】 Is playing in water a good choice or a bad one?【小题3】How much water do we lose one day in hot weather?【小题4】What is a healthy menu for a hot day?【小题5】What is the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?
根据中文意思完成句子。【小题1】让我们忘记分歧,做好朋友吧。 ____________________ forget our differences and be good friends.【小题2】你最好别再浪费时间了。_____________________________ not waste your time any more.【小题3】 昨天你没去听音乐会,你怎么了?You didn’t go to the concert yesterday. ____________________________________ you? 【小题4】对不起,但我认为您把车停在这里是不对的。 Excuse me, but I ____________________________________________ park the car here.【小题5】在科学俱乐部里,孩子们不是忙着做模型,就是忙着解决遇到的难题。In the science club, the kids are _____________________________________ that they meet./ &&21教育网在线题库
根据中文提示内容,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的文段。 请不要写出真实的校名和姓名。亲爱的同学们,初中生活即将结束!在此离别之际,恰逢21世纪英语周刊征稿,请你以 “A/An … Person in My School Life”为题,介绍一位老师或同学,描述一件发生在你们之间的、令你印象深刻的事情并谈谈你的感受。A /An ________ Person in My School Life___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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