怎么样去了解一个人平静的对待一个人 you know

大家还关注『💗晚安』不要用尽全心去对待某一个人,因为有些人不值得, 总有一_百度知道问题已关闭
很迷茫。。。。。。看了将近一个月的知乎关于sm的问题和各种故事,应该说自己还没正式尝试过这个嗜好带来的快感吧,刚才看到sm对女奴的影响里的所有回答 突然就怕了,但是又按耐不住自己好奇的渴望。矫情真是能把自己作死。胆大无脑不匿名
一、谁的人生,不迷茫?&br&在我们长长的一生中,清醒有时,迷茫有时。别怕,每个人都是如此,闭眼、呼吸、小憩,放空自己,你的视线 也许会更清晰。&br&很多时候你之所以陷入迷茫的情绪中无法自拔,或许是因为
你把迷茫看的太重了。你夸大了你所看到的一切。&br&&br&二、他们的故事,终究是他们的。&br&你看到的一切言论,都是他人想要让你看到的一切。言论中可能有快乐,有忧愁,有愤恨,有不甘,有恐吓,有所有一切的情绪。他们都对,但 那是他们的人生。而对于你,所有的信息
也都只不过是参考,去其糟粕 取其精华。我们去享受好的那些方面,在小心翼翼的排除那些对我们有所危险的事与人,就好。&br&&br&三、SM并不神秘,神秘的是你内心欲望。&br&无论怎样描述SM行为、心理。大多涉及的也只有这样几方面:玩什么,和谁玩,怎样玩。&br&说白了就是 项目、人员、流程。其实很简单,但总有太多人
要对自己负责。&br&&br&四、平静 是需要你内心的满足,而非强求。&br&我们总说坦然的接受,但真实事情来临的时候,内心却充满了挣扎。我们总说让自己平静下来,却只是在平静的表面之下,隐藏了一颗涌动的内心。&br&为什么一定要平静、坦然呢?&br&你不了解这件事,不知道以后会如何,不明白对自己是否有利, 你 怎么会平静呢?&br&没有清晰的目标,没有娴熟的经验,没有对整个过程的掌控,你
会期望遇到那个他吧。嗯。 祝你
一、谁的人生,不迷茫? 在我们长长的一生中,清醒有时,迷茫有时。别怕,每个人都是如此,闭眼、呼吸、小憩,放空自己,你的视线 也许会更清晰。 很多时候你之所以陷入迷茫的情绪中无法自拔,或许是因为 你把迷茫看的太重了。你夸大了你所看到的一切。 二…
你可能喜欢双语|8招教你如何与不喜欢的人打交道 - 有道词典·看天下
In a perfect world, each person we interact with would be nice, kind, considerate, mindful, generous, and more. They would get our jokes and we would get their’s. We would all thrive in a convivial atmosphere where no one was ever cross, upset, or maligned.
However, we don’t live in a perfect world. Some people drive us crazy, and we (admittedly) drive a few mad as well. Those we dislike are inconsiderate, rushed, malign our character, question our motives, or just don’t get our jokes at all — but expect us to laugh at all their’s.
然而,我们并不生活在那个理想国度。总有一些人会让我们发狂崩溃。当然,不得不承认,我们有时候也会令别人抓狂。那些我们不喜欢的人通常都很轻率、冒失,他们也会常常诋毁我们的人品,质疑我们的处事动机,也不能理解我们的笑点 —但却希望我们能理解他们的笑点。
You might wonder whether it is possible to be fair to someone who ruffles you all the time, or someone you’d rather avoid eating lunch with. You might wonder if you should learn to like every person you meet.
According to Robert Sutton (a professor of management science at Stanford University), it’s neither possible — nor even ideal — to build a team comprised entirely of people you’d invite to a backyard barbecue.
斯坦福大学管理科学系的教授Robert Sutton的研究表明,你的团队中,并非所有人都能和你关系好到去你家后院烧烤。这不可能,也不现实。
That’s why smart people make the most out of people they don’t like. Here’s how they do it.
1. They accept that they are not going to like everyone.
Sometimes we get caught in the trap of thinking that we are nice people. We think that we are going to like everyone we interact with — even when that’s not going to happen. It’s inevitable you will encounter difficult people who oppose what you think. Smart people know this. They also recognize that conflicts or disagreements are a result of differences in values.
That person you don’t like is not intrinsically a bad human. The reason you don’t get along is because you have different values, and that difference creates judgment. Once you accept that not everyone will like you, and you won’t like everyone because of a difference in values, the realization can take the emotion out of the situation. That may even result in getting along better by agreeing to disagree.
2. They bear with (not ignore or dismiss) those they don’t like.
2. 不忽略、不回避,默默容忍不喜欢的人
Sure, you may cringe at his constant criticism, grit your teeth at her lousy jokes, or shake your head at the way he hovers around her all the time, but feeling less than affectionate to someone might not be the worst thing. “From a performance standpoint, liking the people you manage too much is a bigger problem than liking them too little,” says Sutton.
“You need people who have different points of view and aren’t afraid to argue,” Sutton adds. “They are the kind of people who stop the organization from doing stupid things.” It may not be easy, but bear with them. It is often those who challenge or provoke us that prompt us to new insights and help propel the group to success. Remember, you are not perfect either, yet people still tolerate you.
3. They treat those they don’t like with civility.
3. 恭敬礼貌地对待不喜欢的人
Whatever your feelings are for someone, that person will be highly attuned to your attitude and behavior, and will likely reflect it back to you. If you are rude to them, they will likely throw away all decorum and be rude to you too. T therefore, is on you to remain fair, impartial, and composed.
“Cultivating a diplomatic poker face is important. You need to be able to come across as professional and positive,” says Ben Dattner, an organizational psychologist and author of The Blame Game. This way you won’t stoop to their level or be sucked into acting the way they do.
Ben Dattner是一名管理心理学家,同时也是《责怪他人》这本书的作者,他说:“培养一张善于外交的扑克脸很重要。在与人相处的不经意间,你都要表现得专业积极。”这样你就必须学会不畏权贵,不卑不亢。
4. They check their own expectations.
4. 别将自己的期望强加给别人
It’s not uncommon for people to have unrealistic expectations about others. We may expect others to act exactly as we would, or say the things that we might say in a certain situation. However, that’s not realistic. “People have ingrained personality traits that are going to largely determine how they react,” says Alan A. Cavaiola, PhD (psychology professor at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey). “Expecting others to do as you would do is setting yourself up for disappointment and frustration.”
对我们来说,对他人抱有不切实际的期望,是一件很平常的事情。我们会期望别人会按我们的意愿来做事说话。然而,这并不现实。 Alan A. Cavaiola是新泽西蒙茅斯大学的一位哲学博士,他说:“每个人都有与生俱来的个性特征,这会直接决定他们的行为方式。期望别人按你的意愿做事会让你自己陷入失望与挫败的境地。”
If a person causes you to feel exactly the same way every time, adjust your expectations appropriately. This way you’ll be psychologically prepared and their behavior will not catch you by surprise. Smart people do this all the time. They’re not always surprised by a dis-likable person’s behavior.
5. They turn inwards and focus on themselves.
5. 成熟内敛,注重自我修养
No matter what you try, some people can still really get under our skin. It’s important that you learn how to handle your frustration when dealing with someone who annoys you. Instead of thinking about how irritating that person is, focus on why you are reacting the way you are. Sometimes what we don’t like in others is frequently what we don’t like in ourselves. Besides, they didn’t create the button, they’re only pushing it.
Pinpoint the triggers that might be complicating your feelings. You may then be able to anticipate, soften, or even alter your reaction. Remember: it’s easier to change your perceptions, attitude, and behavior than to ask someone to be a different kind of person.
6. They pause and take a deep breath.
6. 停下来,深呼吸
Some personality characteristics may always set you off, says Kathleen Bartle (a California-based conflict consultant). Maybe it’s the colleague who regularly misses deadlines, or the guy who tells off-color jokes. Take a look at what sets you off and who’s pushing your buttons. That way, Bartle says, you can prepare for when it happens again.
Kathleen Bartle是加利福尼亚的一位冲突顾问,她说,总有一些人的个性特征会让你生气。或许是你的同事总不能按时完成任务,或者有小伙子和你讲黄色笑话。思考一下是什么让你生气,是谁在触碰你的底线?她继续说道,通过这种方法,你可以预先准备,防止再次发生。
According to her, “If you can pause and get a grip on your adrenaline pump and go to the intellectual part of your brain, you’ll be better able to have a conversation and to skip over the judgment.” A deep breath and one big step back can also help to calm you down and protect you from overreaction, thereby allowing you to proceed with a slightly more open mind and heart.
7. They voice their own needs.
7. 表明自己的需求、立场
If certain people constantly tick you off, calmly let them know that their manner of behavior or communication style is a problem for you. Avoid accusatory language and instead try the “When you . . . I feel . . .” formula. For example, Cacaiola advises you to tell that person, “When you cut me off in meetings, I feel like you don’t value my contributions.” Then, take a moment and wait for their response.
You may find that the other person didn’t realize you weren’t finished speaking, or your colleague was so excited about your idea that she enthusiastically jumped into the conversation.
8. They allow space between them.
8. 保持距离
If all else fails, smart people allow space between themselves and those they don’t like. Excuse yourself and go on your way. If at work, move to another room or sit at the other end of the conference table. With a bit of distance, perspective, and empathy, you may be able to come back and interact both with those people you like and those you don’t like as if unfazed.
Of course, everything would be easier if we could wish people we don’t like away. Too bad we all know that’s not how life works.


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