
发表时间: 09:34:14
马云德国演讲稿中文版尊敬的默克尔总理,马凯副总理,女士们先生们,大家晚上好。  非常荣幸能够在CeBIT上进行演讲。  记得14年以前,我第一次来到汉诺威时,我们试着租了一个小小的展位来出售中国产品到西方,到欧洲。当时花了很长时间找展位,而汉诺威也远不如现在这么繁荣。  整个过程(找展位)很难,最后我们终于找到一个很小的位置,但是很少人光顾。  8年前,我们又回来了。我们希望帮助所有的参展者,把他们迁移到网上,帮助他们在阿里巴巴上卖东西——但这也没有成功。因为当时人们觉得在线交易和贸易展会是互相冲突的。  今天我又回来了。我回来的原因,是要找到互联网经济缺失的那重要一部分。过去20年,互联网非常成功,但是我发现一个非常奇怪的事情,很少有互联网公司能健康的、平静的活过3年。  这意味着大部分互联网公司只有“蜜日”,“蜜周”,他们甚至没有蜜月。问题在哪里?缺了什么?我坚定的相信,缺的那部分,能够在欧洲找到。  是什么?  无论你是否喜欢,过去20年,互联网对人类社会产生了巨大的影响,每个人都相信互联网为世界做出了伟大的贡献。而许多传统企业讨厌互联网,因为互联网毁掉了他们的生意。  但是为什么互联网公司担忧?你看到谷歌,facebook,亚马逊,eBay和阿里巴巴,我们所有的人天天担心。我们觉得这里面一定有问题。我们必须找到一个解决方案,让我们的公司能够像奔驰,西门子一样,活得长久而健康。  如果一个行业不能活的超过3年,如果不是所有的公司能够快乐的生存超过3年,那这个行业永远无法成为主流,这个行业永远不可能深深根植于经济——所以,我们要做什么才能找到解决方案?  世界正在快速改变,我们今天的科技发展非常非常迅速,大部分人不知道IT是什么,互联网是什么。  IT科技和数字科技,这不仅仅是不同的技术,而是人们思考方式的不同,人们对待这个世界方式的不同。  我们不知道世界30年后会变成什么样,我们不知道数据在30年后会长成什么样——但是我们相信,整个世界在30年后会大大改变。  如果第一次和第二次技术革命释放了人的体力,那这次技术革命释放了人的脑力,脑力在革新。  未来的世界,我们将不再由石油驱动,而是由数据驱动;未来的世界,生意将是C2B而不是B2C,用户改变企业,而不是企业向用户出售——因为我们将有大量的数据。制造商必须个性化,否则他们将非常困难。  未来的世界,所有的制造商他们生产的机器,这些机器不仅会生产产品,它们必须说话,它们必须思考。机器不会再由石油和电力驱动,机器由数据来支撑。  未来的世界,企业将不再会关注于规模,企业不再会关注于标准化和权力,他们会关注于灵活性,敏捷性,个性化和用户友好。  而且我强烈相信,在未来的世界,我们会有很多女性领袖——因为在未来人们将不会只关注在肌肉力量,而会更加重视智慧,重视关怀和责任。  我认为,互联网必须找到那个缺失的部分。这个缺失的部分就是鼠标和水泥携手合作,找到一个方法让互联网经济和实体经济能够结合。只有当鼠标和水泥结合时,互联网公司才能活下来,才能开心的活30年。  如果这个结合实现,那才能被称作D!conomy,不仅仅是数字经济,我叫它数据经济,所有的东西都会被改变。  并且我相信这个世界将会因此变得非常美丽,同时也非常富有挑战性。像苹果这样的公司告诉我们未来的样子是什么样的。有一种东西将会在机器中流动,那就是数据。  我们在一个创新,雄心,发明和创意的伟大时代,我相信每个人都在非常努力的工作,实现他们的梦想。今天我们看到了真实世界的工人,卡车司机和游戏玩家……所有这些人在过去,是不可能利用科技实现他们的梦想的。但今天,数据让一切成真。  但我强烈的相信,不是科技改变了世界,是科技背后的梦想改变了世界。如果是科技改变了世界,我不会在这儿,我没有被训练成一个科技专家,我对电脑一无所知,我对互联网也了解的不多。但是我有一个强大的梦想,我要帮助中小企业。  所以14年前我来这里想向欧洲出售中国产品,没有成功。14年后我想帮助欧洲企业向中国向世界,通过互联网出售产品。是梦想在驱动这个世界,不仅仅是科技。  女士们先生们,让我们共同努力,这是一个精彩的世界,这是一个属于年轻人的世界,这是一个属于未来的世界。  非常感谢各位的聆听。
【相关英语新闻】China's Internet tycoon Jack Ma, founder of giant online merchant Alibaba, gave a glimpse of the future when he demonstrated a new e-payment system using facial recognition at the CeBIT IT fairin Germany.  Criss-crossing the stage in the style of a Silicon Valley pioneer late Sunday, Ma showed off the technology that uses facial recognition from a smartphone camera selfie as a digital signature,saying he had just used it to send a gift to the mayor of the event's host city of Hanover.  Ma, a former teacher, is known for thinking big, and at this week's CeBIT he was the keynote speaker, addressing an audience that included German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  Like many other companies from the event's official partner country China, Alibaba -- flush withcash from a massive stock listing -- is looking beyond the borders of its huge domestic market of1.2 billion people, to the world.  Ma enthused that, while the industrial revolution freed workers from hard labour, the digital\&revolution... liberates the strength of the human brain\&.  \&It's not the technology that can change the world, it's the dreams behind the technology that change the world,\& the 50-year-old told the audience, adding that his dream was to help small enterprises sell on a global market.  Ma has not hidden his global ambitions and has cited as his models global companies such as Wal-Mart, IBM (NYSE: IBM - news) and Microsoft (NasdaqGS: MSFT - news) .  In January at the World Economic Forum in Davos, he said his target was two billion Alibaba users worldwide, compared to 334 million \&active buyers\& in December, and a global version of Taobao,the sales site that cemented his dominance in China.  - Global ambitions -  Some observers think Alibaba could one day rival the US online giants eBay and Amazon, or just buy them.  \&Many people think that's a road that they may pursue, since it would be so expensive to build their own brand (in the US),\& said Zia Daniell Wigder, vice-president of Forrester Research(NasdaqGS: FORR - news) .  \&Simply making a name for yourself in a market where the leaders have been established for a longtime is going to be difficult.  \&It is more likely that Alibaba conquers emerging markets with still nascent online trade while prudently strengthening its presence in developed countries.\&  The head of German IT industry group BITKOM, Dieter Kempf, said about Alibaba that \&the success is impressive, even if it is in large part because suppliers face a very large, hungry Chinese market\&.  Asked whether it could become a true global player, he said: ?I think we will have to see. Someone who can operate successfully in a large domestic market is not necessarily a good exporter... It really depends on the individual solutions.\&  The Chinese giant has already launched an online auction site in the US, called 11main, challenged Amazon in the field of cloud computing with a service called Aliyun, and invested $200 million (188million euros) in Snap chat, a photo-sharing application.  Bryan Wang, Beijing-based analyst for the consultancy Forrester Research, said it was an early attempt by Alibaba to try to \&understand digital consumers on a worldwide scale, outside of China\&.  Last September, the Hangzhou-based group raised a massive $25 billion on the New York stock market, although the share price has since fallen below the listing price.  - Digital ecosystem -  Founded in 1999, Alibaba has based its success on Taobao -- \&look for treasure\& in Mandarin -- and Tmall, a gigantic virtual mall that has become so dominant that even Amazon has opened up shop there.  Like Google, Alibaba capitalises on the analysis of user data. It does not charge commission to individuals but derives its profits from advertising options it offers to improve their visibility.  The volume of annual trade carried on its platforms, still mostly within China, exceeds that of eBayand Amazon combined.  Alibaba operates its own online payment system Alipay, and has received approval from Beijing to open a private bank. It also offers a navigation system, an online tour operator, and a musicstreaming service, among other things.  \&Alibaba is not only an e-commerce platform, it is the largest digital ecosystem in China,\& said Wang. \&Wherever you are in China, Alibaba actually knows your behaviour.\&  But Alibaba still faces other challenges -- it has been accused of not doing enough to eliminate counterfeits sold on its platforms.
重点解析 Key Phrases/Words  1. tycoon n. 企业巨头,大亨  2. Criss-crossing v. 方格形( criss-cross的现在分词 ),十字形的  3. facial recognition 面孔识别  4. digital signature 数字签名,数位签名  5. enthuse vt. 使热情 vi. 对…极热心  6. nascent adj. 初期的,初生的,开始形成的  7. counterfeits 仿制,造假
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