
宝宝姓马于公历200711月5(农历9月26)早<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a5f点30想起含清晨意思名字 请帮忙起名取名周易起名取名按五格起名要配合八字诗词起名更棒同谢帮助我起名师取名专家
谢谢各位尤其 (漠 - 魔神 十七级)师我想我名字含清晨意思名字清晨二白乖所拜托家帮想想再谢家 虽马艺珊名字起我同音字(我叫马胜毅)所拜托家帮帮想想尤其漠师我我全部家全压满意立即付赏
二○○七九月廿六 卯(丁亥 庚戌月 癸卯 乙卯) 月节气 立冬(11月83:28)
雪 (11月230:51) 命盘主黑兔于红猪干代表命主所属水
(祖先) 月 (父母)
(孙) 丁阴火 庚阴水 癸红猪 乙黑兔 亥阳金 戌阴木 卯白狗 卯绿兔
八字命盘阴阳干支三合历取排干由五行「金水木火土」轮流排列排支用十二肖顺序排列十二肖转换五行 五行喜神
[同类]:金15.08,水17.84,计32.92;[异类]:木33,火12.48,土5.7,计51.18[差]:-18.26[综合旺衰]:-18.26〖八字弱〗[八字喜用神]:八字弱八字喜 金 金 命「喜神」 五行 木 (主自) 火 (体智外泄) 土 (钱财享受) 金 (职位压力) 水 (保护求知) 数 33 12.48 5.7 15.08 17.84
八字论命找五行阴阳平衡同类异类基本相同五行阴阳较平衡较顺利同类异类相差八字硬或弱起伏较喜神选择般少哪类选取类值少五行「喜神」或称「用神」「喜神」自流或运命盘五行较平衡平衡五行较打架换言愉快事减低点较幸运八字平衡理论析起落我选 金 做命「喜神」 命运运
<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af岁11月14运逢戊、癸寒露第12(公历10月20前)交运 交运期前您命运重改变吉凶极端际遇凡事宜谨慎! 偏印??比劫?? 比肩??伤官?? 食神?? 财??偏财?? 官辛亥??壬?? 癸丑??甲寅?? 乙卯?? 丙辰??丁巳?? 戊午??????1???11???21???31??
41???51???61???71 近十运气 2015 2月 4~2016 2月 4:花月朗风光乐家安喜气浓福合想财顺利录用提升十神食神:其表象范围与业迁居、文写作、自由职业、专业技术及、、属、性欲等关吉象:业事业较易进步功赋较易发挥情较易产进展易交桃花运性较易怀胎育凶象:聪明易聪明误产矛盾引起官司诉讼外表光华内平淡防度劳神损身;盲目追求情损名誉及事业男要防矛盾婚变2016 2月 4~2017 2月 4:乌江水亦鸣孤愤蜀道山带平财运收入高发展要防复失男性益妻十神财:其表象范围都与财产、金钱及父亲、男性妻或友等关吉象:财运亨通比平较求财机遇父亲较利或容易交友姻缘错凶象:易引起财产或金钱纠纷意外破耗财伤母克妻易发情破裂2017 2月 4~2018 2月 4:云深樵迷归路水渔翁失钓机失财运般谨防耗财十神偏财:其表象范围都与商业、财产、金钱及父亲、男性情、性婆婆等关吉象:缘口碑佳意买卖比较顺利富裕发达男性风流豪爽易喜欢凶象:本求财易财虽易存婚姻情易变★2018 10月 20~2019 2月 4:谩谓碧桃笑口须知缘柳带愁根威信高财气购置建设事事阻或口舌性益夫十神官:其表象范围与职位、名誉、权力、事业竞争、司及、性丈夫或男友等关吉象:职位权力易稳固或升官司易获胜诉或平反业或事业较顺利男性较易获尊重性丈夫较位或权威凶象:易遭诽谤财受损易发非争执影响职位、名誉兄弟姐妹易发刑伤性丈夫或男友易利事2019 2月 4~2020 2月 4:顺风江满扬帆料江石滩防与发纠纷较操远求财驾车谨慎夜勿远走十神七杀:其表象范围与武职、军衔、诉讼、外敌、建筑及、性情等关吉象:做事干脆利落工作效率高较易文武侠义助受激名声显赫位或权威凶象:性太张扬聪明反聪明误自容易受损失起伏较身体易受伤残性早婚利2020 2月 4~2021 2月 4:似晓云初岫恰江东升财运威信高家庭事守旧业则顺利十神印:其表象范围与业、艺术及辈、师、母亲、婿等关吉象:自赋较易发挥业艺术面发展凶象:劳神费工作受自情绪影响较性利2021 2月 4~2022 2月 4:明似喜非喜恍惚闻香香防暗算运气般十神偏印:其表象范围与术研究、特及辈、 贵、母亲等关吉象:较易贵帮助特易发挥术研究较易凶象:业或事业波折安定名誉损或母亲事利易发交通事故2022 2月 4~2023 2月 4:流水情归故润夕阳空亭冲财风波防财物丢失十神比劫:其表象范围与本身思想言行、陈规陋习、决策计划及朋友、同辈、兄弟姐妹等关吉象:理想远进取强主见敢于与良现象作斗争凶象:容易听取别意见固执已见、独断专行招惹诽谤伤名誉做事没恒说做少易染酗酒赌博等恶习男性要防婚变性婚期早利★2023 10月 20~2024 2月 4:千风云培玉树十雨露发荆花平运财源益同胞运十神比肩:其表象范围与本身事业、思想言行、决策、健康安全及兄弟姐妹、同、同事、朋友、近邻等关吉象:性张扬事业较强勇于向利环境挑战异乡较顺利较朋友助力凶象:易争强斗胜、独断专行遭陷害或受兄弟姐妹、同事或朋友拖累破财合作事业易散伙父亲受牵累夫妻易非2024 2月 4~2025 2月 4:夜色似难晓灯光豆红操浮防与发纠纷官场交际防官非冲辈与辈十神伤官:其表象范围与理想追求、特、文技术、公共关系、迁移调及、、晚辈、部属、性欲等关吉象:比平较高智慧才能聪明智谋音乐艺术、特面较易功凶象:本性度暴露惹事非管事易与产节孤独寂寞男性易盲目追求情损名誉及事业性防婚姻顺利2025 2月 4~2026 2月 4:支收自星月朗春依旧草花香福合想财较顺利录用提升公务员吉十神食神:其表象范围与业迁居、文写作、自由职业、专业技术及、、属、性欲等关吉象:业事业较易进步功赋较易发挥情较易产进展易交桃花运性较易怀胎育凶象:聪明易聪明误产矛盾引起官司诉讼外表光华内平淡防度劳神损身;盲目追求情损名誉及事业男要防矛盾婚变近十二月运气 2007 10月 8~2007 11月 7:数注紫衣指财禄功名自期幸运发展顺利十神印:其表象范围与业、艺术及辈、师、母亲、婿等关吉象:自赋较易发挥业艺术面发展凶象:劳神费工作受自情绪影响较性利2007 11月 7~2007 12月 7:静坐经清白闲赤事伴红尘伤威信耗财求稳守旧业则十神偏印:其表象范围与术研究、特及辈、 贵、母亲等关吉象:较易贵帮助特易发挥术研究较易凶象:业或事业波折安定名誉损或母亲事利易发交通事故2007 12月 7~2008 1月 6:七夕云淡淡秋月夜朦朦耗财伤体驾车谨防财物注意丢失十神比劫:其表象范围与本身思想言行、陈规陋习、决策计划及朋友、同辈、兄弟姐妹等关吉象:理想远进取强主见敢于与良现象作斗争凶象:容易听取别意见固执已见、独断专行招惹诽谤伤名誉做事没恒说做少易染酗酒赌博等恶习男性要防婚变性婚期早利2008 1月 6~2008 2月 4:贺高帆游海忽阵打风平安平稳益同胞运十神比肩:其表象范围与本身事业、思想言行、决策、健康安全及兄弟姐妹、同、同事、朋友、近邻等关吉象:性张扬事业较强勇于向利环境挑战异乡较顺利较朋友助力凶象:易争强斗胜、独断专行遭陷害或受兄弟姐妹、同事或朋友拖累破财合作事业易散伙父亲受牵累夫妻易非2008 2月 4~2008 3月 6:南楼惟报三更月半夜规尚且啼收入高风波官场交际防官非冲辈体差十神伤官:其表象范围与理想追求、特、文技术、公共关系、迁移调及、、晚辈、部属、性欲等关吉象:比平较高智慧才能聪明智谋音乐艺术、特面较易功凶象:本性度暴露惹事非管事易与产节孤独寂寞男性易盲目追求情损名誉及事业性防婚姻顺利2008 3月 6~2008 4月 5:早岁发财饮水利似雷鸣财运通收入高办事能幸运十神食神:其表象范围与业迁居、文写作、自由职业、专业技术及、、属、性欲等关吉象:业事业较易进步功赋较易发挥情较易产进展易交桃花运性较易怀胎育凶象:聪明易聪明误产矛盾引起官司诉讼外表光华内平淡防度劳神损身;盲目追求情损名誉及事业男要防矛盾婚变2008 4月 5~2008 5月 5:目前运爽处处春风草木荣贵扶持吉祥运男性益妻十神财:其表象范围都与财产、金钱及父亲、男性妻或友等关吉象:财运亨通比平较求财机遇父亲较利或容易交友姻缘错凶象:易引起财产或金钱纠纷意外破耗财伤母克妻易发情破裂2008 5月 5~2008 6月 6:克勤克俭称淑内助持家数防财物丢失积畜宜购置平运十神偏财:其表象范围都与商业、财产、金钱及父亲、男性情、性婆婆等关吉象:缘口碑佳意买卖比较顺利富裕发达男性风流豪爽易喜欢凶象:本求财易财虽易存婚姻情易变2008 6月 6~2008 7月 7:贵并刘宽富石崇富贵能几闻收入高购置建设等事性益夫十神官:其表象范围与职位、名誉、权力、事业竞争、司及、性丈夫或男友等关吉象:职位权力易稳固或升官司易获胜诉或平反业或事业较顺利男性较易获尊重性丈夫较位或权威凶象:易遭诽谤财受损易发非争执影响职位、名誉兄弟姐妹易发刑伤性丈夫或男友易利事2008 7月 7~2008 8月 8:山高水深险处舟车易行冲财风波防受骗十神七杀:其表象范围与武职、军衔、诉讼、外敌、建筑及、性情等关吉象:做事干脆利落工作效率高较易文武侠义助受激名声显赫位或权威凶象:性太张扬聪明反聪明误自容易受损失起伏较身体易受伤残性早婚利2008 8月 8~2008 9月 8:橘井泉香丹现色杏花春暖玉辉财运通威望高贵扶持幸运十神印:其表象范围与业、艺术及辈、师、母亲、婿等关吉象:自赋较易发挥业艺术面发展凶象:劳神费工作受自情绪影响较性利2008 9月 8~2008 10月 8:至君知灾难侵危财源般防暗算钱宜购置平运十神偏印:其表象范围与术研究、特及辈、 贵、母亲等关吉象:较易贵帮助特易发挥术研究较易凶象:业或事业波折安定名誉损或母亲事利易发交通事故该命主忠言 1、四柱喜金,利位西(父基准)利南东南;其喜白色利红色喜居住坐西朝东房床放置东西向床西2、取名用字五行属金利3、四柱喜金应事与金关事业或职业宜经营五金器材粗铁材或金属工具材料等面事业坚硬事业、决断事业、主别性质事业切武术家、鉴定师(评估师)、拍卖员、官、执员、总主宰、汽车界、交通界、金融界、工程业、科界、武术家、矿界、民意代表、珠宝界、伐木事业4、事业发展利西、西, 利南、东南5、吉祥数字: 7 8 6、吉利楼层末位数:4 9----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------姓名 马悦茗 吉凶析测算结
姓名 马-10[水]
100 (吉) 五格 格-11(木)
总格-33(火) 姓名数理析推算 ◇五格剖析◇ 〖格数理〗11(木) : [格数先祖遗传其数理影响]
[旱苗逢雨] 万物更新调顺发达恢弘泽世繁荣富贵 (吉)〖格数理〗21(木) : [格数称主运,整姓名点,影响命运]
[明月] 光风霁月万物确立官运亨通搏名利性宜数 (吉)
善于计划并领导才华行事稳健注重实际与工作性主观理想高远自律甚严比较受尊重与佩服〖格数理〗23(火) : [格称前运前半命运影响前]
[壮丽] 旭东升壮丽壮观权威旺盛功名荣达性宜数 (吉)〖总格数理〗33(火) : [称运半命运影响]
[旭升] 旭升鸾凤相名闻隆昌至极性宜数 (吉)〖外格数理〗13(火) : [外格称灵运主管命运灵力、社交能力智慧]
[春牡丹] 才艺能智谋奇略忍柔事鸣奏功 (吉)◇、、三才剖析◇ 〖三才配置〗1 1 2(木木火)暗示健康、否顺利:??功顺调障碍向发展基础境遇安泰终享受幸福繁荣寿吉配(吉)??1、总论:功运基础运配置良做事计划性且进取容易发展功扩展事业交际应酬要注意注意量力行精打细算减少必要浪费??2、性格:聪明机智做事计划待诚恳做事坦白情坏都由表情看交友甚广别劳且浪费金钱倾向外表乐观注意内苦脑要调节??3、意志:意志坚定注重实际与工作耐性亦佳能克苦耐劳创立属于自事业??4、事业:进取家庭责任重辛勤奋发容易功名??5、家庭:圆满象贤孝??6、婚姻:男娶贤慧妻要注意应酬较夫妻意见冲突嫁家庭责任夫情睦??7、:身体健康泼稍嫌顽皮都??8、社交:与平辈朋友交往金钱容易浪费或损失若与晚辈或部则较能够帮助与支持??9、精神:亲友事带精神困扰其致能相安慰??10、财运:财运佳物质丰富兴隆通达??11、健康:身健康注意肾部虚弱及肝胆机能所起精神疲劳??12、运:晚景呈祥安定贤孝◇际关系、社交能力、事业◇ 〖格与外格三搭配〗贵相助缘颇佳;社交受尊重;财利勤俭持家;仁慈喜善于社交三才良者遇◇性格析◇ 〖格数理〗21 :性情隐忍意志坚定善耐困难表面温内含怒气固执倾向变怪者较异性猜疑重嫉妒特别强故易损害健康切切警戒◇基础运◇ 〖格与格二搭配〗吉祥安泰富贵荣华健康寿◇功运◇ 〖格与格二搭配〗功顺利能平安实现自目◇其暗示◇ ● 格或格<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a、16、21、23、31、33、41等首领诱导数(智仁勇德全备能领导众)
● 格或格<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a、23、24、32、33、41、42等财运诱导数(钱财富贵) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------姓名 马艺珊 吉凶析测算结
姓名 马-10[水]
100 (吉) 五格 格-11(木)
总格-41(木) 姓名数理析推算 ◇五格剖析◇ 〖格数理〗11(木) : [格数先祖遗传其数理影响]
[旱苗逢雨] 万物更新调顺发达恢弘泽世繁荣富贵 (吉)〖格数理〗31(木) : [格数称主运,整姓名点,影响命运]
[春花] 智勇志博名利统领众繁荣富贵 (吉)
凡事善于计划都善良行事稳健注重实际与工作理想高远自律甚严比较容易受尊重与敬佩〖格数理〗31(木) : [格称前运前半命运影响前]
[春花] 智勇志博名利统领众繁荣富贵 (吉)〖总格数理〗41(木) : [称运半命运影响]
[德] 纯阳独秀德高望重顺畅达博名利数运数 (吉)〖外格数理〗11(木) : [外格称灵运主管命运灵力、社交能力智慧]
[旱苗逢雨] 万物更新调顺发达恢弘泽世繁荣富贵 (吉)◇、、三才剖析◇ 〖三才配置〗1 1 1(木木木)暗示健康、否顺利:??性情温厚平静般与同事朋友关系并具努力奋斗屈挠精神(吉)??1、总论:事业或计划事都达身职员或公务员能平步青云步步高升内外平顺圆满家运昌隆财运缺须提防嫉妒及拖累招谓风波或损失奋斗稳定性功??2、性格:忠厚直做事稳健靠计划脑敢作敢致表面温内性刚强主观意识重容易独断独行易受满与伤点需要改进??3、意志:意志尚称坚定断追求理想耐性能克苦耐劳比报酬??4、事业:稳定发展运途平顺展自已抱负适投机性事业??5、家庭:圆满幸福夫妻相敬宾任何事情合理洽商??6、婚姻:男娶才干妻喜欢掌理家切事务嫁谦恭夫善于安排愉快气氛使家庭谐??7、:聪明孝顺容易社光门楣??8、社交:能受别尊重与欢迎论薪水阶级或自营事业都能提拔与照顾??9、精神:平劳于工作计划精神都能安慰保持原则高骛远永保忧??10、财运:依劳力程度相财利物质尚佳属辛勤财运??11、健康:健康平安注意要投入工作免精神疲劳要注意筋骨酸痛或胃肠毛病??12、运:名利前辛勤境安自晚享清福◇际关系、社交能力、事业◇ 〖格与外格搭配〗性格温直率理性善计谋喜静勉力持家;少猜疑喜财利能守定社实力◇性格析◇ 〖格数理〗31 :性情隐忍意志坚定善耐困难表面温内含怒气固执倾向变怪者较异性猜疑重嫉妒特别强故易损害健康切切警戒◇基础运◇ 〖格与格搭配〗基础安泰能贵相助事业◇功运◇ 〖格与格搭配〗功顺利能平安实现自目◇其暗示◇ ● 格或格<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a、16、21、23、31、33、41等首领诱导数(智仁勇德全备能领导众)
马馨彤 馨:香气 彤:红色 马沛玲(精神充沛巧玲珑) 马语嫣 (嫣:美鲜艳 ) 马凌菲 (菲:草木香气浓 ) 马羽馨 (羽缎;温馨)
我不是专家 ` 取个《离骚》的“白芷”的“芷”是希望你的女儿能向 屈原一样屈原是很喜欢白芷的`中间加个“思”字 就叫马思芷
初异性朋友介绍认识我<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a006d656e5f商场吃饭午起海边玩手牵晚我依依舍送车朋友家暂住异(同省同城)面月直保持电联系情节故意跑见觉我喜欢类型面发事情:聊候电说手机快没费我顺口说帮冲点第二冲<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a006c655f0给没几
说手机进水暗示我买手机给我敷衍才认识月我能送东西给再说普通手机我送手哭几说我误面说要找我起度<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af晚没发性关系身体接触我控制想随便发关系<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a陪吃饭整整逛街买衣服晚<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a5f点淋着雨才家买衣服专挑便宜喜欢衣服买套面想逛我说明班没间陪居买合适我给钱边再买吧早意思掏钱意思收<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a第二工作保持联系现暗示我让我我笔记本送给我说工作需要我要用暗示我自买台式笔记本送我没答应我转移题给我打十几钟电说明电要欠费玩笑说要我冲我说没问题我没意经问我能幸福昨问我边娶婆订金般少娶婆聘金般少些我答我说清楚我要问问婆钱问自总体觉点物质化我想晚种品知道没问题我该娶象呢碰骗呢毕竟家外省让城市班总说自要独立愿意说知道家看懂耐性朋友帮我析非谢谢
看问题帮忙答我局者迷 拜托拜托
才几个月不到半年。感觉她是喜欢我的,但总想图点什么东西特别是物质的东西,是有点虚荣,浑身都挂满东西包括手表,项链,首饰等。就这点感觉很不顺畅。我工资多少第一见面就问了,而且我也说了我不是什么有钱人。我就送了点糖果 鲜花 几件衣服 和400RMB,吃饭等 其实认识以来也花了几千块钱了。谢谢你的意见 再看看 谢谢
谢谢 朋友的支持 在我迷茫中走出来 满意答案只有一个能选 其它朋友不好意思了
异友说找合适我手办我总觉真我...男要自狠点 ...脑残跑太...
哎。表示同情啊,不一定是真的,有可能是试探你吧?乐观的想。我感觉我有点脑残了,可能真是自己经历太少了。我提出国庆结婚 她第一反应说太快了吧
步入社 物质能几 都容易 lz随吧 别说都亲身体
谢谢 我一夜没睡觉 就想这问题了 哎 谢谢
谢谢 我一夜没睡觉 就想这问题了 哎 谢谢
是啊 感觉有点不对的地方
谢谢。我是不会给的。在观察一下,漂亮不漂亮 我也到了结婚年龄了,家里着急,好不容易碰到喜欢比较珍惜。你的建议很好啊 还是在观察一下 我怕订金都会被骗了,那比起笔记本还是比较可观的哦 毕竟我是工薪阶层 没多少收入 攥点钱娶老婆真不容易
谢谢 我每个字都认真看了 你说的真对 好几点好像都是说中了 谢谢谢
高手帮我面文章翻译英文啊!拜托!谢谢啊!!!10周同聚策划提纲. 聚目:让短暂聚光能尽情味母校留难忘记忆牵手其间叙说友情享十经历二. 聚主题:畅想10风雨共叙离别情忆往昔张扬性备水相念、遥相祝灵互共同打拼属于我自三. 考虑聚数聚象:广州技术院1999商务英语班毕业考虑素:10前商务英语班概<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a考虑毕业10首同聚<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af前留电许变能靠家庭电联络直接发邀请函所登记住址初步估计家庭电联络80四. 考虑聚点考虑素:同自同要选择点便同初步计划聚早举行型运暂定集合母校广州市政技术校家都熟悉母校更添聚意义五. 考虑聚间考虑素:聚暂定形式早母校举行型运,避免防碍校习,聚定于暑假期间.并且同基本工作者,休息间星期六,现初定聚间20097月11.六. 考虑费用
同聚本着取于同用于同原则进行筹措聚经济源AA制退少补根据预算,同聚程每位同均支需要200元主要用于:(1)合影、刻制纪念光盘面费用;(2)餐饮费用;(3)期间交通费用;(4)其费用等注:住宿费自理包内 希望经济条件较同能够经济力支持本同聚希望经济条件难处同要量力行十见面清茶淡水情七. 征求意见首先联系聚同初步确定参加聚数并征求意见达意见统解聚支持率参与度摸清同聚参加数同态广泛征求数同同意情况决定举办同聚具体内容待家讨论 等同拿初步意见八. 立组织聚准备
1.筹备组:具体负责案起草制订及聚组织程安排工作2、务组: 负责报、交通、食宿安排等
3、财务组:负责制定均费用预算、收费、费用支及财务公等项工作4、宣传组:负责现场摄影、通讯录制作、聚光盘编制、发放5、联络组:负责校领导及任课师联系邀请留址析数布情况并且配联络各同居住差异必须每代表作联络统计数6、文艺组:负责午饭店文艺节目策划7、组:负责接待、住宿、饮食、场、租车等事宜需要员随调遣财务组配合七.联络聚.单位便同聚母校举行运要事先联系校取同意联络聚用餐点确保足够位置用餐联络车辆准备车辆母校聚酒店联络聚演嘉宾主持八. 初定聚流程20097月11午8:00广州市政技术院足球场集合1 .报2 .填写同信息卡3 .照相(用于同录)4 .发放关资料5 .型运午 11:00点:江湾酒店
庆 典1 .主持致辞2 .场同合唱《友共情》3 .师代表致辞4.代表致辞5.同自我介绍6.同起玩游戏7.聚餐8.全体师合唱《Today》9.合影注:请各位同主给予建议表作参考用终案由全部负责商定
The 10th anniversary gathering of classmates planning outline 1. Gathering Objective: To make this short time to enjoy memorable gatherings left unforgettable memories to his alma mater, during the narrative was in hand Friendship, sharing decades of life experience. 二. Meeting topic: Imagination 10-year storm, parting共叙feelings, memories of the past, publicity personality, for in the water side, often with Nian, a distance of wish, spiritual interaction, the common struggle of the world belong to our own. 三. Meeting to consider the number of Meeting the target: Guangzhou University Institute of Technology in 1999 Business English class graduates Considerations: Ten years ago, Business English classes have approximately 100 people, taking into account the first time in 10 years after graduation classmates gathering 10 years ago left a lot of calls may be changed, can only rely on telephone contact with home, have a direct invitation hair to address was registered. Preliminary estimates, in order to phone home to more than 80 people have. 四. Consider meeting place Considerations: the university students come from different places, it is necessary to select a central location, convenient classmates. Preliminary plans for the morning meeting will be held in small-scale sporting events, a tentative collection of place at his alma mater, the University of Guangzhou municipal technical schools, we are all familiar with the place and return to his alma mater, gathering even more significance. 五. Consider the meeting time Considerations: the form of gathering is tentatively scheduled for the morning at his alma mater, a small games, to avoid hindering the normal school students in learning activities, meetings scheduled during the summer vacation. And the basic old classmates are workers, many for the rest time on Saturdays, Sundays. Is an initial meeting time for July 11, 2009. 六. Consider the cost of Meeting the spirit of what is taken from the Student Student Student should be used on the principles of financing. AA system of gathering financial resources.退少补. According to the budget, the process of gathering Student Student per capita expenditure for each required 200. Mainly used for: (1) pictures, CD-ROM Memo (2) foo (3) the cost of transport (4) Other charges. Note: self-care accommodation, including non-package. Hope that economic conditions are better able classmates on strong support from the economy of this gathering of classmates. Also hope that economic conditions have difficulties classmates, we should according to our capability, a decade see side, green tea is also the situation of fresh water. Seven. For comments First of all, to contact the Student gathering, preliminary to determine the number of people take part in meetings and to solicit views and reached a consensus Finally, know of this gathering support and participation, to find out the number of people take part in this gathering of classmates and classmates mentality. Student extensively soliciting the consent of the majority of circumstances, decide to host this gathering of Student Events, the specific activities to be discussed, such as U.S. Student out their preliminary views. Eight. The establishment of organizations, prepare for the gathering. 1. Preparatory group: specific activity program is responsible for the drafting and formulation, as well as the gathering of the organization and job scheduling. 2, conference group: responsible for reporting, transportation, food and accommodation arrangements. 3, the financial group: responsible for the per capita cost estimates, fees, expenses and other items of financial disclosure job. 4, advocacy group: responsible for on-site photography, address book production, gathering the preparation of CD-ROM, release. 5, contact group: responsible for the school leadership and classroom teachers invited to contact. Address from the left by the number of distribution analysis, and distribution of good contacts, because all Student place of residence have differences, we must have representatives in each place as a contact person, the number of final statistics. 6, art group: responsible for hotel afternoon activity planned performances. 7, Living group: responsible for the reception, accommodation, catering, venue, Car Rental, etc., necessary staff can deploy. Financial group with. Seven. Liaison meetings in place. Units Convenience for Student Games held gatherings at his alma mater, it is necessary to contact the school in advance to obtain consent. Liaison meetings in the dining locations, to ensure that there is enough dining location. Then contact the vehicle, the vehicle ready to party from his alma mater out of the hotel. Finally the guests to perform liaison meetings, presided. Eight. Gathering initial flow July 11,
am Guangzhou Institute of Technology University of the municipal soccer field collection. 1. Report 2. Fill out the Student Personal Information Card 3. Camera (for Classmates) 4. Dissemination of information 5. Small Games 11:00 noon Location: Jiangwan Hotel Events: Festival gathering 1. Host speech 2. Classmate small opening chorus, &Friends of Empathy& 3. Teacher on behalf of Mr 4. Student representative, Mr 5. Student introduce myself 6. Classmate playing Game 7. Dinner 8. Staff and students Choir &Today& 9. Photo Note: Please take the initiative to give students suggested that this table only as a reference and use, the final package agreed by all responsible people The 10th anniversary gathering of classmates planning outline 1. Gathering Objective: To make this short time to enjoy memorable gatherings left unforgettable memories to his alma mater, during the narrative was in hand Friendship, sharing decades of life experience. 二. Meeting topic: Imagination 10-year storm, parting共叙feelings, memories of the past, publicity personality, for in the water side, often with Nian, a distance of wish, spiritual interaction, the common struggle of the world belong to our own. 三. Meeting to consider the number of Meeting the target: Guangzhou University Institute of Technology in 1999 Business English class graduates Considerations: Ten years ago, Business English classes have approximately 100 people, taking into account the first time in 10 years after graduation classmates gathering 10 years ago left a lot of calls may be changed, can only rely on telephone contact with home, have a direct invitation hair to address was registered. Preliminary estimates, in order to phone home to more than 80 people have. 四. Consider meeting place Considerations: the university students come from different places, it is necessary to select a central location, convenient classmates. Preliminary plans for the morning meeting will be held in small-scale sporting events, a tentative collection of place at his alma mater, the University of Guangzhou municipal technical schools, we are all familiar with the place and return to his alma mater, gathering even more significance. 五. Consider the meeting time Considerations: the form of gathering is tentatively scheduled for the morning at his alma mater, a small games, to avoid hindering the normal school students in learning activities, meetings scheduled during the summer vacation. And the basic old classmates are workers, many for the rest time on Saturdays, Sundays. Is an initial meeting time for July 11, 2009. 六. Consider the cost of Meeting the spirit of what is taken from the Student Student Student should be used on the principles of financing. AA system of gathering financial resources.退少补. According to the budget, the process of gathering Student Student per capita expenditure for each required 200. Mainly used for: (1) pictures, CD-ROM Memo (2) foo (3) the cost of transport (4) Other charges. Note: self-care accommodation, including non-package. Hope that economic conditions are better able classmates on strong support from the economy of this gathering of classmates. Also hope that economic conditions have difficulties classmates, we should according to our capability, a decade see side, green tea is also the situation of fresh water. Seven. For comments First of all, to contact the Student gathering, preliminary to determine the number of people take part in meetings and to solicit views and reached a consensus Finally, know of this gathering support and participation, to find out the number of people take part in this gathering of classmates and classmates mentality. Student extensively soliciting the consent of the majority of circumstances, decide to host this gathering of Student Events, the specific activities to be discussed, such as U.S. Student out their preliminary views. Eight. The establishment of organizations, prepare for the gathering. 1. Preparatory group: specific activity program is responsible for the drafting and formulation, as well as the gathering of the organization and job scheduling. 2, conference group: responsible for reporting, transportation, food and accommodation arrangements. 3, the financial group: responsible for the per capita cost estimates, fees, expenses and other items of financial disclosure job. 4, advocacy group: responsible for on-site photography, address book production, gathering the preparation of CD-ROM, release. 5, contact group: responsible for the school leadership and classroom teachers invited to contact. Address from the left by the number of distribution analysis, and distribution of good contacts, because all Student place of residence have differences, we must have representatives in each place as a contact person, the number of final statistics. 6, art group: responsible for hotel afternoon activity planned performances. 7, Living group: responsible for the reception, accommodation, catering, venue, Car Rental, etc., necessary staff can deploy. Financial group with. Seven. Liaison meetings in place. Units Convenience for Student Games held gatherings at his alma mater, it is necessary to contact the school in advance to obtain consent. Liaison meetings in the dining locations, to ensure that there is enough dining location. Then contact the vehicle, the vehicle ready to party from his alma mater out of the hotel. Finally the guests to perform liaison meetings, presided. Eight. Gathering initial flow July 11,
am Guangzhou Institute of Technology University of the municipal soccer field collection. 1. Report 2. Fill out the Student Personal Information Card 3. Camera (for Classmates) 4. Dissemination of information 5. Small Games 11:00 noon Location: Jiangwan Hotel Events: Festival gathering 1. Host speech 2. Classmate small opening chorus, &Friends of Empathy& 3. Teacher on behalf of Mr 4. Student representative, Mr 5. Student Self Introduction 6. Classmate playing Game 7. Dinner 8. Staff and students Choir &Today& 9. Photo Note: Please take the initiative to give students suggested that this table only as a reference and use, the final package agreed by all responsible people
气给家点意思要别翻译阿 谁吃饱撑着给翻译10东西花<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a5f钟间气/
The 10th anniversary gathering of classmates planning outline 1. Gathering Objective: To make this short time to enjoy memorable gatherings left unforgettable memories to his alma mater, during the narrative was in hand Friendship, sharing decades of life experience. 二. Meeting topic: Imagination 10-year storm, parting共叙feelings, memories of the past, publicity personality, for in the water side, often with Nian, a distance of wish, spiritual interaction, the common struggle of the world belong to our own. 三. Meeting to consider the number of Meeting the target: Guangzhou University Institute of Technology in 1999 Business English class graduates Considerations: Ten years ago, Business English classes have approximately 100 people, taking into account the first time in 10 years after graduation classmates gathering 10 years ago left a lot of calls may be changed, can only rely on telephone contact with home, have a direct invitation hair to address was registered. Preliminary estimates, in order to phone home to more than 80 people have. 四. Consider meeting place Considerations: the university students come from different places, it is necessary to select a central location, convenient classmates. Preliminary plans for the morning meeting will be held in small-scale sporting events, a tentative collection of place at his alma mater, the University of Guangzhou municipal technical schools, we are all familiar with the place and return to his alma mater, gathering even more significance. 五. Consider the meeting time Considerations: the form of gathering is tentatively scheduled for the morning at his alma mater, a small games, to avoid hindering the normal school students in learning activities, meetings scheduled during the summer vacation. And the basic old classmates are workers, many for the rest time on Saturdays, Sundays. Is an initial meeting time for July 11, 2009. 六. Consider the cost of Meeting the spirit of what is taken from the Student Student Student should be used on the principles of financing. AA system of gathering financial resources.多退少补. According to the budget, the process of gathering Student Student per capita expenditure for each required 200. Mainly used for: (1) pictures, CD-ROM Memo (2) foo (3) the cost of transport (4) Other charges. Note: self-care accommodation, including non-package. Hope that economic conditions are better able classmates on strong support from the economy of this gathering of classmates. Also hope that economic conditions have difficulties classmates, we should according to our capability, a decade see side, green tea is also the situation of fresh water. Seven. For comments First of all, to contact the Student gathering, preliminary to determine the number of people take part in meetings and to solicit views and reached a consensus Finally, know of this gathering support and participation, to find out the number of people take part in this gathering of classmates and classmates mentality. Student extensively soliciting the consent of the majority of circumstances, decide to host this gathering of Student Events, the specific activities to be discussed, such as U.S. Student out their preliminary views. Eight. The establishment of organizations, prepare for the gathering. 1. Preparatory group: specific activity program is responsible for the drafting and formulation, as well as the gathering of the organization and job scheduling. 2, conference group: responsible for reporting, transportation, food and accommodation arrangements. 3, the financial group: responsible for the per capita cost estimates, fees, expenses and other items of financial disclosure job. 4, advocacy group: responsible for on-site photography, address book production, gathering the preparation of CD-ROM, release. 5, contact group: responsible for the school leadership and classroom teachers invited to contact. Address from the left by the number of distribution analysis, and distribution of good contacts, because all Student place of residence have differences, we must have representatives in each place as a contact person, the number of final statistics. 6, art group: responsible for hotel afternoon activity planned performances. 7, Living group: responsible for the reception, accommodation, catering, venue, Car Rental, etc., necessary staff can deploy. Financial group with. Seven. Liaison meetings in place. Units Convenience for Student Games held gatherings at his alma mater, it is necessary to contact the school in advance to obtain consent. Liaison meetings in the dining locations, to ensure that there is enough dining location. Then contact the vehicle, the vehicle ready to party from his alma mater out of the hotel. Finally the guests to perform liaison meetings, presided. Eight. Gathering initial flow July 11,
am Guangzhou Institute of Technology University of the municipal soccer field collection. 1. Report 2. Fill out the Student Personal Information Card 3. Camera (for Classmates) 4. Dissemination of information 5. Small Games 11:00 noon Location: Jiangwan Hotel Events: Festival gathering 1. Host speech 2. Classmate small opening chorus, &Friends of Empathy& 3. Teacher on behalf of Mr 4. Student representative, Mr 5. Student Self Introduction 6. Classmate playing Game 7. Dinner 8. Staff and students Choir &Today& 9. Photo Note: Please take the initiative to give students suggested that this table only as a reference and use, the final package agreed by all responsible people 为了这点分,容易吗????给追加~~~~~~~~~~~
The 10th anniversary gathering of classmates planning outline 1. Gathering Objective: To make this short time to enjoy memorable gatherings left unforgettable memories to his alma mater, during the narrative was in hand Friendship, sharing decades of life experience. 二. Meeting topic: Imagination 10-year storm, parting共叙feelings, memories of the past, publicity personality, for in the water side, often with Nian, a distance of wish, spiritual interaction, the common struggle of the world belong to our own. 三. Meeting to consider the number of Meeting the target: Guangzhou University Institute of Technology in 1999 Business English class graduates Considerations: Ten years ago, Business English classes have approximately 100 people, taking into account the first time in 10 years after graduation classmates gathering 10 years ago left a lot of calls may be changed, can only rely on telephone contact with home, have a direct invitation hair to address was registered. Preliminary estimates, in order to phone home to more than 80 people have. 四. Consider meeting place Considerations: the university students come from different places, it is necessary to select a central location, convenient classmates. Preliminary plans for the morning meeting will be held in small-scale sporting events, a tentative collection of place at his alma mater, the University of Guangzhou municipal technical schools, we are all familiar with the place and return to his alma mater, gathering even more significance. 五. Consider the meeting time Considerations: the form of gathering is tentatively scheduled for the morning at his alma mater, a small games, to avoid hindering the normal school students in learning activities, meetings scheduled during the summer vacation. And the basic old classmates are workers, many for the rest time on Saturdays, Sundays. Is an initial meeting time for July 11, 2009. 六. Consider the cost of Meeting the spirit of what is taken from the Student Student Student should be used on the principles of financing. AA system of gathering financial resources.多退少补. According to the budget, the process of gathering Student Student per capita expenditure for each required 200. Mainly used for: (1) pictures, CD-ROM Memo (2) foo (3) the cost of transport (4) Other charges. Note: self-care accommodation, including non-package. Hope that economic conditions are better able classmates on strong support from the economy of this gathering of classmates. Also hope that economic conditions have difficulties classmates, we should according to our capability, a decade see side, green tea is also the situation of fresh water. Seven. For comments First of all, to contact the Student gathering, preliminary to determine the number of people take part in meetings and to solicit views and reached a consensus Finally, know of this gathering support and participation, to find out the number of people take part in this gathering of classmates and classmates mentality. Student extensively soliciting the consent of the majority of circumstances, decide to host this gathering of Student Events, the specific activities to be discussed, such as U.S. Student out their preliminary views. Eight. The establishment of organizations, prepare for the gathering. 1. Preparatory group: specific activity program is responsible for the drafting and formulation, as well as the gathering of the organization and job scheduling. 2, conference group: responsible for reporting, transportation, food and accommodation arrangements. 3, the financial group: responsible for the per capita cost estimates, fees, expenses and other items of financial disclosure job. 4, advocacy group: responsible for on-site photography, address book production, gathering the preparation of CD-ROM, release. 5, contact group: responsible for the school leadership and classroom teachers invited to contact. Address from the left by the number of distribution analysis, and distribution of good contacts, because all Student place of residence have differences, we must have representatives in each place as a contact person, the number of final statistics. 6, art group: responsible for hotel afternoon activity planned performances. 7, Living group: responsible for the reception, accommodation, catering, venue, Car Rental, etc., necessary staff can deploy. Financial group with. Seven. Liaison meetings in place. Units Convenience for Student Games held gatherings at his alma mater, it is necessary to contact the school in advance to obtain consent. Liaison meetings in the dining locations, to ensure that there is enough dining location. Then contact the vehicle, the vehicle ready to party from his alma mater out of the hotel. Finally the guests to perform liaison meetings, presided. Eight. Gathering initial flow July 11,
am Guangzhou Institute of Technology University of the municipal soccer field collection. 1. Report 2. Fill out the Student Personal Information Card 3. Camera (for Classmates) 4. Dissemination of information 5. Small Games 11:00 noon Location: Jiangwan Hotel Events: Festival gathering 1. Host speech 2. Classmate small opening chorus, &Friends of Empathy& 3. Teacher on behalf of Mr 4. Student representative, Mr 5. Student introduce myself 6. Classmate playing Game 7. Dinner 8. Staff and students Choir &Today& 9. Photo Note: Please take the initiative to give students suggested that this table only as a reference and use, the final package agreed by all responsible people


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