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Pancakes are a popular breakfast food. Whether you grew up calling them hot cakes or flapjacks, a stack of steaming disks of heaven topped with maple syrup is a great way to s&tart the day. If you are allergic to dairy products, this recipe will satisfy your taste without risking your health. Top a hot stack with syrup or fruit and add a side of ham and eggs for a hearty breakfast.Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add butter. When the butter melts, remove skillet from heat and set aside to cool. Adjust oven rack to middle position and preheat to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.Whisk the flours, sugar, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Set aside.In another medium mixing bowl, blend the yogurt, almond milk, egg, and melted butter with a whisk until smooth. Slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, and then mix with a fork until ingredients are incorporated thoroughly. A few lumps in the batter are fine.Place the skillet back on the stove over medium heat. Lightly coat the skillet with butter, olive oil, or cooking spray.Check the skillet for hotness by sprinkling a few drops of water into the pan. If they jump around and quickly dissipate, the pan is hot enough.Add 1 to 2 tbsps of pancake batter to the pan for each pancake. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each a side. When the top of the uncooked pancake is covered with bubbles, gently flip onto the other side. Cook until done, which should take 2 more minutes.Transfer pancakes to a baking sheet. Place in oven to keep warm while you cook the rest of the pancakes.Serve pancakes warm. Top the pancakes with butter or a butter substitute along with maple syrup. Include fresh fruit too.Pancakes are satisfying and versatile. You can enjoy them plain with just butter and syrup or dress them up for special occasions. Add cinnamon, chocolate chips, nuts, or smashed fruit to the batter for an extra burst of flavor. Whether you prefer them in their simplest form or with tasty additions, pancakes are a great way to start any day.Pancake batter has more flavor if you make it the night before. Mix the recipe in a bowl or large mouth jar with a lid. Refrigerate it overnight and stir before making the pancakes. If the batter is too thick, simply add 1 or 2 tbsps of milk or water to thin it out.
It can be helpful to understand what the duties of a database administrator (DBA) are, if you first look into what a database system consists of, and what its purpose is. It s&hould then become obvious that when large amounts of data are being stored and managed, as will be the case for many businesses and other enterprises, the position of DBA carries with it a great deal of responsibility. You will also see that becoming a DBA requires not only the right technical background, but also requires a great deal of experience in the managing of data, and in the managing of database management systems. The path to becoming a DBA can be satisfying and financially rewarding. What is involved is summarized below.A database is a collection of stored data that is arranged in an organized manner. The manner in which this data is stored, accessed, or managed is determined by a database management system (DBMS) which is a software program. The data itself can reside in a hard drive, on a server, or be distributed across a number of servers. Among the functions of the DBMS are ensuring the integrity of the stored data, ensuring its security, and recovering the data in the event of a system failure. The function of the DBMS, and the actual storage of the data, are in accordance with what is called the database model. A database, or database system, consists of this model, the data, and the DBMS.In general, the responsibilities of a database administrator (DBA) will include setting up a system that meets the data storage and management needs of the company the DBA works for. While many database systems are to some degree turnkey systems, they must still be customized to address the way data will be managed in accordance with a company's unique needs. The DBA is also responsible for systems security, both in terms of data recovery, and in terms of who can access which data. A thorough knowledge of the workings of the DBMS is required, as is a working knowledge of any hardware systems and software applications that are a part of the overall data management system. In many instances, a database system will contain highly sensitive data. A DBA, therefore, needs to be capable of paying great attention to detail. A DBA will often be on call, and can be expected to work long hours in the event of a DBMS or hardware problem.First of all, a person looking to become a DBA must have the appropriate degree. In most cases this will be a bachelor's degree in computer engineering, or a bachelor's degree in a related field. For many job openings, especially where large database systems are in place and serving large corporations or government agencies, several years of prior experience will be required. Becoming a DBA often requires being certified as an expert in one of the larger data management systems, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, or the IBM DB2 system. Being certified in one of these systems will often be a requirement for acceptance. A DBA also must have a knowledge of storage technologies, distributed computing systems and architectures, and procedural or structured query languages, SQL.If a person, as a part of his or her education, has a working knowledge of database theory and design, the next logical step would be to become knowledgeable in the workings of the DBMS system that is in place. This implies the need to become certified, which can take some time. Gaining experience in working with a system, such as a DBMS, also takes some time. It's only natural to assume that most applicants looking for entry level positions will not have this detailed knowledge or experience. There are however many entry level jobs available, from which one can work his or her way up to becoming a DBA. One could start as a data analyst or an applications developer. Many large companies or enterprises have junior or mid-level DBA positions where those filling these positions work with or for a DBA, as there are many things a DBA must be knowledgeable about, things that a person just entering the workforce could not be expected to know. Furthermore, administering a large database system is not a one-person job. Quite often a senior DBA heads up a team of analysts, programmers, software developers, technicians, and DBA associates.As of 2012, the job outlook has never been better, and job prospects are expected to be good for at least another decade, if not longer. There simply have not been enough skilled people to meet the demand in recent years. The demand is such that even entry level jobs are usually high paying. The need for DBAs is expected to exceed the need for people in all of other computing positions by a 3 to 2 margin through 2020, and by a 3 to 1 margin over all occupations as a whole. A person who works his or her way up to becoming a senior DBA need not stop there. There are expected to be many positions that will be available that database consultants can fill, as well as positions in executive management in those enterprises that are heavily dependent on information technology systems.You will constantly come across the term "experience required" in looking through job descriptions. Experience is almost always a requirement for anything but an entry level job. In seeking employment as a DBA, experience can mean the number of years one has worked in that position, or it can mean the number of years one has worked with a specific DBMS. Something worth thinking about is that experience can also be expressed in terms of the time one spends in paying a great attention to detail. Attention to detail is very important in the data management world. If you can teach yourself to pay attention to detail, you may find yourself on a fast track, as far as gaining the experience needed to become a senior DBA is concerned.Two things you will want to focus on to get a career as a DBA off to a good start are data conversion and system certification. Data conversion means taking raw data and presenting it in a manner that is usable. A DBA has to have a good feel for how to accomplished this, which will most often be one of the essential tasks to perform in customizing, managing, and tweaking a database system. The other thing to focus on is to become intimately familiar with the DMBS you will be working with. This implies becoming certified to work with that system, and the sooner you can do this, the better. Having a significant level of expertise in both of these areas should take you far.
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