The policeman复数 stopped ________, but he _______ no sou...

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function Gadget(name, color) =
this.color =
Gadget.prototype.rating = 3
var newtoy = new Gadget("webcam", "black")
it will returns always the object with rating = 3
but if I do
here the chain end up with null
So why do that difference?
And in IE how can I check the null if there is not a __proto__ property?
I've been trying to wrap my head around this recently and finally came up with this "map" that I think sheds full light over the matter
I know I'm not the first one making this up but it was more interesting figuring it out that finding it :-). Anyway, after that I found e.g. this another diagram that I think says basicly the same:
The most surprising thing for me was discovering that Object.__proto__ points to Function.prototype, instead of Object.prototype, but I'm sure there's a good reason for that :-)
I paste the code mentioned in the image here as well for if anyone wants to test it. Note that some properties are added to the objects for making easy to know where we are after some jumps:
Function.F1 = '';
Function.prototype.Fp1 = '';
Cat = function(){};
Cat.C1 = '';
Cat.prototype.Cp1 = '';
mycat = new Cat();
// EDITED: using console.dir now instead of console.log
constructor is a pre-defined [[DontEnum]] property of the object pointed to by the prototype property of a function object and will initially point to the function object itself.
__proto__ is equivalent to the internal [[Prototype]] property of an object, ie its actual prototype.
When you create an object with the new operator, its internal [[Prototype]] property will be set to the object pointed to by the constructor function's prototype property.
This means that .constructor will evaluate to .__proto__.constructor, ie the constructor function used to create the object, and as we have learned, the protoype property of this function was used to set the object's [[Prototype]].
It follows that .constructor.prototype.constructor is identical to .constructor (as long as these properties haven't been overwritten); see
for a more detailed explanation.
If __proto__ is available, you can walk the actual prototype chain of the object. There's no way to do this in plain ECMAScript3 because JavaScript wasn't designed for deep inheritance hierarchies.
The Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript is based on __proto__ property in a sense that each object is inheriting the contents of the object referenced by its __proto__ property.
The prototype property is special only for Function objects and only when using new operator to call a Function as constructor. In this case, the created object's __proto__ will be set to constructor's Function.prototype.
This means that adding to Function.prototype will automatically reflect on all objects whose __proto__ is referencing the Function.prototype.
Replacing constructor's Function.prototype with another object will not update __proto__ property for any of the already existing objects.
Note that __proto__ property should not be accessed directly,
should be used instead.
To answer the first question, I've created a bespoke diagram of __proto__ and prototype references, unfortunately stackoverflow does not allow me to add the image with "less than 10 reputation". Maybe some other time.
The figure uses [[Prototype]] instead of __proto__ because that is how ECMAScript specification refers to internal objects. I hope you can figure everything out.
Here are some hints to help you understand the figure:
= JavaScript Function constructor and its prototype
violet = JavaScript Object constructor and its prototype
= user-created objects
(first created using Object constructor or object literal {},
second using user-defined constructor function)
= user-defined function and its prototype
(when you create a function, two objects are created in memory:
the function and its prototype)
Note that constructor property does not exist in created objects, but is inherited from the prototype.
Object is Eve, and Function is Adam, Adam (Function) uses his bone (Function.prototype) to create Eve (Object).
Then who created Adam (Function)? -- The Inventor of the JavaScript language :-).
According to utsaina's
answer, I want to add more useful info.
The most surprising thing for me was discovering that Object.__proto__
points to Function.prototype, instead of Object.prototype, but I'm
sure there's a good reason for that :-)
It should NOT be.
Object.__proto__ should NOT point to Object.prototype. Instead, the instance of Object o, o.__proto__ should point to Object.prototype.
(Forgive me for using the terms class and instance in JavaScript, but you know it :-)
I think the class Object itself is an instance of Function, that's why Object.__proto__ === Function.prototype. Therefore: Object is Eve, and Function is Adam, Adam (Function) uses his bone (Function.prototype) to create Eve (Object).
Furthermore, even the class Function itself is an instance of Function itself, that is Function.__proto__ === Function.prototype, that's also why Function === Function.constructor
Further furthermore, the regular class Cat is an instance of Function, that is Cat.__proto__ === Function.prototype.
The reason for the above is, when we create a class in JavaScript, actually, we are just creating a function, which should be an instance of Function.
Object and Function are just special, but they are still classes, while Cat is a regular class.
As a matter of factor, in Google Chrome JavaScript engine, the following 4:
They are all === (absolutely equal) to the other 3, and their value is function Empty() {}
& Function.prototype
function Empty() {}
& Function.__proto__
function Empty() {}
& Object.__proto__
function Empty() {}
& Cat.__proto__
function Empty() {}
& Function.prototype === Function.__proto__
& Function.__proto__ === Object.__proto__
& Object.__proto__ === Cat.__proto__
OK. Then who creates the special function Empty() {} (Function.prototype)?
Think about it :-)
Every functions creates it's prototype.
And when we create an object using that function constructor then the proto property of my object will start pointing to the prototype of that function.
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& 上一页1….当前位置:
给加粗的字注音,根据拼音写汉字。驯鹿(&&)&&&&苔藓(&&)&&&&吹毛求疵(&&)&&&&舐血(&&)&&&&吮吸(&&)&&&&海市蜃楼(&&)巉岩(&&)&&&&骸骨(&&)&&&&踉踉跄跄(&&)zhì____息&&&&&& 咳sou ______&&&& dā_____拉&&&&nián_____膜&&&加miǎn______&&&&令人作ǒu______
xùn;xiǎn;cī;shì; shǔn; shèn; chán;hái; qiàng;窒;嗽;耷;黏;冕;呕
字音:就是拼音。就汉语而言,通常用一个汉字记录一个音节,拼音一般由声母,韵母和声调组成。声母不能单独构成音节,但韵母可以。由韵母构成的音节,我们称之为“零声母”。声调具有区分词义的作用。普通话声调有四种,依次为:阴平(第一声),阳平(第二声),上声(第三声),去声(第四声)。 字音三部分:字音研究汉字是把一个方块字的音分成三块:声母、韵母(音段成分)和声调(超音段成分)。声母在前,韵母在后,构成西洋语音学的音节,音节相当于声韵结构,声韵结构加上字调就是字音,声调(字调)是字音不可缺少的成分,但不是音节(声韵结构)不可少的成分,可见字音不等于音节。易错易混字音易错字音:膏肓(huāng)&& 回纥(hé)&&&&&& 哈达(hǎ)&&&&&&&&&&&& 摞起(luò)&&&&&& 嫉妒(jí)&&&&&&& 粳米(jīng)菁华(jīng)&&&&& 琵琶(pá)&&&&&& 一爿(pán)&&&&& 泥淖(nào)&&&&& 僭越(jiàn)&&& 龃龉(jǔ yǔ)易错姓氏:褚(chǔ)&&&& 杲(gǎo)&& 哈( hǎ) 佘(shé) 於(yū)易错地名:梁山泊(pō)& :古湖泊名,在今山东省十里堡(pù)& :地名&& 牟平(mù):地名,在今山东省.蚌埠 (bèng bù):地名,在安徽省。易错成语:爱憎分明(zèng)&& &安步当车(dàng)& 不容置喙(huì)&&&&&& &不无裨益(bì)惩前毖后(chéng)&&&&&& 嗤之以鼻(chī)&&&&&&&&& 度德量力(duó)&&&&&& 沆瀣一气(hàng xiè)&& 模棱俩可(léng)&&&&&&&& 大煞风景(shā)&&&&&&&& &一丘之貉(hé)&& 字音的考点及应对技巧:主要考查内容:一方面是拼写规则的识记和应用,另一方面是常用字读音的判定,包括多音字、形近字、易读错字。主要考查题型:多以选择题或填空题出现。也会有改错题格式。应试技巧:准确识记语音,要掌握常用多音多义字的正确读音,注意纠正方言中跟普通话读音不一致的字音,关键在于把词语的形音义结合起来,音随行或义变。&字形:即指字的形状。指个别字元的外形、、写法。字是语意的最基本单位,即;字形是指为了表达这个意义的具体表达。例如「字」的字形,便是一个「宀」下有一个「子」;「形」的字形,则是一个「开」的右旁有三撇「彡」。由于两字的字形不同,我们不会把它们相混。同一字可以有不同的字形,而不影响其表达的意思。例如拉丁字母第一个字母,小楷时可以写作「a」或「a」;又如汉字中的「令」字,第三笔可以是一点或一撇,最末两笔可以作「ㄗ」或「マ」。汉字中的“強/强”、“戶/户/戸”。中华人民共和国GB/T16964《信息技术·字型信息交换》中定义字形为“一个可以辨认的抽象的图形符号,它不依赖于任何特定的设计”。形音义每个汉字均有三个属性:形状(形)、声韵(音)、逻辑(义),统称“形音义”。字形的演变:根据字体的构形及书写风格,汉字的字体演变主要经历了甲骨文、金文、小篆、隶书、楷书、草书、行书几个发展阶段。六书是汉字构字的基本原理:在《周礼》中就提到了六书,只是没有说明具体内容。到了东汉,许慎在《说文解字》中,详细阐述了“六书”构造原理:象形、指事、会意、形声、转注、假借。①象形。象形是描绘事物形状的造字法。象形字是独体字,不能再拆开分析。它在汉字中占得数量不多,但却是构成汉字的基础。&&②指示:指示就是用象征性符号或在象形字上加提示符号来表示某个字的造字法。指示字同象形字一样,也是独体字。& ③会意:会意是用两个或两个以上的独体字根据意义之间的关系合成一个字,综合表示这些构字成分合成的意义,这种造字法叫会意。出——出去一看,山外有山。明——日月齐照,大放光明。尖——上小下大,形似山尖。休——一人倚树,立足休息。采——手在树上,采摘东西。林——乔木丛生,成为树林。众——三人团结,众志成城。艳——色彩丰富,鲜艳美丽。尘——小土为尘,尘土飞扬。灾——室中失火,酿成火灾。裕——有衣有谷,富裕之家。苗——田间长草,植物幼苗。掰——用手分物,掰为两截。泪——眼睛流水,泪水汪汪。功——出工有力,就会成功。歪——不端不正,东倒西歪。 ④形声:由表示字义类属的偏旁和表示字音的偏旁组成新字,这种造字法叫形声。用形声法造出的字就是形声字,现代汉字大部分是形声字。大致有八种类型:左形右声(河、冻)、右形左声(功、期)、上形下声(芳、爸)、下行上声(货,贷)、外形内声(囤、匣)、内形外声(问、闻)、形占一角(栽、飓)、声占一角(厅、旗)。 ⑤转注:指同一部首内读音相近而且字义基本相同的字互相解释,互相借用。如:“老”和“考”。 ⑥假借:指本来没有这个字,按它的读音,借用一个同音字来代替。如“反”和“返”。对于字形的考察包括:根据拼音写汉字、仿写汉字、改正错别字等。易混易错:(1)易错字(括号内为正确字形)针贬(砭)&&烦锁(琐)&&寒喧(暄)&&松驰(弛)&& 暮蔼(霭)& 响午(晌)&&通谍(牒)&&蹩气(憋)&&脱化(蜕)&&震憾(撼)& 范筹(畴)&&秧然(怏)&&通辑(缉)&&防害(妨)&&慎密(缜)& 漫延(蔓)&&焕散(涣)&& 羁拌(绊)&&脑怒(恼)&&技俩(伎)& 脉膊(搏)&&接恰(洽)&&秘决(诀)&&真缔(谛)&&协从(胁)& 慢谈(漫)鼓惑(蛊)&&摧眠(催)&&尝罚(赏)&&挛生(孪)& &函养(涵)& 拖杳(沓)&&简漏(陋)&&垂弃(唾)&&膺品(赝)&&教梭(唆)& 游戈(弋)&&板面(版)&&伥然(怅)&&稠怅(惆)&&作崇(祟)&& 穿带(戴)&&装钉(订)&&复没(覆)&&急待(亟)&&刻簿(薄)& 闪铄(烁)&&渲泄(宣)&&茶毒(荼)&&妥贴(帖)&&幅射(辐)& 频临(濒)&&园满(圆)&& 毒棘(辣)&&座标(坐)&忘想(妄)&& 桥粱(梁)&&摄服(慑)&&弛骋(驰)&&按磨(摩)&&撕杀(厮)& 誉写(誊)&&欧打(殴)&&问侯(候)&&恢谐(诙)&&帐蓬(篷) &戊戍(戌)&&证卷(券)&&肆业(肄)&&污篾(蔑)&&挑畔(衅)&&钓杆(竿)&&招幕(募)&&消遥(逍)&&矍烁(铄)&&道谦(歉)&&竟赛(竞)&&枯躁(燥)&(2)易混字&弊&&作弊&&&弊端&&除弊&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&利&&&利害&&利害得失&敝&&敝衣&&&敝帚自珍&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&厉&&&厉害&&变本加厉&再接再厉&&厉行节约&蔽&&遮蔽&&掩蔽&&隐蔽&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&励&&&勉励&&奖励&&励精图治成语及其他短语中易错字:&&和霭可亲(蔼)&原物必还(璧)&天崩地折(坼)&&并行不背(悖)&&计日成功(程)&哀声叹气(唉)&民生凋蔽(敝)&&出类拔粹(萃)&&刚腹自用(愎)&暗然销魂(黯)&披星带月(戴)&&清彻见底(澈)&&明辩是非(辨)&鞭苔三百(笞)&撤消处分(销)&&遮天避日(蔽)&&飞扬拨扈(跋)&赤博上阵(膊)&大有稗益(裨)&&以逸代劳(待)和霭可亲(蔼)&原物必还(璧)&天崩地折(坼)&&并行不背(悖)&&计日成功(程)&哀声叹气(唉)&民生凋蔽(敝)&&出类拔粹(萃)&&刚腹自用(愎)&暗然销魂(黯)&披星带月(戴)&&清彻见底(澈)&&明辩是非(辨)&鞭苔三百(笞)&撤消处分(销)&&遮天避日(蔽)&&飞扬拨扈(跋)&赤博上阵(膊)&大有稗益(裨)&&以逸代劳(待)&&改正错别字:错别字顾名思义是指错字和别字。错字指写的不成字,规范字典查不到的字。别字,又叫“白字”,指把甲字写成乙字。错别字的出现,原因是多方面的,常见的如下: ①形似致误 例如:松弛——误做松驰;潦草——误做缭草;如火如荼——误做如火如茶; ②音近致误 例如:提纲——误做题纲;国籍——误做国藉;重叠——误做重迭;  ③义近致误 例如:擅长——误做善长;掠夺——误做略夺;鸠占鹊巢——误做鸠占雀巢; ④音、形两近致误 例如:急躁——误做急燥; 贪赃——误做贪脏; 九霄云外——误做九宵云外;    ⑤音、形、义三近致误 例如:摩擦——误做磨擦。解有关汉字的考题时,一要注意正确识记和理解常用汉字的音形义,二要注意区分同音字和多音多义字。纠正错别字一般有形旁分析法、声旁分析法、据义定形法、语境辨析法等。主考题型:字音方面的题型主要以选择题、填空题、改错题为主,还有写句子等类型。&


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