
09-05-27 & 发布
> 大学英语演讲ppt
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为了帮助网友解决“大学英语演讲ppt”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“大学英语演讲ppt”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:-,音乐方面的吧,内容电影,可爱一点的,谢谢了-,轻松,10分钟以内求个大学英语演讲PPT,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:没用的家伙,一个10分钟之内的powerpoint都要在网上要.?怪不得出来工作难找你要我们给你做功课阿。大学就是这样上的吗. 还要“轻松..。你这也太撇托了吧.,可爱一点的”解决方案2:发给你了,Michael的,不过学英语挺有意思的通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:答:纯自我原创啊 ===========================================问:三分钟演讲,要有趣可爱型的。。。谢啦~发我qq邮箱吧:答:大学英语演讲稿 Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college...===========================================问:要能反映思想答:可以根据自己擅长的内容制作ppt,例如一些现在流行的游戏,刚刚上映的电影,大家都很喜欢的动漫,ppt可以分章节制作,针对组内的每一个成员的特点制作是和他们的ppt,也可以是组员扮演ppt里面的涉及的人物,总之要选择自己擅长的内容,也可以是...===========================================问:要能反映思想答:我之前做过一个关于介绍英国节日演讲的PPT,不知道合不合适你===========================================问:3分钟左右,内容新颖,吸引人,简单易懂,有图和文字。最好多几篇,如满...答:偶以前演讲时做的一个ppt,看一下吧.请查收!===========================================问:科普。人文。电影等等都可以答:你可以留邮箱,我是英语专业的学生,ppt已经是家常便饭了,我可以随便给你一个,我有好多呢,都是以前做的,还有同学的,各种话题的===========================================问:大学英语课前要做PPT演讲、、、 谁帮我想个有趣的主题、、能吸引人的、、答:问题补充:我的QQ: 只找到了最原始的模板,你自己看着添加内容,模板给你发过去了 ,你可以自己在上面加表演,游戏,唱歌之类的节目。===========================================问:大学英语课前要做PPT演讲、、、 谁帮我想个有趣的主题、、能吸引人的、、答:是大英课上用的吗?我这有一个以前自己做的,主题是Japanese anime culturre,不知道你要不要===========================================问:如题,要求,围绕一个主题展开的演讲,时间在1~2分钟内,所以PPT张数不...答:自己找一个吧 里面很多 /search?word=%B4%F3%D1%A7%D3%A2%D3%EF%D1%DD%BD%B2&lm=3&od=0 /search?word=%D3%A2%D3%EF%D1%DD%BD%B2&lm=3&od=0===========================================教您一个方法:打开Google的高级搜索,第一个格子里输入"learner interaction",第二个格子里输入"interaction",文件格式选择"powerpoint",可以搜到大量文件,当然,你还可以输入其...===========================================大学英语演讲稿 Man's life is a process of growing up, actually I'm standing here is a growth. If a person's life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these c...===========================================大学英语演讲稿 Man's life is a process of growing up, actually I'm standing here is a growth. If a person's life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these ...=========================================== 问题补充:我的QQ: 只找到了最原始的模板,你自己看着添加内容,模板给你发过去了 ,你可以自己在上面加表演,游戏,唱歌之类的节目。===========================================大学生和家长住在一起的好处the benefits of living with parents=========================================== 已经给你发了===========================================你可以留邮箱,我是英语专业的学生,ppt已经是家常便饭了,我可以随便给你一个,我有好多呢,都是以前做的,还有同学的,各种话题的=========================================== 中英结合是要翻译的吗?我的是 全英的,只是个别词汇有翻译有 arts & crafts还有一些饮食文化、西方文化等等,你要哪种呢?说清楚我一次性给你发过去吧=========================================== /view/9c93e1e738a7.html 你可以参考网站的吧===========================================是很正规要求的PPT么 我记得之前读语言的时候做过几个小型的presentation 什么最喜欢的明星啊 监视器该不该使用啊 介绍一个职业啊 还有濒临绝种的动物之类的话题===========================================
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The incomparable love of Jesus ChristBy Weber Zhao Economics department Good evening everyone here!It’s really my great honor to stand here!Honestly speaking,it’s my first time and maybe the last time to take part in such a wonderful speech contest as a college student,because one year later,my college life will come to an end.So opportunity is really of great significance.My topic is love,especially the incomparable love of Jesus Christ.Hong Zhanhui,probably the most famous student all over China’s university campuses.We are moved not only by his strong will,but also by his love,the love of the life,the love of his family,and even the love of his enemies.But there is an incomparable love,and no love is more beautiful than,that is the love of God,the love of Jesus Christ.He came from the bosom of the Father to the bosom of a woman.He put on humanity that we might put on divinity.He became son of man that we might become sons of God.He came from Heaven where rivers never freeze,winds never blow,frosts never chill the air,flowers never fade and no one is ever sick---no undertakers and no graveyards---for no one ever dies,no one is ever buried.He laid aside His purple robe for a peasant’s gown.He was rich,yet for our sake He became poor.How poor?Ask Mary!He cruised the lake in another’s boat.He rode on another man’s ass.He was buried in another man’s tomb.All failed,but He,never!The ever Perfect One,He is the chief among ten thousand.He is altogether Lovely and He is the world’s Savior!So many countries are deeply affected by the principles of the Bible which as it claims to be the word of God.President George Washington once said,“It is impossible to rightly govern…without the Bible…” Great people and great nations have come and gone,but the kingdom of the Jesus Christ has never!Napoleon said at the moment he was dying,“Alexander’s and my empires are not as strong as Jesus Christ’s …”(ask brother Luige the detail ) He never marshaled an army,drafted a soldier or fired a gun,yet no leader ever made more volunteers who have,under his orders.30 years ago,an American president arrived in China on a trip designed to end decades of misunderstanding and centuries of suspicion.President Richard Nixon showed the world that two vastly different governments could meet on the ground of common interest,in the spirit of mutual respect and love.As they left the airport that day,Premier Zhou Enlai said this to President Nixon:“Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world---25 years of no communication.”There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer,no broken heart that enough love will not heal,no door that enough love will not open,no misunderstanding that enough love will not melt.The eldest American president Gerald Carter said,“I thank God for every sunrise and even more,for all the years he has blessed me with my wife and our children,with our extended family and the friends of a lifetime.” “The length of one’s days matters less than the love of one’s family and friends.” he added.My dear friends,treasure the love you have received above all,it will survive long after your gold and health vanished.And I want to end my speech with one verse and the most beautiful verse in the Bible:For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son,that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,but have everlasting life.John 3:16Thank you very much!And wish you have a warm winter with love!


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