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品评校花校草,体验校园广场It’s ! This will be my 6th year participating in my friend Leah Piken Kolidas’ annual challenge.
Like the past 4 years, I’m using my favorite itty bitty sketch book for my daily doodles.
I’ll be posting my itty bitty sketches everyday on Instagram (I’m ).
During previous Art Every Day Month challenges my late pooch Emmett inspired many itty bitty sketches with his mischievous ways – , , . Oh how we miss his antics! My new pup Kaya is very polite so we’ll see what doodles this sweetie inspires!!
At the end of the year, I like to reflect on my milestones and learnings. Since 2008, I’ve done an Exploding Box as a visual representation of the year. It’s a fun way to commemorate the last twelve months. If you want to make your own, you can see me show examples and you can sign-up for instructions .
There are also some other great ideas for reflection and intention setting in this .
What I’m celebrating from 2011:
My first book
was released by New World Library in February (reached #1 on Amazon’s Small Business Plans and Arts & Crafts bestselling categories)
Led the first ever
(became a pioneer in doing video summits)
at A Great Good Place for Books (one of my favorite bookstores)
Launched the
Led a session of the Right-Brain Business Plan(R) e-Course and turned it into a
Worked with a handful of awesome clients
Did a , was a guest speaker on nine telesummits, did a radio interview for the SF radio station KOIT
Was featured in Whole Living Magazine in the
Spoke about Video Summits at
in Vancouver (and now featured as part of the )
Led a week-long Right-Brain Business Plan session at the
in Atlanta and did a book signing at TahCha teahouse
Began working with
to help grow my business (took a huge leap to invest in this and it’s made a big difference)
Launched my intuitive painting e-book
Gave short Right-Brain Business Plan talks at Fearless Women Network and Squam Art Workshops
Led two Right-Brain Business Plan sessions as part of one of my favorite author Jill Badonsky’s Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach certification program
Launched the with nearly 40 facilitators worldwide and conducted training via webinar
Launched the with nearly 70 facilitators worldwide
Did a second run of
Experimented with
Am one of the contributors to Christine Mason Miller’s beautiful book
Landed a new collaborative project that I’m not at liberty to share just yet, but will be excited to say more next year
Personal Growth
Painted and worked my way through a couple of dips and valleys post-book launch intensity
Participated regularly in bi-weekly
Continued to participate in high-end mentoring program and working individually with my business coach
Worked with a personal coach in the summer
Participated in
for the fifth year
Journaled and read lots of books
Wealth & Abundance
Exceeded my financial goals for the year – broke 6-figures
Paid myself a few bonuses in addition to regular salary
Kept up with monthly managing the moola
Sold an old domain name = some nice unexpected cash!
Health & Wellbeing
Stopped eating refined sugar in May (huge for this lifelong sweet tooth)
Stopped eating gluten in October
Started doing Pilates more regularly to help with my back
Treated myself to getting a massage a few times (did a lot more of the short chair massages)
Enjoyed naps in my hammock and dips in the pool
Took most of September off
Continued to honor my self-care Fridays
Did intuitive painting at home
Brian and I went to Napa in the Spring
Celebrated our 10th year wedding anniversary in Maui!
My parents hosted a Book Party celebration for me with my friends and family
My twin nephews visited overnight and we had fun playing Xbox Kinect together
Had a family reunion where the elders shared stories of what it was like to be in Japanese internment camps during WW2
Went to the Getty Museum with my parents
Spent quality time with friends
Had really nourishing calls with
10th year of book club fun
Connected more in-person with local creative peeps
Met a lot of really cool people and online friends in-person at the
and got to stay with my college buddy Tsilli whom I hadn’t seen in years
Physical Environment
Got a new washer and dryer (who knew it would be so life changing?!)
Got a new refrigerator and got new storage containers
Cleared out inventory in garage and sent to Solamar to handle fulfillment (a big step for me! Yay!)
Had housecleaner come regularly
Created an intuitive painting station in my kitchen nook
Reorganized my office/creative space (added a chalk board and new white board, got a laptop stand)
Cleared out closet and donated lots of items to Goodwill
Fun & Recreation
Maui and Napa trips with Brian
in Boston (3rd year in a row!)
for 2nd year
Went on fun lunch dates with friends
Cuddling with our cute, old pooch Emmett
Spent time in nature
Worked in my art journal
Continued to take photos via Instagram and went on
Two of my photos featured on book covers:
by Christine Mason Miller and
by Jenny Doh
My reflection questions:
What was the most exciting, heart-stirring thing that happened in your life and/or business this year?
One of the most exciting things that happened in my personal life this year was celebrating my 10th year anniversary with my husband in Maui. It was divine! In my business, the most exciting thing was having my book launch and seeing the positive impact its made on people’s lives all around the world.
How did you stretch yourself?
I stretched myself by putting myself out there in a bigger way with the launch of the book and in doing things like the video summit. I also stretched myself by deciding to work with a larger team to help me with my admin, fulfillment, and marketing. This was a much bigger investment than I’d had with my individual VA, but it was the right move to help grow my business. I also worked with a personal coach, something I hadn’t done in a few years.
What was your biggest learning?
One of the biggest challenges from this year was not anticipating the “postpartum depression” after my book launch. So my biggest learning is to build in lots of recovery time after I have really exciting or momentous milestones and to cut myself some slack. Dips and valleys are part of the learning process. Also, that I can build my confidence back up again by taking small steps.
What did you enjoy doing that you want to do more of?
I really enjoyed taking more quality vacation time with lots of pampering. I would love to do more of that next year!
What do you need to stop doing or let go of?
Stop feeling like I need to be perfect. Let go of my unreasonably high expectations. That will make room for more ease, flow, and grace.
What new opportunities are available for 2012 and beyond?
Continuing to grow my business in new and exciting ways, hosting another video summit, creating a mentoring program for creative entrepreneurs, developing new products and offerings, doing some home improvements, planning vacation time, spending quality time with Brian, friends, and family. And much more!
The OCD part of me likes that my purse is now doubly organized. My purse is a
which already has compartments built into it. I love it but sometimes smaller items like my keys and lipstick would fall out of it if the bag tipped over. So, I decided to try out a purse organizer from . I absolutely love the Slim Purse Organizer. And it fits perfectly inside of my Butler Bag, so I have the best of both worlds.
When I posted this on Instagram, I got lots of great suggestions for how to deal with cutting onions!
I’m really not a fan of cooking and I have getting a personal chef as one of the top things on my wish list!
I couldn’t take how overgrown our yard was getting, so I actually tried out my hedge trimmer for the first time. It was quite satisfying although my forearms were sore for the next two days!
Just a few of the things that I’m grateful for.
I must admit that I do wear my parka inside my house. I know it’s really on that cold compared to other parts of the country, but I grew up in L.A., so I’m pretty much a weather wimp.
I am loving Amazon Prime! I have really been missing out all this time, but now I’m converted.
Finding pieces of tissue in the laundry drives me crazy!
My dog Emmett always provides such great inspiration for Art Every Day Month doodles. Above is one of his favorite pastimes. Does your dog do that, too?
And since I was drawing one of Emmett’s favorite things, I thought I’d doodle some of mine as well. Here is part one of a three part series: Reading, sunshine, nature, painting, love letters, my iPhone, hugs, and strawberries.
And part two: Drawing/writing, my hubby, my dog, my hammock, my Fluevog boots, my Anthro jacket, and a nice cuppa tea.
And part three: Yoga, smoothies, orchids, my home, laughter, friends, crafts, and cheese.
Plus since some folks have asked what I’ve been using for my Art Every Day Month doodles here are my tools of the trade:
(jet brush comes with set) and . I draw with the pen first (it’s waterproof) then I paint with the watercolor. My sketchbook is a handmade 3+ book that I bought at an art fair a few years from
but I haven’t seen another book like it in her shop. Happy doodling!
More itty bitty sketches from . I love my Nurture Huddle. I’ve been chatting on the phone with these ladies every other week for three years. We’ve seen each other through so much. They’re so inspiring and I’m grateful to have them in my life. I wrote a post about .
Sorry, this is gross, but it’s true and what we deal with most every day! The joys of having an old dog. Emmett’s doing good though for being 14 years young! He’s a sweetie.
The other day I received my new iPhone case from . You can design your own iPhone case from your Instagram photos. Pretty freakin’ cool!
And here’s a shot of my case. I love it!
More of my itty bitty sketches from Art Every Day Month. I am obsessed with this Crystal hot sauce. I could drink it out of the bottle. On 11/11/11, Teahouse Studio co-founder Stefanie Renee hosted a fun art night at the studio. We painted and doodled while the video Beckoning of the Lovely played in [&]
I’ve been having fun with my itty bitty sketch book during the first week or so of Art Every Day Month. Here are a some of my faves so far. By the way, putting on my yoga clothes at the start of the day worked! I made it to class in the afternoon (at least [&]
Yay! It’s November and that means Art Every Day Month is here. My dear friend Leah Piken Kolidas has been hosting this annual challenge for nine years. I participated back in 2007 and that’s actually where the first Right-Brain Business Plan& was born. I love the magic that happens when I commit to the creative [&]
“What each must seek in his life never was on land or sea. It is something out of his own unique potentiality for experience, something that never has been and never could have been experienced by anyone else.” – Joseph Campbell Today I watched a fabulous new movie called Finding Joe which looks at the [&]
I spent last weekend in the woods at Squam Art Workshops where I played with paint, dipped my feet in the cool lake, connected with creative souls, and re-energized my spirit. I attended last year and enjoyed the creativity and connections. It was nice to be back and to enjoy some warm, sunny days for at [&]
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No public Twitter messages. Guest post by Cass Mullane, The Artist with an MBA, Right-Brain Business Plan(R) Licensed Facilitator, Prosper Creatively, LLC Here’s a stat you need to be aware of: People who have multiple windows open on their laptops, switch between their windows an average of 37 times per hour. That’s an interruption just about every minute and a [&]
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Inappropriate Laughter
Inappropriate Laughter
Submitted by: Nate Wine
15 people have
completed this assignment.
Choose Another Assignment in this Group
10 second song mashup
10 Second Throwback Mashup
A Changing Character
A Picture A Day
Actor Transformation
Audio & Music Video mashup
Before and After
Ben Harwood’s Track blazing troubadour
Captain Kirk Watches….
Character Evolution
Consumer Mashup
Create Your Own SuperPAC
Crossover Battle Royal
ds106 Mashup
Favourite movie clip
For The Remix!
Growing Up With Drew Barrymore
Holiday Mashup
Hunters: The Space Cowboys of Destiny
I’m Ready for My Closeup
Inappropriate Laughter
Local Commercial Mashup
Making A Song
Mash Thyself, Before Ye Trash Thyself
Mashedup Children’s Book
Mashing Friends and Emojis
Mashup Those Movies
Movie Mashup
Movie Music Comparison – Can You Score?
Movie Trailer Mashup
Music Mapped Videos
Music Mash
Mystery Horror Theater 106
One Movie Watches Another
Opposites Attract
Parallel Plot Media Mash Up
Photo Mash
Recycle The Media
Remix an Album Cover
Rotoscoped Action
Serious Songs, Silly Sounds
Seven Day Daily Create Challenge (and mashup thereof)
Super Mash Bros
Switch the Soundtrack
Talking Animal Mashup
Techno Viking Music Video
Techno Viking Remix
The @IamTalkyTina Headswap
The Contest Nobody Could Win (Video-Mashup Edition)
This Doesn’t Belong Here
Two Movies into One Mashup Trailer
Two Movies, One Line
U.S History
Video Game Cover Mashup
Vine it then Combine it
Vocal Instrumental Mashup
What Color is your world?
When Your Original Design Fails…Make Something Easier to Start With.
Where Should Alan Go on Vacation?
Your Favorite Teams Mashup
YouTube Duet
Mashup a scene from your favor serious movie with a laugh track.
You can find some appropriate laugh tracks on . Download a clip of the scene, and compile the laughter track within the audio, keeping in mind that you are trying to change the meaning or the scene by introducing laughter. What is the story now?
I got this clip from Skyfall and I couldn&t think of a better clip to mashup with an inappropriate laughter sequence. So first I had to download this clip as an mp4 and I left it on my desktop so I could just drag it straight into iMovie.& From there &
I attempted to make this scene from Saint Vincent funny but it was pretty difficult to do. It&s a sad movie and no amount of laughs really made it much less sad. Just found a laugh track on youtube and converted it to an mp3 and then I &
For this assignment, labeled Inappropriate Laughter, I downloaded a cutscene from Metal Gear Solid and decided to add some laughter to it. I watched/listened to the entire video more than a couple of times and tried to find the best moments to fit in the laughter. I&d like to believe &
I could do this all day! In this assignment, the mashup combines a serious movie scene with inappropriate laughter. The idea is to change the mood of the scene. At first, I was daunted by figuring out what movie scene to select. I had recently watched a movie with &
For my final assignment of the week I decided to complete the mashup assignment Inappropriate Laughter. I used the scene from season 4 when Colvin takes Namond and 2 others to the Ruth&s Chris Steak House. It is an interesting scene from start to finish. In the beginning the kids &
This post is dedicated to my completion of the Mashup Assignment&. The idea of this assignment is to take a serious scene from a movie or tv show, and add &inappropriate& or &untimely& laughter to it. To do this I had to do a few different things &
The laugh track would remind me of how a psychopath would react to violence, changing the scene from a violent perception to a view&from a psychotic mind.&
For my final mash-up assignment this week I did && (3 stars). At first I didn&t know what movie to do because most of my favorite movies are comedies so they are funny anyway. Then I was going to do a serious scene from Remember the Titans. &
For this assignment (3.5 stars), I used a scene from season 4 where Omar is taking a trip to the store to buy Cheerios (and some drugs). I used Windows Live Movie Maker to create this video.
Here are the 4 laughter clips I used from
An excellent example of adding the “Married with Children” laugh track to an episode from Season 4 of The Wire. To be clear, I am not the creator of this video, Ithe person who uploaded it has the username linguica. /watch?v=WDIi0dzm
For my second assignment for the two weeks (and my assignment that involves The Wire), I did the assignment (worth 3 stars). I used
from youtube of Stringer&s death in The Wire and
from I then used iMovie to put the laugh &
I did the mashup assignment for inappropriate laughter and had some fun with it. I had just watched episode 7 of the Wire and thought this fight scene would definitely be inappropriate to add laughter to, so I had to use it. It was easy to download the video and &
Oh boy, I created another one! &I&ve seen a few examples of this on the internet now, which kind of sucks because I thought I was being original when I came up with it. &I guess it&s true what they &HAPPINESS IS...: Life In Five
My name is Shannon.
I’m a singer and songwriter living in Seattle.
This is my happy place.
May it be yours too.
1. Missing:  little , my niece cat.  She stayed with us while my brother and his family were away traveling.  It was so nice to have a kitty in the house again!  Every since sweet
passed, there's been a void in our home.  One that can only be filled with purrs and fur.  I think I'm finally ready for another forever feline friend. 2. Reading: 
by Philip Roth - our next book club selection.  Have you read it?  I'm only through the first chapter, but I can already foresee some late night page-turning in my immediate future.  Prior to this, we finished
by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.  Which I loved so much, it deserves it's own blog post... coming soon!
3. Munching:  on 's healthy snacks.  I finally jumped on board and took advantage of their .  Pleased as punch!  This week, I nibbled on , a , , , and my favorite:
- half-popped kernels like the ones you get at the bottom of the popcorn bowl.  I gobbled those up in 30 seconds flat.
4. Planning:  a mother-daughter trip to New Mexico!  We've been wanting to do this for years and finally got serious about a getaway in May.  We're hoping to squeeze in the
in Albuquerque, a few museums and restaurants in Santa Fe, and some natural mineral hot springs in Taos.  Anything else we should check out?  If you've been there before, I'd love your suggestions.
5. Keeping:  a secret.  I have big news to share with you all, but mum's the word for now.  More info soon, I promise! What have you been up to lately?  
1. Packing:  for a quickie trip to Park City, Utah. 
is an airline pilot and was kind enough to fly us out to stay with him and his family for a few days.  Can't wait to put my snow boots, warm hats and mittens to use.  We'll even catch the tail end of   I've never been before - have you?  We didn't pre-purchase any tickets, but I'm still hoping to catch a last-minute film or two! 2. Smiling:  as I go through
from our 3 Little Birds
this past Saturday.  We projected
on our big white brick wall and invited local families to our music studio to sing along with Elsa and Anna.  We taught the kids how to warm up their voices and how to keep the blue balloon &snowballs& up in the air whenever it snowed on screen.  We were expecting maybe 5 people.  And ended up with 40!  It was such a proud moment for us as owners, seeing our space filled to the brim with happy, silly songbirds dressed up as princesses, dancing and belting out their favorite tunes.  We're planning to host a different musical sing-along each month! 3. Obsessing:  over   I'm a little late to the game, but my book club girls just told me about this spin-off of
and warned me I'd be hooked after Episode 1.  They were right!  If you haven't listened to the podcast yet - it's a true story that investigates the death of a 17-year old girl and the ex-boyfriend who was convicted of her murder and who continues to protest his innocence.  My post-Serial withdrawals even led me to Google .
4. Cooking: 
meal plans.  This is my new favorite vegetarian food blog. 
and her team go above and beyond to create delicious and affordable dinner ideas for the week, complete with a printable shopping list.  It feels good to be organized.  I'm working on
right now - mmm, the posole soup is to die for.  Since Hal makes his own meaty meals, I'm cooking for one these days.  Which means lots of leftovers for lunches, quick re-heating options for when you're low on energy, and grocery shopping only 2x a month. 5. Listening:  to .  It's a web app that provides ambient sounds to wash away distraction while you work.  As I type, there's a fire crackling in the corner, a gentle thunderstorm rumbling in the distance, and quiet coffee shop clatter that makes me feel like I'm working in a room full of people.  It's so cool, guys.  Tomorrow, I may be at the ocean with crashing waves.  Or inside a yoga studio with Tibetan singing bowls.  You can play sounds with other sounds, adjusting the volume of each as if you're at mixing board.  Try it!
I guess this series should be called 'Life In Six' today, because I couldn't resist adding one more.... 6. Prepping:  for the big game on Sunday.  So pumped!  I got my new
jersey tee.  Hal's got his new Seahawks cap.  Found some  to make.  We are set.  I'm not sure what the odds are of winning two Super Bowls in a row, but if anyone can do it, Seattle can with the help of !  I love how football brings our city together.  GO HAWKS!
What have you been up to lately? 
Practicing: , in a whole new way. If you , you'll know I just returned home from a 3-day mega-healing intensive class to get my certification as a Reiki Master-Teacher! I'm now able to instruct others and give attunements to this ancient yet evolving artform. We learned advanced techniques, two new symbols, and how to incorporate
into the practice. The more I discover about Reiki, the more it blows me away. This love-energy is so powerful - truly life-changing. I can't wait to share more of this gift with you - stay tuned, friends. Reading:
by Lisa Congdon. If you remember from my last
post, I had just completed her Creative Live class. I was so impressed by her work, I had to check out her new book. It's about everything you'd want to know about the business of art and all the different revenue streams one can pursue, with insider tips and interviews from other artists. It's giving me the confidence I need to push forward in this field.
Relaxing: in a hammock for exercise! This is real, I promise. I've been doing Anti-gravity yoga through
- a form of aerial yoga where you're cocooned in a supportive silk hammock as the instructor guides you through a series of poses hanging 3 feet above the ground. The benefits are similar to the after-effects of
- giving you a feeling of euphoria due to weightlessness. And it lasts all day! Binge-watching: a ridiculous amount of television shows. Maybe it's the cold weather, but I love hunkering down underneath the covers at night with my iPad, getting lost in a show. I just finished this season's Walking Dead (sniff) and now I'm working on: Parenthood, How To Get Away With Murder, Nashville, American Horror Story, About A Boy - what else? Oh yeah, Scandal. A good mix of heartwarming, heartpounding, creepy, funny and guilty pleasure stories. Anticipating: a Swiss Christmas. Every year, my family chooses a new worldly cuisine to cook and consume for Christmas dinner. This year, we decided on Switzerland, since my parents will be traveling there in 2015 to explore our roots. Do you have any fun Swiss recipe ideas? There's always fondue, but we do that often and we're looking to get creative, with dishes like R?sti or ?lplermagronen or vegetarian Zurchergeschnetzeltes What have you been up to lately?
Working: on my art! I finally got over
and now our dining table looks like the aftermath of an art supply hurricane. It took me almost a year (wow) to really narrow down my focus and decide on a theme for . Some things just take time I suppose. I'm aiming for an Etsy grand opening by the start of the new year. Yikes, did I just say that? Now that it's in writing means I actually have to do it! Cooking: up the
from one of my favorite veggie blogs, Green Kitchen Stories. It's a warm, healthy, comforting stew. Elsa's
pulls you right into her kitchen, which I imagine smells like ginger and cinnamon. And it's a good dish to improvise. Throw in any veggies you have on hand. Amassing: tons of great business advice through . Have you taken any of their classes yet? Their platform is brilliant really. Experts teach 2 or 3-day intensive workshops online in the subjects of photo & video, art & design, music & audio, craft & maker or money & life. When you tune in live, it costs nothing. After it airs, they charge an affordable fee, usually under $100. So far, I've been able to catch
and , both for free. Loving: 's videos. They're a group of musicians who collaborate with crazy talented vocalists to create jazzified pop covers. You'll have to watch to understand. Start with this one: Meghan Trainor's , featuring my new idol, Kate Davis. Amazing, right? Then I suggest The Neighbourhood's , featuring Cristina Gatti. And Arianna Grande's , featuring The Tee-Tones. So much fun. I'd love to sing for them one day. Acquiring: all the necessary components of ! It's a goodie this year. A couple's costume with Hal. Top secret, but I'll give you a hint: NOV 05 1955. If you can guess from that clue, you're my hero.
What have you been up to lately?
Resting: after the . It was a smashing success! We only planned to hold two sample music classes, but ended up holding an additional class to accommodate everyone who showed up. We got some great feedback, learned what NOT to do (give kids loud drums when you're trying to provide instruction) and met an editor from
Watching: HBO's . Have you seen this show? It's a drama-comedy about Amy, played by Laura Dern, a quirky, self-destructive do-gooder who has a mental breakdown at her soul-sucking corporate job and finds spiritual enlightenment after attending a wellness rehab retreat. The cast and writing is phenomenal and I found myself strangely identifying with Amy throughout the series. Sadly, they canceled the show after only two seasons, despite winning Golden Globe awards. If you have Amazon Instant Video (through Amazon Prime), you can ! Cooking: one-pot pastas. In particular, . Sweet, savory, carby goodness. Why have I never tried this technique before? I even tested it out with veggie marinara and the results were just as delicious. Not only does cooking everything in one pot create a thicker, heartier sauce, but it dramatically cuts down on the number of dishes to wash! Reading: . Finally!
will be reading it together and I just downloaded the Kindle version. I've heard so many wonderful things, on top of it winning a Pulitzer. But at the same time, there have been some not-so-good reviews about a depressing ending. I'm eager to form an opinion of my own. I'm sure I'll appreciate it either way, since the writing, as far as I can tell, is superb. Have you read it yet? Practicing: (and perfecting) a song on
to be performed at another best friend's wedding at the end of September. For their first dance! Such an honor, right? I should keep it a surprise for now, but I promise to reveal the song and upload a recording or video of it after the wedding. It's a sweet one! What have you been up to lately, my loves? {Image by }
Eyeing: the
e-course taught by
I've always been enamoured by floral design and I'd love to discover what really goes into making an effortless, just-picked-from-the-garden look. There are some technical tricks I'd love to learn. And I really wouldn't mind having fresh blooms hanging around the house for 4 weeks! Has anyone taken this class before? Trying: to stay positive after a disheartening personal event left me feeling rather empty. I promise to tell you more when the time is right. You know me, I'm a fairly open book. But for now, I'd like to stay quiet and simply focus on all the amazing love and laughter in my life. Adjusting: to my new
schedule. Not exactly earning a living from home just yet. But I'm buckling down, trying to make it happen by fall. Waking up at the same time, 7am, working 40+ hours a week, just like my office job. And here's what I'm discovering. When you're working for yourself, doing what you love, time just flies out the door! It's crazy. Before I know it, it's 5pm and Hal's home ready to start dinner. But that's what work SHOULD feel like, right? In the flow. Guys, it feels really good. Utilizing: my
knowledge to create a multi-purpose website combining all my passions. Art, music and healing under one creative roof. The new and improved Shannon Eileen / Happiness Is brand. One thing I'm really excited about is being able to offer
treatments through this new space. And then a self-healing e-course after that. Get ready friends! Much to look forward to. Anticipating: A couple's motorcycle ride with my folks tomorrow to celebrate Hal's birthday. They have a bike too. We've been meaning to double up for quite some time but have yet to make it happen. The plan is to take the Harley on the ferry and meet up for a summer picnic at . Cool name for a lighthouse, right?
What have you been up to lately?
1. Remembering: all the beautiful butterflies from Sunday's Father's Day excursion to the . A giant one landed on Hal's head and hung out there for awhile! It must have loved his sweet smelling pomade. 2. Working: out like crazy doing barre. People warned me it'd be hard. I didn't realize how hard until I attended my first
class! I pretty much died and vowed to never go back. But since I still needed to get swimsuit ready for , I signed up for
to do in the privacy of my own home. Much better. No more embarrassing myself in public! 3. Watching: Season 2 of , along with the rest of the world. I just finished the final episode and cried tears of joy. It was so so perfect. If you saw it, what did you think? 4. Securing: our first studio for ! We completely lucked out and found the perfect space with exposed brick walls, tall ceilings and huge windows overlooking downtown Tacoma. I'm envisioning bright
and floor cushions. 5. Planning: a little getaway to
at the end of the month. It will be a much needed breather from our . And quite possibly our last hurrah for awhile. There will be sandy beaches, electric tandem bicycles and boating adventures in our very immediate future! How about you? What have you been up to lately?
Celebrating: the day Hal and I met 12 years ago today. Yes, it was love at first sight, and I give you permission to gag. We're pampering ourselves with an overnight staycation here in town. Should be a jolly good time. Designing: my friend 's wedding invitations. A great honor and an even greater responsibility. I'm more paranoid about making hers perfect than I ever was with my own! We're doing
and calligraphy, my current specialties :) Learning: soooo much about online marketing that my brain hurts. I'm in home stretch of  and teetering on information overload. But it's the good kind of overwhelm. The exciting stuff. It will probably take the rest of the year to fully implement my new-found knowledge into the blog and budding art biz, but my goals are precision clear. Stay tuned for a post about the top things I've learned. Detoxifying: my life, starting with the nasty chemicals I've been putting into my hair and skin. There are so many healthier options. Finding the best natural and organic personal care products will take some trial and error, but I've already found a few gems. I'll make sure to share my list once it's ready. Researching: my next big adventure. This actually isn't anything new, as I plan fake vacations all the time. But I've got the travel itch, what can I say. We won't be able to go anywhere grand any time soon, since this is the year of weddings in LA. But I'll be saving my pennies for someplace exotic in 2015. Thinking about Iceland with my love. Or Istanbul with my girls. Or Bali with myself!? What have you been up to lately?
Appreciating: the Northwest cherry blossoms. Just one of the many special perks to living here. There's a good amount of cherry trees in my neighborhood, but the best place to go is on the University of Washington Quad. According to the official , they're now at full bloom.& and all of Seattle seemed to have joined us. I'd like to visit again next time the sun comes out.
Listening: to the& channel on Songza. It&takes me back to when I sang in a trio in middle school and quartet in high school. I miss harmonizing. My girl Kate and I are thinking about starting up a duo for fun! If you like girls groups too, you must watch the
directed by the one and only . If it sounds familiar, it was the song that aired at the end of the ! So good.
Reading: . This is my book club's latest selection.. for a funny reason. Without mentioning any names, one of us (not I) used to date the author, ! It's pretty crazy, but at 26, he's slated to be . Critics are comparing the sci-fi trilogy to Ender's Game and The Hunger Games. Have you read it?
Marveling: over a . Serious.
converted tree rings into data that outputs&piano music. You can find the&. There's also a& with wood on one side so you can play it on your own record player at home. The coolest!
Loving: this &using&an audio excerpt of&&about trusting in the creative process.&First Marie Forleo linked to it in . Then I saw it again on&. The universe really wants to sink this message into my skull! And now I want to sink it into yours.
What have you been appreciating, listening to, reading, marveling over, and loving lately?
Fancying: the view from underneath . Pretty, no? For the longest time I carried around a boring black umbrella to blend in and be anonymous. But I've found it's much more exciting to carry a bright floral one that makes you forget it's still winter and look up instead of down. & Working: on hand-lettering art for the . It's been a challenge, being my first large-scale piece, but I'm happy with my progress so far.&The event is being held at&, where we had the& last month. Each attendee will be given a smaller-sized print of it in the gift bag. So if you're a local blogger, definitely &to get one.&It should be a fun time! Admiring: Olympian . Her movements are like poetry on ice. I could watch this girl skate all day, couldn't you? It was
in particular moved me to tears. I'm tempted to sign the &about the judges' decision. Do you think she deserved the Gold? Thinking: about getting a&. Am I nuts? My straight fine hair is so lifeless and I've heard great things about these Japanese perms that give you soft gentle waves. Has anyone gotten one before? Do they work on non-Asian hair? Adoring: my . Many of you jumped on board
if you wanted to be my practice pupils. I was pleasantly overwhelmed by the response and I'm booked solid for the next month! So far, our experiences have been nothing short of amazing. It's making me think I should provide this as a service on the blog. Thank you to those of you who were open to receive this gift.
What have you been fancying, working on, admiring, thinking about, and adoring as of late?
Reading:  by John Green, our latest book club selection. Thank you for
last month! I devoured the book in 2 days, acquiring a significant lump in my throat in the process. I completely identify with this quote: &Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.& P.S.  is coming out soon! Craving: A kitty. . His name Samson. He's on the that goes around from neighborhood to neighborhood so that he and his animal friends can find their adoptive parents. I can't stop thinking about him, which means I must be ready for another cat. But sadly, Hal is not, and I need to respect his wishes. If anyone local is looking for the sweetest 2-year old soft black ball of love, come and adopt Samson! I pray he goes to a good home. Learning: The  taught by . I highly recommend, because it takes things one step further than . She shows us, in great detail, how to take an original sketch, clean it up in Photoshop, and turn it into a vectorized image in Illustrator. Definitely take this course next if you're looking for something more intermediate. Are all Mollys in this world excellent calligraphers? Drinking: . I am not a soda drinker by any means. Carbonation gives me perpetual hiccups, and who needs all that artificial sugar? But they were giving out samples at the market and Dry Soda is much healthier and way less sweet. Only 4 ingredients total with just a pinch of pure cane sugar. They were developed by a Northwest gal who wanted an alternative to cocktails while she was pregnant. I'm partial to cucumber, but they also have blood orange, ginger, vanilla bean, rhubarb, lavender and juniper berry, to name a few. Anticipating: The Seahawks winning the Super Bowl! I'm SO excited for tomorrow... as is the entire city of Seattle... no, the entire State of Washington! You can literally feel the energy in the air.  is ready and pumped. We're making artichoke sammies, black bean quinoa sliders, and homemade seitan buffalo wings. Will you be watching the big game? What have you been reading, craving, learning, drinking and anticipating as of late?
I love lists. So I've come up with a new column, , where I give you a brief scoop of things I've been up to lately in five easily digestible bits... 1. READING:  by Pam Grout. It provides 9 DIY energy experiments that prove our thoughts create our reality. Her tone is slightly annoying, but the information is downright fascinating. I just finished the first experiment - ask the universe for a gift/blessing in 48 hours - and it worked! Granted, my birthday was this week, so is that cheating? I'll repeat the experiment tomorrow and see how it goes. 2. WATCHING: . So happy the new season is here. I don't get HBO but I marathon it from illegal streaming sites (shhh) on my iPad. Some of my gal pals aren't fans of the show, but I think it's brilliant. 3. ADMIRING: this  who spoke at a TEDx event about hacking his education in order to be happy and healthy when he grows up. He makes me look at home-schooling in a whole new light.  4. EATING: . Have you tried them yet? Full of healthy goodness: kale, butternut squash, broccoli, peas, red beets, and roasted tomatoes over brown rice with lemon tahini dressing on the side. I'm hooked. 5. PRACTICING: with , which I'm testing out in the floral piece above. My sweet husband gave me a set for my birthday. They're soft and creamy and blend nicely with water. I look forward to sharing more artwork with you in the future. What have you been reading, watching, admiring, eating and practicing as of late?
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