[守护神英雄的竞争][华为 numenn Contest of Heroes][完整硬盘版][1.2G]...

Powered by中文名称: 英雄连:勇气传说英文名称: Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor别名: 英雄连队:勇士勋章游戏类型: RTS 即时战略游戏资源格式: 压缩包版本: 繁体中文完整硬盘版[V2.600]发行时间: 2009年制作发行: RelicTHQ地区: 台湾语言: 繁体中文简介: 【版本说明】根据官方繁体中文版压制,完整无损已集成V2.600升级,采用猪猪的V2.600破解附带注册表恢复工具【安装步骤】1、解压缩,需10G剩余空间2、双击setup.bat开始安装3、用桌面快捷进游戏【配置要求】-Windows XP / Vista -2.0 Ghz Intel Pentium 4或AMD Athlon XP -512 MB RAM(Windows Vista需要1GB RAM) -100% DirectX 9.0c 相容的64MB 显示卡,支援Pixel Shader 1.1 -DirectX9.0c 相容的16位元音效卡 -DVD-ROM 光碟机 -10 GB硬碟空间【游戏简介】冠军气势锐不可当  二战冠军游戏气势果然锐不可当,《英雄连队》(Company of Heroes)的第二款资料片-《英雄连队:勇士勋章》(Company of Heroes:Tales of Valor),预购成绩创下系列新高,台湾独家限定版已在上周全数销售一空,而一般版本也将於明天(日)正式登台,势必再登二战史诗巨作颠峰。改编三大历史英雄战役  《英雄连队:勇士勋章》游戏内容包含三大战役:「虎式精英」丶「拉菲雷公路」和「法莱斯包围战」。历史重回「拉菲雷公路」,身为美国伞兵连的玩家必须设法安全地在诺曼第降落,然后拿下「拉菲雷公路」和必经的陆桥,让后头抢滩的弟兄们顺利进入欧洲大陆。而在「虎式精英」和「法莱斯包围战」里,玩家将从德军的角度来参与战役,当同盟国的军队在欧洲大陆上势如破竹,玩家必须运用有限的资源,保护仅存的德军弟兄,让大家能够顺利撤退。新增多人连线合作模式  除了全新的剧情内容,《英雄连队:勇士勋章》也新增了三种多人连线对战模式,而且不同以往系列,玩家有机会和朋友一起合作,对抗共同的敌人。新增的连线模式包含「铁壁战」丶「突击战」和「坦克战」,并且有多种地图支援这些模式。在「铁壁战」里,玩家和队友们必须保护地图中央的指挥中心,对抗一波接一波的敌军攻击,而且难度会节节升高;「突击战」一开始玩家可以选择扮演英雄部队,负责突袭并占领敌方指挥中心,例如突击队丶重兵器专士丶医护兵丶工兵…等,每个英雄部队都有二种特殊的技能可以在适当时机发动,只要杀死敌军或是破坏载具,就有机会升级来获得各种的资源;在「坦克战」里,玩家将指挥一辆坦克和敌人硬碰硬,每台坦克各有独特的科技树,运用战场上得到的经验值来发展战技,杀死由其他玩家扮演的敌对坦克,降低他们的胜利据点分数,每个阵营都有三种令人闻风丧胆的坦克可以选择,像是豹式坦克丶M18地狱猫坦克或雪曼坦克…等,所以玩家可以依照自己的风格,选择适合的坦克,虐杀小兵丶支配战场,看着敌对玩家惊惶逃开。增加充满速度感的新技术  最能够感受到「坦克战」威力的设计,要归功於新增的游戏技术-「指向式攻击」(Direct Fire)。制作小组表示这是一种全新的概念,以往的游戏,玩家只能够看着手下的士兵自行在战场上作战,现在玩家可以透过这种技术来直接控制武器面对的方向,还有开火的时机。因此「指向式攻击」让玩家更能融入作战之中,透过这种设身处地的角度,藉着规划突袭丶预测转角后敌人行动的方式来协助手下的士兵突破重围。【游戏截图】(前6张为硬盘版实测)近期游戏大作推荐
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游戏名称:Numen Contest of Heroes中文名称:守护神:英雄圣战游戏发行:Cinemax游戏制作:Akella游戏语种:简体中文游戏类型:角色扮演发行日期:日官方网址:
翻译:吉猪、暗言术:痒^^、style me、薛狮子(鸿)、Daydreamer01、谢尔戈教义人、Nome、渡千暮、废柴、雨翔测试:wxj2323
&&& 《守护神(Numen)》,是一个由位於捷克首都布拉格的工作室Cinemax开发中的动作角色扮演游戏。偶然会看到有副标题英雄的竞争(Contest of Heroes)。守护神是一个拉丁名词,是指圣灵,特别是那些存在於特定地方或物品上的。在游戏中,似乎是指玩家的角色,希腊神的冠军,虽然并非一开始就是。取而代之,在与奥林匹克山的神祇立誓前,你自小就被训练成为战士、射手或法师。
&&& 你被派往取回被盗的神器,但并非只有你一个人。似乎眾神彼此互不信任,每位都派遣了其信徒前往争夺神器。一如预料,眾神都在技能上帮助祂们的信徒。即使如此,旅程仍不容易。旅程中充满令人畏惧的敌人如梅杜莎、独眼巨人、半人马、牛头人、努比亚人等。当中有不少时候你必须和其他信徒齐心协力方能克服难关。
&&& 职业选择--近战、弓箭或魔法,还有神
&&& 我们从一开始就甚为肯定要给玩家什么职业选择。一个强大的战士、敏捷的射手和聪明的法师。部份是因为故事需要这三种原型。在游戏中,奥林匹克山的神祇永不休止的争论到底哪一种才是最好。九位神祇根据祂们的偏好被划分为三组。
&&& 即使如此,每组之中的三位神祇也不尽相同。譬如说,在偏好法师的神祇当中,其中两位是宙斯和波塞冬。祂们各自的英雄都可以使用一组所有法师共通的法术和能力,如施放火球或使用基本的治疗法术。但每位英雄的神祇有其独特的技能。
&&& 宙斯是雷电之神。因此祂的英雄可以施放闪电,伤害沿途的敌人,又或者施放能震昏敌人的地震。波塞冬显然与水和治疗有强烈的关係。祂的英雄可以召唤出一直跟随并治疗他的雨来。如果他站在水中,更可以从水中吸取力量并施放独特的治疗法术,而且他的普通攻击法术在此时也会比较厉害。
&&& 即是说三个基本原型都各自有三个不同的次职业,亦即共有九种选择。
&&& 玩家不能直接选择作战士、射手或法师。当游戏开始时,玩家只能选择角色的性别。性别对部份游戏进程会有影响……你最好是以女性的身份进入亚马逊战士的领域
* Windows XP / Vista* Pentium 4 2.0 GHz* Memory: 1 GB RAM* Video: striking label 512 MB* Hard hoop space: 2 GB.
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Title: Numen: Contest of Heroes
Release Date: 3 Jun, 2010
Buy Numen: Contest of Heroes
HALLOWEEN SALE! Offer ends in
-80%$7.99$1.59 USD
"Numen: Contest of Heroes is a surprisingly robust RPG, with attractive 3D graphics and well animated if not particularly innovative enemies."
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About This Game
Nine deities. Nine heroes. And only one champion. Mythical Greece. The land of gods, poets, heroes, but also of terrible monsters and creatures.
Numen is a fully three-dimensional action RPG set in mythical Greece. The player controls one of nine heroes, who in the name of the gods they follow compete in a grand test of their capabilities. Heroes who undertake a pilgrimage over the highest mountains, through valleys and deep forests, underground vaults and the scorched sand of deserts.
Numen however is no mere hack-and-slash game. It offers the player the possibility of tactical decision making, searching for enemies’ weak spots, selection of adequate weapons. It rewards those who are able to adapt to the changing situation on the battlefield. In this the player is helped by the unique powers and abilities invested in him or her by the god he or she follows, provided that the god is happy with him or her. The Olympian gods, after all, are renowned for their wanton and unpredictable nature…
Action RPG with strong and intriguing storyline and surprising plot turns.
Detailed 3D design with state-of-the-art visual effects.
The game world based on the Greek mythology comprises of tens of locations situated on 12 islands with both exteriors and underground labyrinths.
Many extensive main story and side quests.
Select your hero‘s gender, his or her specialization out of three possibilities and one of nine deities for him or her to worship.
Plenty of unique weapons, armors and items, more than 80 spells and abilities.
Arena duels, training combats and tournaments.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP(SP3)/Windows Vista(SP1)/Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Single 1.6 GHz Processor (or equivalent) or AMD 64 2.0 GHz Processor (or equivalent)
Memory: 1 GB (1.5 GB Vista and Windows 7)
Graphics: ATI Radeon X850 256MB or NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128MB or greater (Windows Vista: Radeon XMB or NVidia GeForce 7600GT 256MB)
DirectX&: DirectX (August 2009)
Hard Drive: 3GB HD space
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
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31.2 hrs on record
I enjoyed this game quite a bit.
I bought it back around the time it released for full price, and I never regretted it.
And even now years later I look back fondly on this game.
I think I may play it again as one of the other classes...You can choose three basic classes - warrior, ranger, mage.
Later on you get to choose your god based on which class you choose (3 per class iirc).
These choices add certain other abilities.
But they do not seem to make a ton of difference from what I saw.
But it was still a neat idea.The game is fairly basic, and the combat lacks weight (feels like you are hitting air).
But If you enjoy MMOs or mythology, you will probably enjoy this.
It does not take a lot of time to finish it (30 hrs, and I am one of thos egamers that explores every nook and cranny and goes back to previous areas to re-explore after important plot events).
It is a good in between game while you are waiting for something else to release.The story was nothing spectacular, but definitely enough to keep me wanting to see more.
I was definitely engaged.
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8.8 hrs on record
It's not a good RPG, but it's not a total catastrophe either... The item and level grinding is boring, it lacks in story and especially in side quests and the level 'design' is pretty much non-existant. Most of the game looks more random than Diablo while it isn't. While the game isn't a complete waste of time and has some moments, the lack of speech for the few NPCs, the mindnumbing and pointless arena fights and a lot of other small details make the game very dull and sometimes tedious to play. There's just so many better Diablo clones around and this one is hardly worth anybody's time. The final battle is a joke compared to the other boss fights. So many design flaws in one game that it's almost a candidate for a rotten tomato award... Unless you're extremely bored and have nothing better to play, stay away from this game.
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31.7 hrs on record
<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used Numen: Contest of Heroes on 1 January, 1970, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
Numen: Contest of Heroes
basically plays like a single player MMO, complete with hotkey bar, ability cooldowns, and combat that doesn't feel like it's quite connecting.
It isn't a great game, but it's at least a decent one, and well worth the huge sale prices I've seen it (currently $0.99 as I write this review.)
I myself picked it up for $7.50 soon after release, and don't really regret it, though $5 or less is the sweet spot here IMO.The introductory / tutorial section is pretty boring, but persevere and the game becomes more enjoyable later.
You start out as a kid, and through a few quests learn the basics of the three primary classes - Warrior, Archer and Mage.
At the end of the tutorial you get to pick which of the three classes you want to become, and appear as a leveled up adult with only the abilities of the chosen class.
At the same time you also pick which God to worship, granting you additional abilities and bonuses, which increase as you make your God more proud of you through your actions.Then it's standard fantasy RPG fare.
You go on quests, trigger events which advance the plotline, unlock new areas and make more quests available, kill monsters to level up and get better loot, and eventually kill the final boss and beat the game.
You encounter other heroes along the way and choose whether to help, hinder or ignore them.
And there's an Arena tournament event where you can fight these heroes as well.
The balance seems a bit off in some areas.
A couple times you can be thrown into a new area severely underlevelled for the enemies, and have to grind before you can take on more than one of them at a time.
Then 3/4 of the way through you find that 90% of your attacks are critical hits and enemies don't stand a chance as long as you don't get careless.Overall I'd recommend the game when it's on sale, though not at the base $9.99 price.
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13.7 hrs on record
I really like this game.It looked to me like an arena fighting game at first glance so I always ignored it. I bought it on sale for 79 cents on a whim and I'm sure glad I did.It looks like Titans Quest, but It plays very much like an MMO. Tab targeting, auto-attack, skills hotbar, camps of mobs you have to carefully pull, etc. If you aren't in to MMO-style combat, you may not like this. The combat reminds me of Vanguard and several others. Fights are quicker though, mobs your level usually die in 10-15 seconds.The leveling is relatively fast so far. I've been playing about 6 hours and am level 31. I did grind out a couple of levels once to make an area easier, but it only took about 10 minutes. A big plus for me is that there are 16 item slots, including four ring slots. I prefer many slots and slower upgrades rather than constant upgrades to 6 or 8 slots.One of the things I didn't like about it are the slow walking speed when you first start the game as a child. But once you leave the tutorial island and become an adult, the walking speed is very good.Another thing I don't care for is the day/night system. You have to find a campfire to rest, with the option of resting to restore stamina only, or until morning or evening. It seemed like I had to rest until night time to make one quest mob appear but there was no indication of this that I saw so I roamed around looking for him before trying to wait until night time. So far, this was the only time day or night mattered, other than picking some flowers on the tutorial island, and you are told to do that at night.The last thing is the save system. You can only save at one of the campfires. There are plenty of them around so this is not a big issue for me, but a &save anywhere& would be nice. I only went to the arena for a few minutes and it was kind of weird and not all that fun, so hopefully it'll be mostly optional.The graphics are on par with most MMO graphics and the sound is adequate but there is not a lot of music.Having finished all other RPG's that interest me, and being between MMO's at the moment, I'm having a lot of fun with this. I would have easily paid the full $7.99 for it had I realized what it actually was.Edit:1) I finished the game in 13 hours at level 80.2) The arena is optional. I never went there again and only lost a little favor with the gods for missing a tournament.3) The night/day thing was not a big deal. There are 3-4 times someone or something will only appear at night.4) A couple of the quests are a bit vague. I consulted a walkthrough a few times.5) It did crash on me twice, both times after saving and entering a new zone.It was still probably the most fun I've ever had for 79 cents, and is well worth even full price, imo, if you can overlook a few minor issues.
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22.3 hrs on record
I will only reccommend this game to people playing RPGs on a budget. I'm sure you can get this game for a dollar during a sale, and I'd say it's worth it at that point. Besides that, it's a low-budget, not quite horrendous but still not-good RPG with an ancient Greek aesthetic. For some reason, it plays exactly like an MMO in spite of its being single-player only, and the titular contest comes down to you dueling one or two NPCs over the course of the game. But if the struggle is real, there are far worse games to spend a dollar on.
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